Set up an edge-optimized custom domain name in API Gateway - Amazon API Gateway

Set up an edge-optimized custom domain name in API Gateway

When you create a custom domain name for an edge-optimized API, API Gateway sets up a CloudFront distribution and a DNS record to map the API domain name to the CloudFront distribution domain name. Requests for the API are then routed to API Gateway through the mapped CloudFront distribution. This mapping is for API requests that are bound for the custom domain name to be routed to API Gateway through the mapped CloudFront distribution.


The following are considerations for your edge-optimized custom domain name.

  • To set up an edge-optimized custom domain name or to update its certificate, you must have a permission to update CloudFront distributions.

    The following permissions are required to update CloudFront distributions:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowCloudFrontUpdateDistribution", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudfront:updateDistribution" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
  • You must request or import a certificate for your edge-optimized custom domain name in the US East (N. Virginia) – us-east-1 Region.

  • The CloudFront distribution created by API Gateway is owned by a Region-specific account affiliated with API Gateway. When tracing operations to create and update such a CloudFront distribution in CloudTrail, you must use this API Gateway account ID. For more information, see Log custom domain name creation in CloudTrail.

  • API Gateway supports edge-optimized custom domain names by leveraging Server Name Indication (SNI) on the CloudFront distribution. For more information on using custom domain names on a CloudFront distribution, including the required certificate format and the maximum size of a certificate key length, see Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide

  • An edge-optimized custom domain names takes about 40 minutes to be ready.

  • After you create your edge-optimized custom domain name, you must create a DNS record to map the custom domain name to the CloudFront distribution name.

Create an edge-optimize custom domain name

The following procedure describes how to create an edge-optimized custom domain name for an API.

AWS Management Console
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  2. Choose Custom domain names from the main navigation pane.

  3. Choose Add domain name.

  4. For Domain name, enter a domain name.

  5. For API endpoint type, choose Edge-optimized.

  6. Choose a minimum TLS version.

  7. Choose an ACM certificate.

  8. Choose Add domain name.

  1. Call domainname:create, specifying the custom domain name and the ARN of a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager.

    The successful API call returns a 201 Created response containing the certificate ARN as well as the associated CloudFront distribution name in its payload.

  2. Note the CloudFront distribution domain name shown in the output. You need it in the next step to set the custom domain's A-record alias target in your DNS.

For code examples of this REST API call, see domainname:create.

An edge-optimized custom domain names takes about 40 minutes to be ready, but the console immediately displays the associated CloudFront distribution domain name, in the form of, along with the certificate ARN. In the meantime, you can create a base path mapping and then configure the DNS record alias to map the custom domain name to the associated CloudFront distribution domain name.

Configure base path mapping of an API with a custom domain name as its hostname

You can use base path mapping to use a single custom domain name as the hostname of multiple APIs. This makes an API accessible through the combination of the custom domain name and the associated base path.

For example, if in API Gateway, you created an API named PetStore and another API named Dogs and then set up a custom domain name of, you can set the PetStore API's URL as

This associates the PetStore API with the base path of an empty string. If you set the PetStore API's URL as, this associates the PetStore API with the base path of PetStore. You can assign a base path of MyDogList for the Dogs API. The URL of is then the root URL of the Dogs API.

To configure API mappings on multiple levels, you can only use a Regional custom domain name. Edge-optimized custom domain names are not supported. For more information, see Map API stages to a custom domain name for REST APIs.

The following procedure sets up API mappings to map paths from your custom domain name to your API stages.

AWS Management Console
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  2. Choose Custom domain names from the API Gateway console main navigation pane.

  3. Choose a custom domain name.

  4. Choose Configure API mappings.

  5. Choose Add new mapping.

  6. Specify the API, Stage, and Path (optional) for the mapping.

  7. Choose Save.


Call basepathmapping:create on a specific custom domain name, specifying the basePath, restApiId, and a deployment stage property in the request payload.

The successful API call returns a 201 Created response.

For code examples of the REST API call, see basepathmapping:create.

Create a DNS record for your edge-optimized custom domain name

After you initiate the creation of your edge-optimized custom domain name, set up the DNS record alias.

We recommend that you use Route 53 to create an A-record alias for your custom domain name and specify the CloudFront distribution domain name as the alias target. This means that Route 53 can route your custom domain name even if it is a zone apex. For more information, see Choosing Between Alias and Non-Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

For instructions for Amazon Route 53, see Routing traffic to an Amazon API Gateway API by using your domain name in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Log custom domain name creation in CloudTrail

When CloudTrail is enabled for logging API Gateway calls made by your account, API Gateway logs the associated CloudFront distribution updates when a custom domain name is created or updated for an API. These logs are available in us-east-1. Because these CloudFront distributions are owned by API Gateway, each of these reported CloudFront distributions is identified by one of the following Region-specific API Gateway account IDs, instead of the API owner's account ID.


Account ID

us-east-1 392220576650
us-east-2 718770453195
us-west-1 968246515281
us-west-2 109351309407
ca-central-1 796887884028
eu-west-1 631144002099
eu-west-2 544388816663
eu-west-3 061510835048
eu-central-1 474240146802
eu-central-2 166639821150
eu-north-1 394634713161
eu-south-1 753362059629
eu-south-2 359345898052
ap-northeast-1 969236854626
ap-northeast-2 020402002396
ap-northeast-3 360671645888
ap-southeast-1 195145609632
ap-southeast-2 798376113853
ap-southeast-3 652364314486
ap-southeast-4 849137399833
ap-south-1 507069717855
ap-south-2 644042651268
ap-east-1 174803364771
sa-east-1 287228555773
me-south-1 855739686837
me-central-1 614065512851

Rotate a certificate imported into ACM

ACM automatically handles renewal of certificates it issues. You do not need to rotate any ACM-issued certificates for your custom domain names. CloudFront handles it on your behalf.

However, if you import a certificate into ACM and use it for a custom domain name, you must rotate the certificate before it expires. This involves importing a new third-party certificate for the domain name and rotate the existing certificate to the new one. You need to repeat the process when the newly imported certificate expires. Alternatively, you can request ACM to issue a new certificate for the domain name and rotate the existing one to the new ACM-issued certificate. After that, you can leave ACM and CloudFront to handle the certificate rotation for you automatically. To create or import a new ACM certificate, follow the steps in To create or import an SSL/TLS certificate into ACM.

The following procedure describes how to rotate a certificate for a domain name.


It takes about 40 minutes to rotate a certificate imported into ACM.

AWS Management Console
  1. Request or import a certificate in ACM.

  2. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  3. Choose Custom domain names from the API Gateway console main navigation pane.

  4. Choose an edge-optimized custom domain name.

  5. For Endpoint configuration, choose Edit.

  6. For ACM certificate, select a certificate from dropdown list.

  7. Choose Save changes to begin rotating the certificate for the custom domain name.


Call domainname:update action, specifying the ARN of the new ACM certificate for the specified domain name.

Call your API with custom domain names

Calling an API with a custom domain name is the same as calling the API with its default domain name, provided that the correct URL is used.

The following examples compare and contrast a set of default URLs and corresponding custom URLs of two APIs (udxjef and qf3duz) in a specified Region (us-east-1), and of a given custom domain name (

API ID Stage Default URL Base path Custom URL
udxjef prod /petstore
udxjef tst /petdepot
qf3duz dev /bookstore
qf3duz tst /bookstand

API Gateway supports custom domain names for an API by using Server Name Indication (SNI). You can invoke the API with a custom domain name using a browser or a client library that supports SNI.

API Gateway enforces SNI on the CloudFront distribution. For information on how CloudFront uses custom domain names, see Amazon CloudFront Custom SSL.