Attaching or removing S3 Storage Lens groups to or from your dashboard - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Attaching or removing S3 Storage Lens groups to or from your dashboard

After you've upgraded to the advanced tier in Amazon S3 Storage Lens, you can attach a Storage Lens group to your dashboard. If you have several Storage Lens groups, you can include or exclude the groups that you want.

Your Storage Lens groups must reside within the designated home Region in the dashboard account. After you attach a Storage Lens group to your dashboard, you'll receive the additional Storage Lens group aggregation data in your metrics export within 48 hours.


If you want to view aggregated metrics for your Storage Lens group, you must attach it to your Storage Lens dashboard. For examples of Storage Lens group JSON configuration files, see S3 Storage Lens example configuration with Storage Lens groups in JSON.

Attaching a Storage Lens group to an S3 Storage Lens dashboard

To attach a Storage Lens group to a Storage Lens dashboard
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, under Storage Lens, choose Dashboards.

  3. Choose the option button for the Storage Lens dashboard that you want to attach a Storage Lens group to.

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. Under Metrics selection, choose Advanced metrics and recommendations.

  6. Select Storage Lens group aggregation.


    By default, Advanced metrics is also selected. However, you can also deselect this setting as it's not required to aggregate Storage Lens groups data.

  7. Scroll down to Storage Lens group aggregation and specify the Storage Lens group or groups that you either want to include or exclude in the data aggregation. You can use the following filtering options:

    • If you want to include certain Storage Lens groups, choose Include Storage Lens groups. Under Storage Lens groups to include, select your Storage Lens groups.

    • If you want to include all Storage Lens groups, select Include all Storage Lens groups in home Region in this account.

    • If you want to exclude certain Storage Lens groups, choose Exclude Storage Lens groups. Under Storage Lens groups to exclude, select the Storage Lens groups that you want to exclude.

  8. Choose Save changes. If you've configured your Storage Lens groups correctly, you will see the additional Storage Lens group aggregation data in your dashboard within 48 hours.

Removing a Storage Lens group from an S3 Storage Lens dashboard

To remove a Storage Lens group from an S3 Storage Lens dashboard
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, under Storage Lens, choose Dashboards.

  3. Choose the option button for the Storage Lens dashboard that you want to remove a Storage Lens group from.

  4. Choose View dashboard configuration.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. Scroll down to the Metrics selection section.

  7. Under Storage Lens group aggregation, choose the X next to the Storage Lens group that you want to remove. This removes your Storage Lens group.

    If you included all of your Storage Lens groups in your dashboard, clear the check box next to Include all Storage Lens groups in home Region in this account.

  8. Choose Save changes.


    It will take up to 48 hours for your dashboard to reflect the configuration updates.