Disabling or deleting Amazon S3 Storage Lens dashboards - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Disabling or deleting Amazon S3 Storage Lens dashboards

S3 Storage Lens aggregates your metrics and displays the information in the Account snapshot section on the Amazon S3 console Buckets page. S3 Storage Lens also provides an interactive dashboard that you can use to visualize insights and trends, flag outliers, and receive recommendations for optimizing storage costs and applying data-protection best practices. Your dashboard has drill-down options to generate and visualize insights at the organization, account, AWS Region, storage class, bucket, prefix, or Storage Lens group level. You can also send a daily metrics export in CSV or Parquet format to an S3 bucket.

The Amazon S3 Storage Lens default dashboard is default-account-dashboard. This dashboard is preconfigured by Amazon S3 to help you visualize summarized insights and trends for your entire account's aggregated free and advanced metrics on the console. You can't modify the default dashboard's configuration scope, but you can upgrade the metrics selection from the free metrics to the paid advanced metrics and recommendations, configure the optional metrics export, or even disable the default dashboard. The default dashboard cannot be deleted.

You can delete or disable an Amazon S3 Storage Lens dashboard from the Amazon S3 console. Disabling or deleting a dashboard prevents it from generating metrics in the future. A disabled dashboard still retains its configuration information, so that it can be easily resumed when re-enabled. A disabled dashboard retains its historical data until it's no longer available for queries.

Data for free metrics selections is available for queries for 14 days, and data for advanced metrics and recommendations selections is available for queries for 15 months.

Disabling an Amazon S3 Storage Lens dashboard

To disable an S3 Storage Lens dashboard
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Storage Lens, Dashboards.

  3. In the Dashboards list, choose the dashboard that you want to disable, and then choose Disable at the top of the list.

  4. On the confirmation page, confirm that you want to disable the dashboard by entering the name of dashboard in the text field, and then choose Confirm.

Deleting an Amazon S3 Storage Lens dashboard


You can't delete the default dashboard. However, you can disable it. Before deleting a dashboard that you've created, consider the following:

  • As an alternative to deleting a dashboard, you can disable the dashboard so that it is available to be re-enabled in the future. For more information, see Disabling an Amazon S3 Storage Lens dashboard.

  • Deleting the dashboard deletes all the configuration settings that are associated with it.

  • Deleting a dashboard makes all the historic metrics data unavailable. This historical data is still retained for 15 months. If you want to access this data again, create a dashboard with the same name in the same home Region as the one that was deleted.

To delete an S3 Storage Lens dashboard
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Storage Lens, Dashboards.

  3. In the Dashboards list, choose the dashboard that you want to delete, and then choose Delete at the top of the list.

  4. On the Delete dashboards page, confirm that you want to delete the dashboard by entering the name of dashboard in the text field. Then choose Confirm.