Create and query a partitioned table based on Amazon EMR logs - Amazon Athena

Create and query a partitioned table based on Amazon EMR logs

These examples use the same log location to create an Athena table, but the table is partitioned, and a partition is then created for each log location. For more information, see Partition your data.

The following query creates the partitioned table named mypartitionedemrlogs:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `mypartitionedemrlogs`( `data` string COMMENT 'from deserializer') partitioned by (logtype string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://aws-logs-123456789012-us-west-2/elasticmapreduce/j-2ABCDE34F5GH6'

The following query statements then create table partitions based on sub-directories for different log types that Amazon EMR creates in Amazon S3:

ALTER TABLE mypartitionedemrlogs ADD PARTITION (logtype='containers') LOCATION 's3://aws-logs-123456789012-us-west-2/elasticmapreduce/j-2ABCDE34F5GH6/containers/'
ALTER TABLE mypartitionedemrlogs ADD PARTITION (logtype='hadoop-mapreduce') LOCATION 's3://aws-logs-123456789012-us-west-2/elasticmapreduce/j-2ABCDE34F5GH6/hadoop-mapreduce/'
ALTER TABLE mypartitionedemrlogs ADD PARTITION (logtype='hadoop-state-pusher') LOCATION 's3://aws-logs-123456789012-us-west-2/elasticmapreduce/j-2ABCDE34F5GH6/hadoop-state-pusher/'
ALTER TABLE mypartitionedemrlogs ADD PARTITION (logtype='node') LOCATION 's3://aws-logs-123456789012-us-west-2/elasticmapreduce/j-2ABCDE34F5GH6/node/'
ALTER TABLE mypartitionedemrlogs ADD PARTITION (logtype='steps') LOCATION 's3://aws-logs-123456789012-us-west-2/elasticmapreduce/j-2ABCDE34F5GH6/steps/'

After you create the partitions, you can run a SHOW PARTITIONS query on the table to confirm:

SHOW PARTITIONS mypartitionedemrlogs;

Example queries

The following examples demonstrate queries for specific log entries use the table and partitions created by the examples above.

Example – Querying application application_1561661818238_0002 logs in the containers partition for ERROR or WARN
SELECT data, "$PATH" FROM "default"."mypartitionedemrlogs" WHERE logtype='containers' AND regexp_like("$PATH",'application_1561661818238_0002') AND regexp_like(data, 'ERROR|WARN') limit 100;
Example – Querying the hadoop-Mapreduce partition for job job_1561661818238_0004 and failed reduces
SELECT data, "$PATH" FROM "default"."mypartitionedemrlogs" WHERE logtype='hadoop-mapreduce' AND regexp_like(data,'job_1561661818238_0004|Failed Reduces') limit 100;
Example – Querying Hive logs in the node partition for query ID 056e0609-33e1-4611-956c-7a31b42d2663
SELECT data, "$PATH" FROM "default"."mypartitionedemrlogs" WHERE logtype='node' AND regexp_like("$PATH",'hive') AND regexp_like(data,'056e0609-33e1-4611-956c-7a31b42d2663') limit 100;
Example – Querying resourcemanager logs in the node partition for application 1567660019320_0001_01_000001
SELECT data, "$PATH" FROM "default"."mypartitionedemrlogs" WHERE logtype='node' AND regexp_like(data,'resourcemanager') AND regexp_like(data,'1567660019320_0001_01_000001') limit 100