Monitoring - AWS Amplify Hosting


AWS Amplify emits metrics through Amazon CloudWatch and provides access logs with detailed information about requests made to your app. Use the topics in this section to learn how to use these metrics and logs to monitor your app.

Monitoring with CloudWatch

AWS Amplify is integrated with Amazon CloudWatch, allowing you to monitor metrics for your Amplify applications in near real-time. You can create alarms that send notifications when a metric exceeds a threshold you set. For more information about how the CloudWatch service works, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.


Amplify supports six CloudWatch metrics in the AWS/AmplifyHosting namespace for monitoring traffic, errors, data transfer, and latency for your apps. These metrics are aggregated at one minute intervals. CloudWatch monitoring metrics are free of charge and don't count against the CloudWatch service quotas.

Not all available statistics are applicable for every metric. In the following table, the most relevant statistics are listed in the description for each metric.

Metrics Description


The total number of viewer requests received by your app.

The most relevant statistic is Sum. Use the Sum statistic to get the total number of requests.


The total amount of data transferred out of your app (downloaded) in bytes by viewers for GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests.

The most relevant statistic is Sum.


The total amount of data transferred into your app (uploaded) in bytes using POST and PUT requests.

The most relevant statistic is Sum.


The number of requests that returned an error in the HTTP status code 400-499 range.

The most relevant statistic is Sum. Use the Sum statistic to get the total occurrences of these errors.


The number of requests that returned an error in the HTTP status code 500-599 range.

The most relevant statistic is Sum. Use the Sum statistic to get the total occurrences of these errors.


The time to first byte in seconds. This is the total time between when Amplify Hosting receives a request and when it returns a response to the network. This doesn't include the network latency encountered for a response to reach the viewer's device.

The most relevant statistics are Average, Maximum, Minimum, p10, p50, p90, p95, and p100.

Use the Average statistic to evaluate expected latencies.

Amplify provides the following CloudWatch metric dimensions.

Dimension Description


Metric data is provided by app.

AWS account

Metric data is provided across all apps in the AWS account.

You can access CloudWatch metrics in the AWS Management Console at Alternatively, you can access metrics in the Amplify console using the following procedure.

To access metrics in the Amplify console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. Choose the app that you want to view metrics for.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose App Settings, Monitoring.

  4. On the Monitoring page, choose Metrics.


You can create CloudWatch alarms in the Amplify console that send notifications when specific criteria are met. An alarm watches a single CloudWatch metric and sends an Amazon Simple Notification Service notification when the metric breaches the threshold for a specified number of evaluation periods.

You can create more advanced alarms that use metric math expressions in the CloudWatch console or using the CloudWatch APIs. For example, you can create an alarm that notifies you when the percentage of 4XXErrors exceeds 15% for three consecutive periods. For more information, see Creating a CloudWatch Alarm Based on a Metric Math Expression in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Standard CloudWatch pricing applies to alarms. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch pricing.

Use the following procedure to create an alarm in the Amplify console.

To create a CloudWatch alarm for an Amplify metric
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. Choose the app that you want to set an alarm on.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose App Settings, Monitoring.

  4. On the Monitoring page, choose Alarms.

  5. Choose Create alarm.

  6. In the Create alarm window, configure your alarm as follows:

    1. For Metric, choose the name of the metric to monitor from the list.

    2. For Name of alarm, enter a meaningful name for the alarm. For example, if you are monitoring Requests, you could name the alarm HighTraffic. The name must contain only ASCII characters.

    3. For Set up notifications, do one of the following:

        1. Choose New to set up a new Amazon SNS topic.

        2. For Email address, enter the email address for the recipient of the notifications.

        3. Choose Add new email address to add additional recipients.

        1. Choose Existing to reuse an Amazon SNS topic.

        2. For SNS topic, select the name of an existing Amazon SNS topic from the list.

    4. For Whenever the Statistic of Metric, set the conditions for your alarm as follows:

      1. Specify whether the metric must be greater than, less than, or equal to the threshold value.

      2. Specify the threshold value.

      3. Specify the number of consecutive evaluation periods that must be in the alarm state to invoke the alarm.

      4. Specify the length of time of the evaluation period.

    5. Choose Create alarm.


Each Amazon SNS recipient that you specify receives a confirmation email from AWS Notifications. The email contains a link that the recipient must follow to confirm their subscription and receive notifications.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs for SSR apps

Amplify sends information about your Next.js runtime to Amazon CloudWatch Logs in your AWS account. When you deploy an SSR app, the app requires an IAM service role that Amplify assumes when calling other services on your behalf. You can either allow Amplify Hosting compute to automatically create a service role for you or you can specify a role that you have created.

If you choose to allow Amplify to create an IAM role for you, the role will already have the permissions to create CloudWatch Logs. If you create your own IAM role, you will need to add the following permissions to your policy to allow Amplify to access Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

logs:CreateLogStream logs:CreateLogGroup logs:DescribeLogGroups logs:PutLogEvents

For more information about service roles, see Adding a service role. For more information about deploying server-side rendered apps, see Deploying server-side rendered apps with Amplify Hosting.

Access logs

Amplify stores access logs for all of the apps you host in Amplify. Access logs contain information about requests that are made to your hosted apps. Amplify retains all access logs for an app until you delete the app. All access logs for an app are available in the Amplify console. However, each individual request for access logs is limited to a two week time period that you specify.

Amplify never reuses CloudFront distributions between customers. Amplify creates CloudFront distributions in advance so that you don't have to wait for a CloudFront distribution to be created when you deploy a new app. Before these distributions are assigned to an Amplify app, they might receive traffic from bots. However, they're configured to always respond as Not found before they're assigned. If your app's access logs contain entries for a time period before you created your app, these entries are related to this activity.


We recommend that you use the logs to understand the nature of the requests for your content, not as a complete accounting of all requests. Amplify delivers access logs on a best-effort basis. The log entry for a particular request might be delivered long after the request was actually processed and, in rare cases, a log entry might not be delivered at all. When a log entry is omitted from access logs, the number of entries in the access logs won't match the usage that appears in the AWS billing and usage reports.

Use the following procedure to retrieve access logs for an app.

To view access logs
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. Choose the app that you want to view access logs for.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Hosting, then choose Monitoring.

  4. On the Monitoring page, choose Access logs.

  5. Choose Edit time range.

  6. In the Edit time range window do the following.

    1. For Start date, specify the first day of the two week interval to retrieve logs for.

    2. For Start time, choose the time on the first day to start the log retrieval.

    3. Choose Confirm.

  7. The Amplify console displays the logs for your specified time range in the Access logs section. Choose Download to save the logs in a CSV format.

Analyzing access logs

To analyze access logs you can store the CSV files in an Amazon S3 bucket. One way to analyze your access logs is to use Athena. Athena is an interactive query service that can help you analyze data for AWS services. You can follow the step-by-step instructions here to create a table. Once your table has been created, you can query data as follows.

SELECT SUM(bytes) AS total_bytes FROM logs WHERE "date" BETWEEN DATE '2018-06-09' AND DATE '2018-06-11' LIMIT 100;