PartiQL data types for DynamoDB - Amazon DynamoDB

PartiQL data types for DynamoDB

The following table lists the data types you can use with PartiQL for DynamoDB.

DynamoDB data type PartiQL representation Notes
Boolean TRUE | FALSE Not case sensitive.
Binary N/A Only supported via code.
List [ value1, value2,...] There are no restrictions on the data types that can be stored in a List type, and the elements in a List do not have to be of the same type.
Map { 'name' : value } There are no restrictions on the data types that can be stored in a Map type, and the elements in a Map do not have to be of the same type.
Null NULL Not case sensitive.
Number 1, 1.0, 1e0 Numbers can be positive, negative, or zero. Numbers can have up to 38 digits of precision.
Number Set <<number1, number2>> The elements in a number set must be of type Number.
String Set <<'string1', 'string2'>> The elements in a string set must be of type String.
String 'string value' Single quotes must be used to specify String values.


The following statement demonstrates how to insert the following data types: String, Number, Map, List, Number Set and String Set.

INSERT INTO TypesTable value {'primarykey':'1', 'NumberType':1, 'MapType' : {'entryname1': 'value', 'entryname2': 4}, 'ListType': [1,'stringval'], 'NumberSetType':<<1,34,32,4.5>>, 'StringSetType':<<'stringval','stringval2'>> }

The following statement demonstrates how to insert new elements into the Map, List, Number Set and String Set types and change the value of a Number type.

UPDATE TypesTable SET NumberType=NumberType + 100 SET MapType.NewMapEntry=[2020, 'stringvalue', 2.4] SET ListType = LIST_APPEND(ListType, [4, <<'string1', 'string2'>>]) SET NumberSetType= SET_ADD(NumberSetType, <<345, 48.4>>) SET StringSetType = SET_ADD(StringSetType, <<'stringsetvalue1', 'stringsetvalue2'>>) WHERE primarykey='1'

The following statement demonstrates how to remove elements from the Map, List, Number Set and String Set types and change the value of a Number type.

UPDATE TypesTable SET NumberType=NumberType - 1 REMOVE ListType[1] REMOVE MapType.NewMapEntry SET NumberSetType = SET_DELETE( NumberSetType, <<345>>) SET StringSetType = SET_DELETE( StringSetType, <<'stringsetvalue1'>>) WHERE primarykey='1'

For more information, see DynamoDB data types.