Create prepared statements using the AWS CLI - Amazon Athena

Create prepared statements using the AWS CLI

To use the AWS CLI to create a prepared statement, you can use one of the following athena commands:

  • Use the create-prepared-statement command and provide a query statement that has execution parameters.

  • Use the start-query-execution command and provide a query string that uses the PREPARE syntax.

Use create-prepared-statement

In a create-prepared-statement command, define the query text in the query-statement argument, as in the following example.

aws athena create-prepared-statement --statement-name PreparedStatement1 --query-statement "SELECT * FROM table WHERE x = ?" --work-group athena-engine-v2

Use start-query-execution and the PREPARE syntax

Use the start-query-execution command. Put the PREPARE statement in the query-string argument, as in the following example:

aws athena start-query-execution --query-string "PREPARE PreparedStatement1 FROM SELECT * FROM table WHERE x = ?" --query-execution-context '{"Database": "default"}' --result-configuration '{"OutputLocation": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/..."}'