Directory bucket naming rules - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Directory bucket naming rules

When you create a directory bucket in Amazon S3, the following bucket naming rules apply. For general purpose bucket naming rules, see Bucket naming rules.

A directory bucket name consists of a base name that you provide, and a suffix that contains the ID of the AWS Availability Zone that your bucket is located in and --x-s3.


For example, the following directory bucket name contains the Availability Zone ID usw2-az1:


When you create a directory bucket by using the console a suffix is automatically added to the base name that you provide. This suffix includes the Availability Zone ID of the Availability Zone that you chose.

When you create a directory bucket by using an API you must provide the full suffix, including the Availability Zone ID, in your request. For a list of Availability Zone IDs, see S3 Express One Zone Availability Zones and Regions.

The following naming rules apply for directory buckets.

  • Be unique within the chosen AWS Region and Availability Zone.

  • Name must be between 3 (min) and 63 (max) characters long, including the suffix.

  • Consists only of lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens (-).

  • Begin and end with a letter or number.

  • Must include the following suffix: --azid--x-s3.

  • Bucket names must not start with the prefix xn--.

  • Bucket names must not start with the prefix sthree-.

  • Bucket names must not start with the prefix sthree-configurator.

  • Bucket names must not start with the prefix amzn-s3-demo-.

  • Bucket names must not end with the suffix -s3alias. This suffix is reserved for access point alias names. For more information, see Using a bucket-style alias for your S3 bucket access point.

  • Bucket names must not end with the suffix --ol-s3. This suffix is reserved for Object Lambda Access Point alias names. For more information, see How to use a bucket-style alias for your S3 bucket Object Lambda Access Point.

  • Bucket names must not end with the suffix .mrap. This suffix is reserved for Multi-Region Access Point names. For more information, see Rules for naming Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points.