Represents your APIs as a collection. A collection offers a paginated view of your APIs.
HTTP methods
Operation ID: GetApis
Gets a collection of Api
Name | Type | Required | Description |
nextToken | String | False | The next page of elements from this collection. Not valid for the last element of the collection. |
maxResults | String | False | The maximum number of elements to be returned for this resource. |
Status code | Response model | Description |
200 | Apis | Success |
400 | BadRequestException | One of the parameters in the request is invalid. |
404 | NotFoundException | The resource specified in the request was not found. |
429 | LimitExceededException | The client is sending more than the allowed number of requests per unit of time. |
Operation ID: CreateApi
Creates an Api
Status code | Response model | Description |
201 | Api | The request has succeeded and has resulted in the creation of a resource. |
400 | BadRequestException | One of the parameters in the request is invalid. |
404 | NotFoundException | The resource specified in the request was not found. |
409 | ConflictException | The resource already exists. |
429 | LimitExceededException | The client is sending more than the allowed number of requests per unit of time. |
Operation ID: ImportApi
Imports an API.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
failOnWarnings | String | False | Specifies whether to rollback the API creation when a warning is encountered. By default, API creation continues if a warning is encountered. |
basepath | String | False | Specifies how to interpret the base path of the API during import. Valid values are |
Status code | Response model | Description |
201 | Api | The request has succeeded and has resulted in the creation of a resource. |
400 | BadRequestException | One of the parameters in the request is invalid. |
404 | NotFoundException | The resource specified in the request was not found. |
409 | ConflictException | The resource already exists. |
429 | LimitExceededException | The client is sending more than the allowed number of requests per unit of time. |
Request bodies
{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "version": "string", "protocolType": enum, "routeSelectionExpression": "string", "apiKeySelectionExpression": "string", "disableSchemaValidation": boolean, "tags": { }, "target": "string", "credentialsArn": "string", "routeKey": "string", "corsConfiguration": { "allowOrigins": [ "string" ], "allowCredentials": boolean, "exposeHeaders": [ "string" ], "maxAge": integer, "allowMethods": [ "string" ], "allowHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "disableExecuteApiEndpoint": boolean }
{ "body": "string" }
Response bodies
{ "items": [ { "apiId": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "version": "string", "protocolType": enum, "routeSelectionExpression": "string", "apiKeySelectionExpression": "string", "disableSchemaValidation": boolean, "warnings": [ "string" ], "importInfo": [ "string" ], "apiEndpoint": "string", "apiGatewayManaged": boolean, "createdDate": "string", "tags": { }, "corsConfiguration": { "allowOrigins": [ "string" ], "allowCredentials": boolean, "exposeHeaders": [ "string" ], "maxAge": integer, "allowMethods": [ "string" ], "allowHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "disableExecuteApiEndpoint": boolean } ], "nextToken": "string" }
{ "apiId": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "version": "string", "protocolType": enum, "routeSelectionExpression": "string", "apiKeySelectionExpression": "string", "disableSchemaValidation": boolean, "warnings": [ "string" ], "importInfo": [ "string" ], "apiEndpoint": "string", "apiGatewayManaged": boolean, "createdDate": "string", "tags": { }, "corsConfiguration": { "allowOrigins": [ "string" ], "allowCredentials": boolean, "exposeHeaders": [ "string" ], "maxAge": integer, "allowMethods": [ "string" ], "allowHeaders": [ "string" ] }, "disableExecuteApiEndpoint": boolean }
{ "message": "string" }
{ "message": "string", "resourceType": "string" }
{ "message": "string" }
Represents an API.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
apiEndpoint | string Format: uri | False | The URI of the API, of the form {api-id}.execute-api.{region}.amazonaws.com. The stage name is typically appended to this URI to form a complete path to a deployed API stage. |
apiGatewayManaged | boolean | False | Specifies whether an API is managed by API Gateway. You can't update or delete a managed API by using API Gateway. A managed API can be deleted only through the tooling or service that created it. |
apiId | string | False | The API ID. |
apiKeySelectionExpression | string | False | An API key selection expression. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. See API Key Selection Expressions. |
corsConfiguration | False | A CORS configuration. Supported only for HTTP APIs. | |
createdDate | string Format: date-time | False | The timestamp when the API was created. |
description | string | False | The description of the API. |
disableExecuteApiEndpoint | boolean | False | Specifies whether clients can invoke your API by using the default
disableSchemaValidation | boolean | False | Avoid validating models when creating a deployment. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. |
importInfo | Array of type string | False | The validation information during API import. This may include particular properties of your OpenAPI definition which are ignored during import. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
name | string | True | The name of the API. |
protocolType | True | The API protocol. | |
routeSelectionExpression | string | True | The route selection expression for the API. For HTTP APIs, the |
tags | False | A collection of tags associated with the API. | |
version | string | False | A version identifier for the API. |
warnings | Array of type string | False | The warning messages reported when |
Represents a collection of APIs.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
items | Array of type Api | False | The elements from this collection. |
nextToken | string | False | The next page of elements from this collection. Not valid for the last element of the collection. |
The request is not valid, for example, the input is incomplete or incorrect. See the accompanying error message for details.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
message | string | False | Describes the error encountered. |
The requested operation would cause a conflict with the current state of a service resource associated with the request. Resolve the conflict before retrying this request. See the accompanying error message for details.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
message | string | False | Describes the error encountered. |
Represents a CORS configuration. Supported only for HTTP APIs. See Configuring CORS for more information.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
allowCredentials | boolean | False | Specifies whether credentials are included in the CORS request. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
allowHeaders | Array of type string | False | Represents a collection of allowed headers. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
allowMethods | Array of type string | False | Represents a collection of allowed HTTP methods. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
allowOrigins | Array of type string | False | Represents a collection of allowed origins. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
exposeHeaders | Array of type string | False | Represents a collection of exposed headers. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
maxAge | integer | False | The number of seconds that the browser should cache preflight request results. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
Represents the input parameters for a CreateApi
Property | Type | Required | Description |
apiKeySelectionExpression | string | False | An API key selection expression. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. See API Key Selection Expressions. |
corsConfiguration | False | A CORS configuration. Supported only for HTTP APIs. See Configuring CORS for more information. | |
credentialsArn | string | False | This property is part of quick create. It specifies the credentials required for
the integration, if any. For a Lambda integration, three options are available. To
specify an IAM Role for API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name
(ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request,
specify |
description | string | False | The description of the API. |
disableExecuteApiEndpoint | boolean | False | Specifies whether clients can invoke your API by using the default
disableSchemaValidation | boolean | False | Avoid validating models when creating a deployment. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. |
name | string | True | The name of the API. |
protocolType | True | The API protocol. | |
routeKey | string | False | This property is part of quick create. If you don't specify a
routeSelectionExpression | string | False | The route selection expression for the API. For HTTP APIs, the |
tags | False | The collection of tags. Each tag element is associated with a given resource. | |
target | string | False | This property is part of quick create. Quick create produces an API with an integration, a default catch-all route, and a default stage which is configured to automatically deploy changes. For HTTP integrations, specify a fully qualified URL. For Lambda integrations, specify a function ARN. The type of the integration will be HTTP_PROXY or AWS_PROXY, respectively. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
version | string | False | A version identifier for the API. |
Represents the input to ImportAPI
. Supported only for HTTP APIs.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
body | string | True | The OpenAPI definition. Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
A limit has been exceeded. See the accompanying error message for details.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
limitType | string | False | The limit type. |
message | string | False | Describes the error encountered. |
The resource specified in the request was not found. See the message
field for more information.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
message | string | False | Describes the error encountered. |
resourceType | string | False | The resource type. |
Represents a protocol type.
Represents a collection of tags associated with the resource.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
| string | False |
See also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs and references, see the following: