Functions in Amazon Athena - Amazon Athena

Functions in Amazon Athena

For changes in functions between Athena engine versions, see the Athena engine version reference. For a list of the time zones that can be used with the AT TIME ZONE operator, see Supported time zones.

Athena engine version 3

Functions in Athena engine version 3 are based on Trino. For information about Trino functions, operators, and expressions, see Functions and operators and the following subsections from the Trino documentation.

Athena engine version 2

Functions in Athena engine version 2 are based on Presto 0.217. For the geospatial functions in Athena engine version 2, see Geospatial functions in Athena engine version 2.


Version-specific documentation for Presto 0.217 functions is no longer available. For information about current Presto functions, operators, and expressions, see Presto functions and operators, or visit the subcategory links in this section.