MeetingInsights - AWS AppFabric


The AWS AppFabric for productivity feature is in preview and is subject to change.

Contains a summary of the top 3 meetings along with meeting purpose, related cross-app artifacts, and activities from tasks, emails, messages, and calendar events.

Parameter Description


The unique id for the generated insight.


The description of the insight highlighting the details in a string format. As in, why is this insight important.


The title of the generated insight.


When the insight was generated.


The important calendar event or meeting that the user should focus on.

Calendar Event object:

  • startTime — The start time of the event.

  • endTime — The end time of the event.

  • eventUrl — The URL for the calendar event on the ISV app.


The list containing the other resources related to the generate the insight.

Resource object:

  • appName — The app name to which the resource belongs.

  • resourceTitle — The resource title.

  • resourceType — The type of the resource.

    The possible values are: EMAIL | EVENT | MESSAGE | TASK

  • resourceUrl — The resource URL in the app.

  • appIconUrl — The image URL of the app to which the resource belongs.


The pagination token to fetch the next set of insights. It’s an optional field which if returned null means there are no more insights to load.