.es (Spain) - Amazon Route 53

.es (Spain)

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Domain purchase or transfer

You currently can purchase new .es domain names or transfer .es domains to Route 53 . The contact type for the registrant contact has no restriction. Admin / Tech / Billing contact type must be a person.

Lease period for registration and renewal

One to five years.


Open to the public, for those who have an interest in or connection with Spain.

As of 2016, the .ES domain registrants must provide a registrant contact email. If you haven't provided this information, you need to do so at the current registrar before you transfer your domain to Route 53.

You will need the following information:

  • ESNIC identifier similar to AAAA0-ESNIC-F0.

  • If you don't know your ESNIC identifier, you can get it from the current registrar. You can find your registrar at: https://www.dominios.es/en.

Depending on whether you remember your password at the registrar, or not, you can follow one of the following procedures to update your registrant email:

  • If you remember you password, sign in at https://www.nic.es/sgnd/login.action by using you ESNIC identifies and password.

    After you have signed in, you can edit the registrant email contact by choosing the Edit tab on the registry page.

  • If you forgot your password, browse to https://www.nic.es/sgnd/peticion/editCorreo.action?request_locale=en.

    Fill out the form with your ESNIC identifier, your new and valid registrant email contact. Then, validate the form by choosing Processing without eID/Certificate, and upload the requested identity document.

Privacy protection

Not supported.

Domain locking to prevent unauthorized transfers

Not supported. To prevent unauthorized transfers, restrict access to the registrant email address and to the Route 53 APIs that could allow ownership change, for example, UpdateDomainContact. For more information, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for Route 53 Domains in the Service Authorization Reference and Example permissions for a domain record owner.

Internationalized domain names


Authorization code required for transfer to Route 53



Supported for domain registration. For more information, see Configuring DNSSEC for a domain.

Deadlines for renewing and restoring domains
  • Renewal is possible: Until 6 days before the expiration date

  • Late renewal with Route 53 is possible: No

  • Domain is deleted from Route 53: 6 days before expiration

  • Restoration with the registry is possible: Between 6 days before and 4 days after expiration

  • Domain is deleted from the registry: 4 days after expiration