Installing AWS Schema Conversion Tool
You can install AWS SCT on the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 10
Fedora Linux 36 and higher
Ubuntu Linux 18 and higher
To install AWS SCT
Download the compressed file that contains the AWS SCT installer, using the link for your operating system. All compressed files have a .zip extension. When you extract the AWS SCT installer file, it will be in the appropriate format for your operating system.
Extract the AWS SCT installer file for your operating system, shown following.
Operating system File name Fedora Linux
.x86_64.rpmMicrosoft Windows
AWS Schema Conversion Tool-1.0.
.msiUbuntu Linux
.deb -
Run the AWS SCT installer file extracted in the previous step. Use the instructions for your operating system, shown following.
Operating system Install instructions Fedora Linux
Run the following command in the folder that you downloaded the file to:
sudo yum install aws-schema-conversion-tool-1.0.
.x86_64.rpmMicrosoft Windows
Double-click the file to run the installer.
Ubuntu Linux
Run the following command in the folder that you downloaded the file to:
sudo dpkg -i aws-schema-conversion-tool-1.0.
.deb -
Download the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers for your source and target database engines. For instructions and download links, see Installing JDBC drivers for AWS Schema Conversion Tool.
Now, you have completed the setup of the AWS SCT application. Double-click the application icon to run AWS SCT.