Use partition projection - Amazon Athena

Use partition projection

The following example shows a CREATE TABLE statement for Resolver query logs that uses partition projection and is partitioned by vpc and by date. For more information about partition projection, see Use partition projection with Amazon Athena.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE r53_rlogs ( version string, account_id string, region string, vpc_id string, query_timestamp string, query_name string, query_type string, query_class string, rcode string, answers array< struct< Rdata: string, Type: string, Class: string> >, srcaddr string, srcport int, transport string, srcids struct< instance: string, resolver_endpoint: string >, firewall_rule_action string, firewall_rule_group_id string, firewall_domain_list_id string ) PARTITIONED BY ( `date` string, `vpc` string ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/route53-query-logging/AWSLogs/aws_account_id/vpcdnsquerylogs/' TBLPROPERTIES( 'projection.enabled' = 'true', 'projection.vpc.type' = 'enum', 'projection.vpc.values' = 'vpc-6446ae02', '' = 'date', '' = '2023/06/26,NOW', '' = 'yyyy/MM/dd', '' = '1', '' = 'DAYS', 'storage.location.template' = 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/route53-query-logging/AWSLogs/aws_account_id/vpcdnsquerylogs/${vpc}/${date}/' )