Events and requests in Amazon Connect Agent Workspace
App developers can easily create applications that seamlessly integrate into the
agent workspace experience in Amazon Connect Agent Workspace with the event and request
functionality natively supported by AmazonConnectSDK
This is the main module needed to integrate your app into the agent workspace and get exposure to its agent/contact data and make your app responsive throughout the contact-handling lifecycle.
Refers to an asynchronous subscription-publication model, where the SDK's
client allows the 3P app to subscribe a callback to-be-invoked when a specific event occurs, such as an agent changing their state from Available to Offline. It then performs an application-defined action using the event context when said event fires. If and when an event fires is dependent on the event type. For more information, see the API Reference. -
Refers to a request-reply model, where the SDK's
client allows the 3P app to make requests on demand to retrieve data about the current contact or the logged-in agent.
Install from NPM
Install the contact package from NPM by installing @amazon-connect/contact.
% npm install --save @amazon-connect/contact