Using health checks with Amazon Route 53 API versions earlier than 2012-12-12 - Amazon Route 53

Using health checks with Amazon Route 53 API versions earlier than 2012-12-12

Health checks are supported starting with the 2012-12-12 version of the Amazon Route 53 API. If a hosted zone contains records that health checks are configured for, we recommend that you use only the 2012-12-12 API or later. Note the following restrictions on using health checks with earlier API versions.

  • The ChangeResourceRecordSets action cannot create or delete records that include the EvaluateTargetHealth, Failover, or HealthCheckId elements.

  • The ListResourceRecordSets action can list records that include these elements, but the elements are not included in the output. Instead, the Value element of the response contains a message that says the record includes an unsupported attribute.