Viewing information about domains that are registered with Route 53
You can view information about domains that were registered using Route 53. This information includes details such as when the domain was originally registered and contact information for the domain owner and for the technical, administrative, and billing contacts.
WHOIS is a free, publicly available directory containing information about domains
sponsored by domain registrars and registries. It is provided as both a service
that accepts queries on port 43, and as a website, each accessible via both IPv4
and IPv6. WHOIS is a distributed hierarchical lookup. For more information, see
A WHOIS request to different levels of the hierarchy can provide different information:
A request to the root WHOIS ( provides information about the registry.
A request to registry WHOIS provides information about the registrar, and some public information about the domain.
A request to registrar WHOIS provides all public information about the domain.
Because there are multiple levels of WHOIS, including WHOIS lookups operated by the TLD registry and the domain registrar, turning your privacy protection off on the Route 53 console may only turn it off on the registrar-provided WHOIS. Some registries intentionally maintain privacy protection or redaction services for their WHOIS lookup services regardless of whether you have turned it off with Route 53. To get full information about your domain, we recommend that you use the registrar-provided WHOIS.
Note the following:
- Emailing domain contacts when privacy protection is enabled
If privacy protection is enabled for the domain, contact information for the registrant, technical, and administrative contacts is replaced with contact information for the Amazon Registrar privacy service. For example, if the domain is registered with Amazon Registrar and if privacy protection is enabled, the value of Registrant Email in the response to a WHOIS query would be similar to
To contact one or more domain contacts when privacy protection is enabled, send an email to the corresponding email addresses. We automatically forward your email to the applicable contact.
- Reporting abuse
To report any illegal activity or violation of the Acceptable Use Policy
, including inappropriate content, phishing, malware, or spam, send an email to
To view information about domains that are registered with Route 53
In a web browser, go to one of the following websites:
Amazon Registrar WHOIS:
Amazon Registrar RDAP:
Gandi WHOIS:
Enter the name of the domain that you want to view information about, and choose Search.