Email notifications for builds - AWS Amplify Hosting

Email notifications for builds

You can set up email notifications for an AWS Amplify app to alert stakeholders or team members when a build succeeds or fails. Amplify Hosting creates an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic in your account and uses it to configure email notifications. Notifications can be configured to apply to all branches or specific branches of an Amplify app.

Set up email notifications

Use the following procedures to set up email notifications for all branches or specific branches of an Amplify app.

To set up email notifications for an Amplify app
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. Choose the app that you want to set up email notifications for.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Hosting, Build notifications. On the Build notifications page, choose Manage notifications.

  4. On the Manage notifications page, choose Add new.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To send notifications for a single branch, for Email, enter the email address to send notifications to. For Branch, select the name of the branch to send notifications for.

    • To send notifications for all connected branches, for Email, enter the email address to send notifications to. For Branch, choose All Branches.

  6. Choose Save.