Chatting with Amazon Q Developer about AWS - Amazon Q Developer

Chatting with Amazon Q Developer about AWS

Chat with Amazon Q in the AWS Management Console, AWS Console Mobile Application, AWS website, AWS Documentation website, and chat channels integrated with AWS Chatbot to learn about AWS services. You can ask Amazon Q about best practices, recommendations, step-by-step instructions for AWS tasks, and architecting your AWS resources and workflows.

You can also ask Amazon Q about your AWS resources and account costs. Amazon Q also generates short scripts or code snippets to help you get started using the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI.

Working with Amazon Q on AWS websites

To chat with Amazon Q Developer in the AWS Management Console, choose the Amazon Q icon in the right sidebar. To chat on the AWS website or any AWS service’s documentation page, choose the Amazon Q icon in the bottom right corner.

To ask Amazon Q a question, enter your question into the text bar in the Amazon Q panel. Amazon Q generates a response to your question with a sources section that links to its references.

After you receive a response, you can optionally leave feedback by using the thumbs-up and thumbs-down icons. You can also copy the response to your clipboard by choosing the copy icon.

Conversation history

Amazon Q maintains context of your conversation within a given session as context to inform future responses. You can ask follow-up questions or refer to previous questions and responses throughout the duration of your session.

If you’re using Amazon Q in the console, your current conversation and associated context are maintained when you navigate to another place in the console or to another browser or tab. If you’re using Amazon Q on the AWS website, Documentation website, or Console Mobile Application, a new conversation starts without any context when you navigate to a new page, browser, or tab.

If you want to restart your conversation and clear the context provided by previous questions and responses, choose New conversation. Your previous conversation will no longer be used to inform responses from Amazon Q.

Chat settings

To update your chat settings in Amazon Q, choose the gear icon in the top right corner of the chat panel.

You can specify the following settings:

  • Region — Amazon Q defaults to the AWS Region set in the AWS Management Console when you open the chat panel. To update the Region used by Amazon Q, change your console Region.

  • Cross-region calls — To provide some features, such as listing your AWS resources in the chat, Amazon Q might need to make cross-region calls to retrieve information about your resources in other Regions. Enable cross-region calls to grant Amazon Q permission to make calls to other Regions.

Example questions

You can ask Amazon Q questions about AWS and AWS services, such as finding the right service or understanding best practices.

You can also ask about software development with the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI. Amazon Q in the console can generate short scripts or code snippets to help you get started using the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI.

The following are example questions that demonstrate how Amazon Q can help you build on AWS:

  • What’s the maximum runtime for a Lambda function?

  • When should I put my resources in a VPC?

  • What’s the best container service to use to run my workload if I need to keep my costs low?

  • How do I list my Amazon S3 buckets?

  • How do I create and host a website on AWS?