App Runner configuration file examples - AWS App Runner

App Runner configuration file examples


Configuration files are applicable only to services that are based on source code. You can't use configuration files with image-based services.

The following examples demonstrate AWS App Runner configuration files. Some are minimal and contain only required settings. Others are complete, including all configuration file sections. For an overview of App Runner configuration files, see Setting App Runner service options using a configuration file.

Configuration file examples

With a minimal configuration file, App Runner makes the following assumptions:

  • No custom environment variables are necessary during build or run.

  • The latest runtime version is used.

  • The default port number and port environment variable are used.

Example apprunner.yaml
version: 1.0 runtime: python3 build: commands: build: - pip install pipenv - pipenv install run: command: python

This example shows the use of all configuration keys in the apprunner.yaml original format with a managed runtime.

Example apprunner.yaml
version: 1.0 runtime: python3 build: commands: pre-build: - wget -c -O - | tar -xz build: - pip install pipenv - pipenv install post-build: - python test env: - name: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE value: "django_apprunner.settings" - name: MY_VAR_EXAMPLE value: "example" run: runtime-version: 3.7.7 command: pipenv run gunicorn django_apprunner.wsgi --log-file - network: port: 8000 env: MY_APP_PORT env: - name: MY_VAR_EXAMPLE value: "example" secrets: - name: my-secret value-from: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:testingstackAppRunnerConstr-kJFXde2ULKbT-S7t8xR:username::" - name: my-parameter value-from: "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:123456789012:parameter/parameter-name" - name: my-parameter-only-name value-from: "parameter-name"

This example shows the use of all configuration keys in the apprunner.yaml with a managed runtime.

The pre-run parameter is only supported by the revised App Runner build. Do not insert this parameter in your configuration file if your application uses runtime versions that are supported by the original App Runner build. For more information, see Managed runtime versions and the App Runner build.


Since this examples is for Python 3.11, we use the pip3 and python3 commands. For more information, see Callouts for specific runtime versions in the Python platform topic.

Example apprunner.yaml
version: 1.0 runtime: python311 build: commands: pre-build: - wget -c -O - | tar -xz build: - pip3 install pipenv - pipenv install post-build: - python3 test env: - name: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE value: "django_apprunner.settings" - name: MY_VAR_EXAMPLE value: "example" run: runtime-version: 3.11 pre-run: - pip3 install pipenv - pipenv install - python3 command: pipenv run gunicorn django_apprunner.wsgi --log-file - network: port: 8000 env: MY_APP_PORT env: - name: MY_VAR_EXAMPLE value: "example" secrets: - name: my-secret value-from: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:testingstackAppRunnerConstr-kJFXde2ULKbT-S7t8xR:username::" - name: my-parameter value-from: "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:123456789012:parameter/parameter-name" - name: my-parameter-only-name value-from: "parameter-name"

For examples of specific managed runtime configuration files, see the specific runtime subtopic under Code-based service.