Browser SAML credentials - Amazon Athena

Browser SAML credentials

Browser SAML is a generic authentication plugin that can work with SAML-based identity providers and supports multi-factor authentication.

Credentials provider

The credentials provider that will be used to authenticate requests to AWS. Set the value of this parameter to BrowserSaml.

Parameter name Alias Parameter type Default value Value to use
CredentialsProvider AWSCredentialsProviderClass (deprecated) Required none BrowserSaml

Single sign-on login URL

The single sign-on URL for your application on the SAML-based identity provider.

Parameter name Alias Parameter type Default value
SsoLoginUrl login_url (deprecated) Required none

Listen port

The port number that is used to listen for the SAML response. This value should match the URL with which you configured the SAML-based identity provider (for example, http://localhost:7890/athena).

Parameter name Alias Parameter type Default value
ListenPort listen_port (deprecated) Optional 7890

Identity provider response timeout

The duration, in seconds, before the driver stops waiting for the SAML response from Azure AD.

Parameter name Alias Parameter type Default value
IdpResponseTimeout idp_response_timeout (deprecated) Optional 120

Preferred role

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. For information about ARN roles, see AssumeRole in the AWS Security Token Service API Reference.

Parameter name Alias Parameter type Default value
PreferredRole preferred_role (deprecated) Optional none

Role session duration

The duration, in seconds, of the role session. For more information, see AssumeRole in the AWS Security Token Service API Reference.

Parameter name Alias Parameter type Default value
RoleSessionDuration Duration (deprecated) Optional 3600

Lake Formation enabled

Specifies whether to use the AssumeDecoratedRoleWithSAML Lake Formation API action to retrieve temporary IAM credentials instead of the AssumeRoleWithSAML AWS STS API action.

Parameter name Alias Parameter type Default value
LakeFormationEnabled none Optional FALSE