Using Application Cost Profiler reports - Application Cost Profiler

AWS Application Cost Profiler will be discontinued by September 30, 2024 and is no longer accepting new customers.

Using Application Cost Profiler reports

After you have integrated your usage data with AWS Application Cost Profiler and are sending the data on an hourly basis, Application Cost Profiler automatically generates your report.

Reports are generated either daily or monthly, based on the option you selected when configuring your report. Reports are delivered to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket that you selected when you configured the report.

Daily reports generated on the first day of the month have the previous month's data.

Data available in an Application Cost Profiler report

The columns that are created in a usage report are shown in the following table.

Column name Description
PayerAccountId The management account ID in an organization, or the account ID if the account is not part of AWS Organizations.
UsageAccountId The account ID for the account with usage.
LineItemType The type of record. Always Usage.
UsageStartTime Timestamp (in milliseconds) from Epoch, in UTC. Indicates the start time of the period for the usage by the specified tenant.
UsageEndTime Timestamp (in milliseconds) from Epoch, in UTC. Indicates the end time of the period for the usage by the specified tenant.
ApplicationIdentifier The ApplicationId specified in the usage data sent to Application Cost Profiler.
TenantIdentifier The TenantId specified in the usage data sent to Application Cost Profiler. Data with no record in the usage data is collected in unattributed.
TenantDescription The TenantDesc specified in the usage data sent to Application Cost Profiler.
ProductCode The AWS product being billed (for example, AmazonEC2).
UsageType The type of usage being billed (for example, BoxUsage:c5.large).
Operation The operation being billed (for example, RunInstances).
ResourceId The resource ID or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource being billed.
ScaleFactor If a resource is over-allocated for an hour, for example, the usage data reported is equal to 2 hours instead of 1 hour, a scale factor is applied to make the total equal the actual billed amount (in this case, 0.5). This column reports the scale factor used for the specific resource for that hour. The scale factor is always greater than zero (0) and less than or equal to 1.
TenantAttributionPercent The percentage of the usage attributed to the specified tenant (between zero (0) and 1).
UsageAmount The amount of usage attributed to the specified tenant.
CurrencyCode The currency that the rate and cost are in (for example, USD).
Rate The billing rate for the usage, per unit.
TenantCost The total cost for that resource for the specified tenant.
Region The AWS Region of the resource.
Name If you created resource tags for your resources on the Cost and Usage report, or through the resource usage data, the Name tag is shown here. For more information about resource tags, see Resource tags details in the Cost and Usage Report User Guide.

The following is an example of the output report for one resource for two hours.

PayerAccountId,UsageAccountId,LineItemType,UsageStartTime,UsageEndTime,ApplicationIdentifier,TenantIdentifier,TenantDescription,ProductCode,UsageType,Operation,ResourceId,ScaleFactor,TenantAttributionPercent,UsageAmount,CurrencyCode,Rate,TenantCost,Region,Name 123456789012,123456789012,Usage,2021-02-01T00:00:00.000Z,2021-02-01T00:30:00.000Z,Canary,unattributed,,AmazonEC2,BoxUsage:c5.large,RunInstances,i-0123abcd456efab12,1,0.5,0.5,USD,0.085,0.0425,us-east-1,test-tag 123456789012,123456789012,Usage,2021-02-01T00:30:00.000Z,2021-02-01T01:00:00.000Z,Canary,Tenant1,exampleTenantDescription1,AmazonEC2,BoxUsage:c5.large,RunInstances,i-0123abcd456efab12,1,0.5,0.5,USD,0.085,0.0425,us-east-1,test-tag 123456789012,123456789012,Usage,2021-02-01T01:00:00.000Z,2021-02-01T02:00:00.000Z,Canary,Tenant4,exampleTenantDescription4,AmazonEC2,BoxUsage:c5.large,RunInstances,i-0123abcd456efab12,0.25,1,0.25,USD,0.085,0.02125,us-east-1,test-tag 123456789012,123456789012,Usage,2021-02-01T01:00:00.000Z,2021-02-01T02:00:00.000Z,Canary,Tenant3,exampleTenantDescription3,AmazonEC2,BoxUsage:c5.large,RunInstances,i-0123abcd456efab12,0.25,1,0.25,USD,0.085,0.02125,us-east-1,test-tag 123456789012,123456789012,Usage,2021-02-01T01:00:00.000Z,2021-02-01T02:00:00.000Z,Canary,Tenant2,exampleTenantDescription2,AmazonEC2,BoxUsage:c5.large,RunInstances,i-0123abcd456efab12,0.25,1,0.25,USD,0.085,0.02125,us-east-1,test-tag 123456789012,123456789012,Usage,2021-02-01T01:00:00.000Z,2021-02-01T02:00:00.000Z,Canary,Tenant1,exampleTenantDescription1,AmazonEC2,BoxUsage:c5.large,RunInstances,i-0123abcd456efab12,0.25,1,0.25,USD,0.085,0.02125,us-east-1,test-tag

In this example, the first hour is allocated to Tenant1 for half of the time. A half hour remains as unattributed. In the second hour, four tenants are all allocated the full hour. In this case, the scale factor scales them all down by 0.25, and they are all allocated one-quarter of the hour. You can see the final cost in the TenantCost column.