Supported data types for Iceberg tables in Athena - Amazon Athena

Supported data types for Iceberg tables in Athena

Athena can query Iceberg tables that contain the following data types:

binary boolean date decimal double float int list long map string struct timestamp without time zone

For more information about Iceberg table types, see the schemas page for Iceberg in the Apache documentation.

The following table shows the relationship between Athena data types and Iceberg table data types.

Iceberg type Athena type Notes
boolean boolean
- tinyint Not supported for Iceberg tables in Athena.
- smallint Not supported for Iceberg tables in Athena.
int int In Athena DML statements, this type is INTEGER.
long bigint
double double
float float
decimal(P, S) decimal(P, S) P is precision, S is scale.
- char Not supported for Iceberg tables in Athena.
string string In Athena DML statements, this type is VARCHAR.
binary binary
date date
time - Only Iceberg timestamp (without time zone) is supported for Athena Iceberg DDL statements like CREATE TABLE, but all timestamp types can be queried through Athena.
timestamp timestamp
timestamptz timestamptz
list<E> array
map<K,V> map
struct<...> struct
fixed(L) - The fixed(L) type is not currently supported in Athena.

For more information about data types in Athena, see Data types in Amazon Athena.