Querying AWS Glue Data Catalog - Amazon Athena

Querying AWS Glue Data Catalog

Because AWS Glue Data Catalog is used by many AWS services as their central metadata repository, you might want to query Data Catalog metadata. To do so, you can use SQL queries in Athena. You can use Athena to query AWS Glue catalog metadata like databases, tables, partitions, and columns.

To obtain AWS Glue Catalog metadata, you query the information_schema database on the Athena backend. The example queries in this topic show how to use Athena to query AWS Glue Catalog metadata for common use cases.

Considerations and limitations

  • Instead of querying the information_schema database, it is possible to use individual Apache Hive DDL commands to extract metadata information for specific databases, tables, views, partitions, and columns from Athena. However, the output is in a non-tabular format.

  • Querying information_schema is most performant if you have a small to moderate amount of AWS Glue metadata. If you have a large amount of metadata, errors can occur.

  • You cannot use CREATE VIEW to create a view on the information_schema database.

Listing databases and searching a specified database

The examples in this section show how to list the databases in metadata by schema name.

Example – Listing databases

The following example query lists the databases from the information_schema.schemata table.

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata LIMIT 10;

The following table shows sample results.

6 alb-databas1
7 alb_original_cust
8 alblogsdatabase
9 athena_db_test
10 athena_ddl_db
Example – Searching a specified database

In the following example query, rdspostgresql is a sample database.

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = 'rdspostgresql'

The following table shows sample results.

1 rdspostgresql

Listing tables in a specified database and searching for a table by name

To list metadata for tables, you can query by table schema or by table name.

Example – Listing tables by schema

The following query lists tables that use the rdspostgresql table schema.

SELECT table_schema, table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'rdspostgresql'

The following table shows a sample result.

table_schema table_name table_type
1 rdspostgresql rdspostgresqldb1_public_account BASE TABLE
Example – Searching for a table by name

The following query obtains metadata information for the table athena1.

SELECT table_schema, table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'athena1'

The following table shows a sample result.

table_schema table_name table_type
1 default athena1 BASE TABLE

Listing partitions for a specific table

You can use SHOW PARTITIONS table_name to list the partitions for a specified table, as in the following example.

SHOW PARTITIONS cloudtrail_logs_test2

You can also use a $partitions metadata query to list the partition numbers and partition values for a specific table.

Example – Querying the partitions for a table using the $partitions syntax

The following example query lists the partitions for the table cloudtrail_logs_test2 using the $partitions syntax.

SELECT * FROM default."cloudtrail_logs_test2$partitions" ORDER BY partition_number

The following table shows sample results.

table_catalog table_schema table_name Year Month Day
1 awsdatacatalog default cloudtrail_logs_test2 2020 08 10
2 awsdatacatalog default cloudtrail_logs_test2 2020 08 11
3 awsdatacatalog default cloudtrail_logs_test2 2020 08 12

Listing all columns for all tables

You can list all columns for all tables in AwsDataCatalog or for all tables in a specific database in AwsDataCatalog.

  • To list all columns for all databases in AwsDataCatalog, use the query SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns.

  • To restrict the results to a specific database, use table_schema='database_name' in the WHERE clause.

Example – Listing all columns for all tables in a specific database

The following example query lists all columns for all tables in the database webdata.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'webdata'

Listing the columns that specific tables have in common

You can list the columns that specific tables in a database have in common.

  • Use the syntax SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns.

  • For the WHERE clause, use the syntax WHERE table_name IN ('table1', 'table2').

Example – Listing common columns for two tables in the same database

The following example query lists the columns that the tables table1 and table2 have in common.

SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name IN ('table1', 'table2') GROUP BY column_name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

Listing or searching columns for a specified table or view

You can list all columns for a table, all columns for a view, or search for a column by name in a specified database and table.

To list the columns, use a SELECT * query. In the FROM clause, specify information_schema.columns. In the WHERE clause, use table_schema='database_name' to specify the database and table_name = 'table_name' to specify the table or view that has the columns that you want to list.

Example – Listing all columns for a specified table

The following example query lists all columns for the table rdspostgresqldb1_public_account.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'rdspostgresql' AND table_name = 'rdspostgresqldb1_public_account'

The following table shows sample results.

table_catalog table_schema table_name column_name ordinal_position column_default is_nullable data_type comment extra_info
1 awsdatacatalog rdspostgresql rdspostgresqldb1_public_account password 1 YES varchar
2 awsdatacatalog rdspostgresql rdspostgresqldb1_public_account user_id 2 YES integer
3 awsdatacatalog rdspostgresql rdspostgresqldb1_public_account created_on 3 YES timestamp
4 awsdatacatalog rdspostgresql rdspostgresqldb1_public_account last_login 4 YES timestamp
5 awsdatacatalog rdspostgresql rdspostgresqldb1_public_account email 5 YES varchar
6 awsdatacatalog rdspostgresql rdspostgresqldb1_public_account username 6 YES varchar
Example – Listing the columns for a specified view

The following example query lists all the columns in the default database for the view arrayview.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'default' AND table_name = 'arrayview'

The following table shows sample results.

table_catalog table_schema table_name column_name ordinal_position column_default is_nullable data_type comment extra_info
1 awsdatacatalog default arrayview searchdate 1 YES varchar
2 awsdatacatalog default arrayview sid 2 YES varchar
3 awsdatacatalog default arrayview btid 3 YES varchar
4 awsdatacatalog default arrayview p 4 YES varchar
5 awsdatacatalog default arrayview infantprice 5 YES varchar
6 awsdatacatalog default arrayview sump 6 YES varchar
7 awsdatacatalog default arrayview journeymaparray 7 YES array(varchar)
Example – Searching for a column by name in a specified database and table

The following example query searches for metadata for the sid column in the arrayview view of the default database.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'default' AND table_name = 'arrayview' AND column_name='sid'

The following table shows a sample result.

table_catalog table_schema table_name column_name ordinal_position column_default is_nullable data_type comment extra_info
1 awsdatacatalog default arrayview sid 2 YES varchar