Amazon Data Firehose example
When you use Firehose to deliver data to Amazon S3, the default configuration writes objects with keys that look like the following example:
To create an Athena table that finds the partitions automatically at query time, instead of having to add them to the AWS Glue Data Catalog as new data arrives, you can use partition projection.
The following CREATE TABLE
example uses the default Firehose
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_ingested_data ( ... ) ... PARTITIONED BY ( datehour STRING ) LOCATION "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
/" TBLPROPERTIES ( "projection.enabled" = "true", "projection.datehour.type" = "date", "projection.datehour.format" = "yyyy/MM/dd/HH", "projection.datehour.range" = "2021/01/01/00,NOW", "projection.datehour.interval" = "1", "projection.datehour.interval.unit" = "HOURS", "storage.location.template" = "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix
/${datehour}/" )
clause in the CREATE TABLE
statement tells
Athena the following:
Use partition projection when querying the table
The partition key
is of typedate
(which includes an optional time) -
How the dates are formatted
The range of date times. Note that the values must be separated by a comma, not a hyphen.
Where to find the data on Amazon S3.
When you query the table, Athena calculates the values for datehour
and uses
the storage location template to generate a list of partition locations.