Integrate application with Amazon Connect Agent Workspace contact data - Agent Workspace

Integrate application with Amazon Connect Agent Workspace contact data

To integrate your application with contact data from Amazon Connect Agent Workspace, instantiate the contact client as follows:

import { ContactClient } from "@amazon-connect/contact"; const contactClient = new ContactClient();

For the zero-arg constructor demonstrated above to work correctly, you must first instantiate the app which will set up the default AmazonConnectProvider. This is the recommended option.

Alternatively, see the API reference to customize your client’s configuration.

Once the contact client is instantiated, you can use it to subscribe to events and make requests.

Contact scope

For all ContactClient event methods which have the optional parameter contactId but do not receive an argument for this parameter, the client will default to using the scope of the contact in which the app was opened, for example, the current contact from AppContactScope. You can also use AppContactScope current contact value as an argument to the contact request methods to retrieve data about the contact loaded into the workspace. This requires the app being opened in the context of a contact.

Example contact event

The code sample below subscribes a callback to the accepted event topic. Whenever a contact is accepted by the agent, the workspace will invoke your provided callback, passing in the event data payload for your function to operate on. In this example, it logs the event data to the console.

import { ContactClient, ContactAcceptedEventData, ContactAcceptedHandler } from "@amazon-connect/contact"; import { AppContactScope } from "@amazon-connect/app"; // A simple callback that just console logs the contact accepted event data // returned by the workspace whenever the current contact is accepted const handler: ContactAcceptedHandler = async (data: ContactAcceptedEventData) => { console.log(data); }; // Subscribe to the contact accepted topic using the above handler contactClient.onAccepted(handler, AppContactScope.CurrentContactId);

Example contact request

The following code sample submits a getQueue request and then logs the returned data to the console.

import { ContactClient } from "@amazon-connect/contact"; import { AppContactScope } from "@amazon-connect/app"; const queue = await contact.getQueue(AppContactScope.CurrentContactId); console.log(`Got the queue: ${queue}`);

The above contact event and request are non-exhaustive. For a full list of available contact events and requests, see the API Reference.