Flow notifications - Amazon AppFlow

Flow notifications

Amazon AppFlow is integrated with Amazon EventBridge to publish events related to the status of a flow. The following flow events are published to your default event bus.

  • AppFlow Start Flow Run Report: This event is published at the start of a flow run.

  • AppFlow End Flow Run Report: This event is published when a flow run is complete.

  • AppFlow Event Flow Report: This event is generated every five minutes for an event-triggered flow, and provides a count of event triggers over the five minute interval.

  • AppFlow Event Flow Deactivated: This event is generated when Amazon AppFlow deactivates an event-triggered flow due to a failure. The deactivation reason is specified in the event payload.

  • AppFlow Scheduled Flow Deactivated: This event is generated when Amazon AppFlow deactivates a schedule-triggered flow due to a failure. The deactivation field is specified in the event payload.

You can access these events in the EventBridge console by creating an appropriate rule. For the steps to create a rule, see Creating Amazon EventBridge rules that react to events.

Common fields

All event payloads include the following common fields:


The 12 digit number identifying the AWS account.


The name of the event. See the preceding list of flow events for more information.


The unique value generated for every event.


The AWS region where the event originated.


The ARNs (AWS Resource Numbers) that identify the resources involved in the event.




The event timestamp.


The flow version. By default, this is set to 0 (zero) in all events.

Flow event detail fields

The following fields are available as part of the flow event details:


The ARN of the user who created the flow.


The details of the destination connector for the flow.


The destination object chosen in the flow.


The ARN of the flow.


The name of the flow selected at the time of the flow creation.


The details of the source connector for the flow.


The source object chosen in the flow.


The flow trigger.

The following table shows the additional event field details.

Name of the flow event Field Description

AppFlow Start Flow Run Report


The timestamp of the start of the flow run.

AppFlow Start Flow Run Report,

AppFlow End Flow Run Report


The start and end timestamps that Amazon AppFlow sent to the source application, indicating the time range for the incremental record transfer. This is available only for schedule-triggered flows.

AppFlow Event Flow Deactivated,

AppFlow Scheduled Flow Deactivated


The reason for deactivation.

AppFlow Event Flow Deactivated,

AppFlow Scheduled Flow Deactivated


The time at which the flow was deactivated.

AppFlow Event Flow Report


The count of event triggers received from the source, and the timestamp of the five minute interval over which this count was calculated. This is available only for event-triggered flows.

AppFlow End Flow Run Report


The timestamp of the flow run completion.

AppFlow End Flow Run Report


The number of records from the source that were processed by Amazon AppFlow.

AppFlow End Flow Run Report


The number of records that could not be inserted into the destination.

AppFlow End Flow Run Report


The volume of data (in bytes) that was processed.

AppFlow End Flow Run Report


The status that indicates if the flow run failed or was successful.

AppFlow End Flow Run Report


The reason for flow run failure in the event of a failed flow.