Setting up Storage Browser for S3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Setting up Storage Browser for S3

To connect end users with Amazon S3 locations, you must first set up an authentication and authorization method. There are three methods to set up an authentication and authorization method with Storage Browser:

Method 1: Managing data access for your customers and third party partners

With this method, you can use AWS Amplify Auth to manage access control and security for files. This method is ideal when you want to connect your customers or third party partners with data in S3. With this option, your customers can authenticate using social or enterprise identity providers.

You provide IAM credentials to your end users and third party partners using AWS Amplify Auth with an S3 bucket that’s configured to use Amplify Storage. AWS Amplify Auth is built on Amazon Cognito, a fully managed customer identity and access management service where you can authenticate and authorize users from a built-in user directory or enterprise directory, or from consumer identity providers. The Amplify authorization model defines which prefixes the current authenticated user can access. For more information about how to set up authorization for AWS Amplify, see Set up storage.

To initialize the component with the Amplify authentication and storage methods, add the following code snippet to your web application:

import { createAmplifyAuthAdapter, createStorageBrowser, } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react-storage/browser'; import "@aws-amplify/ui-react-storage/styles.css"; import config from './amplify_outputs.json'; Amplify.configure(config); export const { StorageBrowser } = createStorageBrowser({ config: createAmplifyAuthAdapter(), });

Method 2: Managing data access for your IAM principals for your AWS account

If you want to manage access for your IAM principals or your AWS account directly, you can create an IAM role that has permissions to invoke the GetDataAccess S3 API operation. To set this up, you must create an S3 Access Grants instance to map out permissions for S3 buckets and prefixes to the specified IAM identities. The Storage Browser component (which must be called on the client side after obtaining the IAM credentials) will then invoke the ListCallerAccessGrants S3 API operation to fetch the available grants to the identity requester and populate the locations in the component. After you obtain the s3:GetDataAccess permission, those credentials are then used by the Storage Browser component to request data access to S3.

import { createManagedAuthAdapter, createStorageBrowser, } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react-storage/browser'; import "@aws-amplify/ui-react-storage/styles.css"; export const { StorageBrowser } = createStorageBrowser({ config: createManagedAuthAdapter({ credentialsProvider: async (options?: { forceRefresh?: boolean }) => { // return your credentials object return { credentials: { accessKeyId: 'my-access-key-id', secretAccessKey: 'my-secret-access-key', sessionToken: 'my-session-token', expiration: new Date() }, } }, // AWS `region` and `accountId` region: '', accountId: '', // call `onAuthStateChange` when end user auth state changes // to clear sensitive data from the `StorageBrowser` state registerAuthListener: (onAuthStateChange) => {}, }) });

Method 3: Managing data access at scale

If you want to associate an S3 Access Grants instance to your IAM Identity Center for a more scalable solution (such as providing data access to your whole company), you can request data from Amazon S3 on behalf of the current authenticated user. For example, you can grant user groups in your corporate directory access to your data in S3. This approach allows you to centrally manage S3 Access Grants permissions for your users and groups, including the ones hosted on external providers such as Microsoft Entra, Okta, and others.

When using this method, the integration with the IAM Identity Center allows you to use existing user directories. Another benefit of an IAM Identity Center trusted identity propagation is that each AWS CloudTrail data event for Amazon S3 contains a direct reference to the end user identity that accessed the S3 data.

If you have an application that supports OAuth 2.0 and your users need access from these applications to AWS services, we recommend that you use trusted identity propagation. With trusted identity propagation, a user can sign in to an application, and that application can pass the user’s identity in any requests that access data in AWS services. This application interacts with IAM Identity Center on behalf of any authenticated users. For more information, see Using trusted identity propagation with customer managed applications.


To set up Storage Browser authentication in the AWS Management Console using S3 Access Grants and IAM Identity Center trusted identity propagation, your applications must request data from Amazon S3 on behalf of the current authenticated user. With this approach, you can give users or groups of users from your corporate directory direct access to your S3 buckets, prefixes, or objects. This means that your application won’t need to map any users to an IAM principal.

The following workflow outlines the steps for setting up Storage Browser for S3, using IAM Identity Center and S3 Access Grants:

Steps Description
1 Enable IAM Identity Center for your AWS Organizations
2 Configure AWS Identity and Access Management Identity Center federation
3 Add a trusted token issuer in the AWS Identity and Access Management Identity Center console

The trusted token issuer represents your external identity provider (IdP) within IAM Identity Center, enabling it to recognize identity tokens for your application’s authenticated users.

4 Create an IAM role for the bootstrap application and identity bearer
5 Create and configure your application in IAM Identity Center

This application interacts with IAM Identity Center on behalf of authenticated users.

6 Add S3 Access Grants as a trusted application for identity propagation

This step connects your application to S3 Access Grants, so that it can make requests to S3 Access Grants on behalf of authenticated users.

7 Create a grant to a user or group

This step syncs users from AWS Identity and Access Management Identity Center with the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM). SCIM keeps your IAM Identity Center identities in sync with identities from your identity provider (IdP).

8 Create your Storage Browser for S3 component

Enable IAM Identity Center for your AWS Organizations

To enable IAM Identity Center for your AWS Organizations, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, using one of these methods:

    1. New to AWS (root user) Sign in as the account owner by choosing Root user and entering your AWS account email address. On the next page, enter your password.

    2. Already using AWS (IAM credentials) Sign in using your IAM credentials with administrative permissions.

  2. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  3. Under Enable IAM Identity Center, choose Enable.


    IAM Identity Center requires the setup of AWS Organizations. If you haven't set up an organization, you can choose to have AWS create one for you. Choose Create AWS organization to complete this process.

  4. Choose Enable with AWS Organizations.

  5. Choose Continue.

  6. (Optional) Add any tags that you want to associate with this organization instance.

  7. (Optional) Configure the delegated administration.


    If you’re using a multi-account environment, we recommend that you configure delegated administration. With delegated administration, you can limit the number of people who require access to the management account in AWS Organizations. For more information, see Delegated administration.

  8. Choose Save.

AWS Organizations automatically sends a verification email to the address that is associated with your management account. There might be a delay before you receive the verification email. Make sure to verify your email address within 24 hours, before your verification email expires.

Configure AWS Identity and Access Management Identity Center federation

To use Storage Browser for S3 with corporate directory users, you must configure IAM Identity Center to use an external identity provider (IdP). You can use the preferred identity provider of your choice. However, be aware that each identity provider uses different configuration settings. For tutorials on using different external identity providers, see IAM Identity Center source tutorials.


Make sure to record the issuer URL and the audience attributes of the identity provider that you’ve configured because you will need to refer to it in later steps. If you don’t have the required access or permissions to configure an IdP, you might need to contact the administrator of the external IdP to obtain them.

Add a trusted token issuer in the AWS Identity and Access Management Identity Center console

The trusted token issuer represents your external identity provider in the AWS Identity and Access Management Identity Center, and recognizes tokens for your application’s authenticated users. The account owner of the IAM Identity Center instance in your AWS Organizations must perform these steps. These steps can be done either in the IAM Identity Center console, or programmatically.

To add a trusted token issuer in the AWS Identity and Access Management Identity Center console, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. Choose the Authentication tab.

  4. Navigate to the Trusted token issuers section, and fill out the following details:

    1. Under Issuer URL, enter the URL of the external IdP that serves as the trusted token issuer. You might need to contact the administrator of the external IdP to obtain this information. For more information, see Using applications with a trusted token issuer.

    2. Under Trusted token issuer name, enter a name for the trusted token issuer. This name will appear in the list of trusted token issuers that you can select in Step 8, when an application resource is configured for identity propagation.

  5. Update your Map attributes to your preferred application attribute, where each identity provider attribute is mapped to an IAM Identity Center attribute. For example, you might want to map the application attribute email to the IAM Identity Center user attribute email. To see the list of allowed user attributes in IAM Identity Center, see the table in Attribute mappings for AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.

  6. (Optional) If you want to add a resource tag, enter the key and value pair. To add multiple resource tags, choose Add new tag to generate a new entry and enter the key and value pairs.

  7. Choose Create trusted token issuer.

  8. After you finish creating the trusted token issuer, contact the application administrator to let them know the name of the trusted token issuer, so that they can confirm that the trusted token issuer is visible in the applicable console.

  9. Make sure the application administrator selects this trusted token issuer in the applicable console to enable user access to the application from applications that are configured for trusted identity propagation.

Create an IAM role for the bootstrap application and identity bearer

To ensure that the bootstrap application and identity bearer users can properly work with each other, make sure to create two IAM roles. One IAM role is required for the bootstrap application and the other IAM role must be used for the identity bearer, or end users who are accessing the web application that requests access through S3 Access Grants. The bootstrap application receives the token issued by the identity provider and invokes the CreateTokenWithIAM API, exchanging this token with the one issued by the Identity Center.

Create an IAM role, such as bootstrap-role, with permissions such as the following. The following example IAM policy gives permissions to the bootstrap-role to perform the token exchange:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Action": [ "sso-oauth:CreateTokenWithIAM", ], "Resource": "arn:${Partition}:sso::${AccountId}:application/${InstanceId}/${ApplicationId}", "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole", "sts:SetContext" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::${AccountId}:role/identity-bearer-role", "Effect": "Allow" }] }

Then, create a second IAM role (such as identity-bearer-role), which the identity broker uses to generate the IAM credentials. The IAM credentials returned from the identity broker to the web application are used by the Storage Browser for S3 component to allow access to S3 data:

{ "Action": [ "s3:GetDataAccess", "s3:ListCallerAccessGrants", ], "Resource": "arn:${Partition}:s3:${Region}:${Account}:access-grants/default", "Effect": "Allow" }

This IAM role (identity-bearer-role) must use a trust policy with the following statement:

{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:${Partition}:iam::${Account}:role/${RoleNameWithPath}" }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole", "sts:SetContext" ] }

Create and configure your application in IAM Identity Center


Before you begin, make sure that you’ve created the required IAM roles from the previous step. You’ll need to specify one of these IAM roles in this step.

To create and configure a customer managed application in AWS IAM Identity Center, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Applications.

  3. Choose the Customer managed tab.

  4. Choose Add application.

  5. On the Select application type page, under Setup preference, choose I have an application I want to set up.

  6. Under Application type, choose OAuth 2.0.

  7. Choose Next. The Specify application page is displayed.

  8. Under the Application name and descriptionsection, enter a Display name for the application, such as storage-browser-oauth.

  9. Enter a Description. The application description appears in the IAM Identity Center console and API requests, but not in the AWS access portal.

  10. Under User and group assignment method, choose Do not require assignments. This option allows all authorized IAM Identity Center users and groups access to this application.

  11. Under AWS access portal, enter an application URL where users can access the application.

  12. (Optional) If you want to add a resource tag, enter the key and value pair. To add multiple resource tags, choose Add new tag to generate a new entry and enter the key and value pairs.

  13. Choose Next. The Specify authentication page displays.

  14. Under Authentication with trusted token issuer, use the checkbox to select the trusted token issuer that you previously created.

  15. Under Configure selected trusted token issuers, enter the aud claim. The aud claim identifies the audience of the JSON Web Token (JWT), and it is the name by which the trusted token issuer identifies this application.


    You might need to contact the administrator of the external IdP to obtain this information.

  16. Choose Next. The Specify authentication credentials page displays.

  17. Under Configuration method, choose Enter one or more IAM roles.

  18. Under Enter IAM roles, add the IAM role or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the identity bearer token. You must enter the IAM role that you created from the previous step for the identity broker application (for example, bootstrap-role).

  19. Choose Next.

  20. On the Review and configure page, review the details of your application configuration. If you need to modify any of the settings, choose Edit for the section that you want to edit and make your changes to.

  21. Choose Submit. The details page of the application that you just added is displayed.

After you’ve set up your applications, your users can access your applications from within their AWS access portal based on the permission sets that you’ve created and the user access that you’ve assigned.

Add S3 Access Grants as a trusted application for identity propagation

After you set up your customer managed application, you must specify S3 Access Grants for identity propagation. S3 Access Grants vends credentials for users to access Amazon S3 data. When you sign in to your customer managed application, S3 Access Grants will pass your user identity to the trusted application.

Prerequisite: Make sure that you’ve set up S3 Access Grants (such as creating an S3 Access Grants instance and registering a location) before following these steps. For more information, see Getting started with S3 Access Grants.

To add S3 Access Grants for identity propagation to your customer managed application, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Applications.

  3. Choose the Customer managed tab.

  4. In the Customer managed applications list, select the OAuth 2.0 application for which you want to initiate access requests. This is the application that your users will sign in to.

  5. On the Details page, under Trusted applications for identity propagation, choose Specify trusted applications.

  6. Under Setup type, select Individual applications and specify access, and then choose Next.

  7. On the Select service page, choose S3 Access Grants. S3 Access Grants has applications that you can use to define your own web application for trusted identity propagation.

  8. Choose Next. You'll select your applications in the next step.

  9. On the Select applications page, choose Individual applications, select the checkbox for each application that can receive requests for access, and then choose Next.

  10. On the Configure access page, under Configuration method, choose either of the following:

    • Select access per application – Select this option to configure different access levels for each application. Choose the application for which you want to configure the access level, and then choose Edit access. In Level of access to apply, change the access levels as needed, and then choose Save changes.

    • Apply same level of access to all applications Select this option if you don't need to configure access levels on a per-application basis.

  11. Choose Next.

  12. On the Review configuration page, review the choices that you made.


    You’ll want to make sure the s3:access_grants:read_write permission is granted for your users. This permission allows your users to retrieve credentials to access Amazon S3. Make sure to use either the IAM policy you created previously, or S3 Access Grants, to limit access to write operations.

  13. To make changes, choose Edit for the configuration section that you want to make changes to. Then, make the required changes and choose Save changes.

  14. Choose Trust applications to add the trusted application for identity propagation.

Create a grant to a user or group

In this step, you use IAM Identity Center to provision your users. You can use SCIM for automated or manual provisioning of users and groups. SCIM keeps your IAM Identity Center identities in sync with identities from your identity provider (IdP). This includes any provisioning, updates, and deprovisioning of users between your IdP and IAM Identity Center.


This step is required because when S3 Access Grants is used with IAM Identity Center, local IAM Identity Center users aren’t used. Instead, users must be synchronized from the identity provider with IAM Identity Center.

To synchronize users from your identity provider with IAM Identity Center, perform the following steps:

For examples of how to set up the identity provider with IAM Identity Center for your specific use case, see IAM Identity Center Identity source tutorials.

Create your Storage Browser for S3 component

After you’ve set up your IAM Identity Center instance and created grants in S3 Access Grants, open your React application. In the React application, use createManagedAuthAdapter to set up the authorization rules. You must provide a credentials provider to return the credentials you acquired from IAM Identity Center. You can then call createStorageBrowser to initialize the Storage Browser for S3 component:

import { createManagedAuthAdapter, createStorageBrowser, } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react-storage/browser'; import '@aws-amplify/ui-react-storage/styles.css'; export const { StorageBrowser } = createStorageBrowser({ config: createManagedAuthAdapter({ credentialsProvider: async (options?: { forceRefresh?: boolean }) => { // return your credentials object return { credentials: { accessKeyId: 'my-access-key-id', secretAccessKey: 'my-secret-access-key', sessionToken: 'my-session-token', expiration: new Date(), }, } }, // AWS `region` and `accountId` of the S3 Access Grants Instance. region: '', accountId: '', // call `onAuthStateChange` when end user auth state changes // to clear sensitive data from the `StorageBrowser` state registerAuthListener: (onAuthStateChange) => {}, }) });

Then, create a mechanism to exchange the JSON web tokens (JWTs) from your web application with the IAM credentials from IAM Identity Center. For more information about how to exchange the JWT, see the following resources:

Then, set up an API endpoint to handle requests for fetching credentials. To validate the JSON web token (JWT) exchange, perform the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the JSON web token from the authorization header for incoming requests.

  2. Validate the token using the public keys from the specified JSON web key set (JWKS) URL.

  3. Verify the token's expiration, issuer, subject, and audience claims.

To exchange the identity provider’s JSON web token with AWS IAM credentials, perform the following steps:


Make sure to avoid logging any sensitive information. We recommend that you use error handling controls for missing authorization, expired tokens, and other exceptions. For more information, see the Implementing AWS Lambda error handling patterns post in AWS Compute Blog.

  1. Verify that the required Permission and Scope parameters are provided in the request.

  2. Use the CreateTokenWithIAM API to exchange the JSON web token for an IAM Identity Center token.


    After the IdP JSON web token is used, it can’t be used again. A new token must be used to exchange with IAM Identity Center.

  3. Use the AssumeRole API operation to assume a transient role using the IAM Identity Center token. Make sure to use the identity bearer role, also known as the role that carries the identity context (for example, identity-bearer-role) to request the credentials.

  4. Return the IAM credentials to the web application.


    Make sure that you’ve set up a proper logging mechanism. Responses are returned in a standardized JSON format with an appropriate HTTP status code.