Rapid7 - AWS AppFabric


Rapid7, Inc. is on a mission to create a safer digital world by making cybersecurity simpler and more accessible. Rapid7 empowers security professionals to manage a modern attack surface through best-in-class technology, leading-edge research, and broad, strategic expertise. Rapid7’s comprehensive security solutions help more than 10,000 global customers unite cloud risk management and threat detection to reduce attack surfaces and eliminate threats with speed and precision.

AWS AppFabric audit log ingestion considerations

The following sections describe the AppFabric output schema, output format, and output destinations to use with Rapid7.

Schema and format

Rapid7 supports the following AppFabric output schema and formats:

  • Raw - JSON

    • AppFabric outputs data in the original schema used by the source application in the JSON format.


    • AppFabric normalizes the data using the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) and outputs the data in the JSON format.

Output locations

Rapid7 supports the following AppFabric output location: