Use API and AWS CLI tag operations - Amazon Athena

Use API and AWS CLI tag operations

Use the following tag operations to add, remove, or list tags on a resource.

API CLI Action description
TagResource tag-resource Add or overwrite one or more tags on the resource that has the specified ARN.
UntagResource untag-resource Delete one or more tags from the resource that has the specified ARN.
ListTagsForResource list‑tags‑for‑resource List one or more tags for the resource that has the specified ARN.
Add tags when you create a resource

To add tags when you create a workgroup or data catalog, use the tags parameter with the CreateWorkGroup or CreateDataCatalog API operations or with the AWS CLI create-work-group or create-data-catalog commands.

Manage tags using API actions

The following examples show how to use tag API actions to manage tags on workgroups and data catalogs. The examples are in the Java programming language.

The following example adds two tags to the workgroup workgroupA:

List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>(); tags.add(new Tag().withKey("tagKey1").withValue("tagValue1")); tags.add(new Tag().withKey("tagKey2").withValue("tagValue2")); TagResourceRequest request = new TagResourceRequest() .withResourceARN("arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:123456789012:workgroup/workgroupA") .withTags(tags); client.tagResource(request);

The following example adds two tags to the data catalog datacatalogA:

List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>(); tags.add(new Tag().withKey("tagKey1").withValue("tagValue1")); tags.add(new Tag().withKey("tagKey2").withValue("tagValue2")); TagResourceRequest request = new TagResourceRequest() .withResourceARN("arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:123456789012:datacatalog/datacatalogA") .withTags(tags); client.tagResource(request);

Do not add duplicate tag keys to the same resource. If you do, Athena issues an error message. If you tag a resource using an existing tag key in a separate TagResource action, the new tag value overwrites the old value.

The following example removes tagKey2 from the workgroup workgroupA:

List<String> tagKeys = new ArrayList<>(); tagKeys.add("tagKey2"); UntagResourceRequest request = new UntagResourceRequest() .withResourceARN("arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:123456789012:workgroup/workgroupA") .withTagKeys(tagKeys); client.untagResource(request);

The following example removes tagKey2 from the data catalog datacatalogA:

List<String> tagKeys = new ArrayList<>(); tagKeys.add("tagKey2"); UntagResourceRequest request = new UntagResourceRequest() .withResourceARN("arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:123456789012:datacatalog/datacatalogA") .withTagKeys(tagKeys); client.untagResource(request);

The following example lists tags for the workgroup workgroupA:

ListTagsForResourceRequest request = new ListTagsForResourceRequest() .withResourceARN("arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:123456789012:workgroup/workgroupA"); ListTagsForResourceResult result = client.listTagsForResource(request); List<Tag> resultTags = result.getTags();

The following example lists tags for the data catalog datacatalogA:

ListTagsForResourceRequest request = new ListTagsForResourceRequest() .withResourceARN("arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:123456789012:datacatalog/datacatalogA"); ListTagsForResourceResult result = client.listTagsForResource(request); List<Tag> resultTags = result.getTags();

Manage tags using the AWS CLI

The following examples show how to use the AWS CLI to create and manage tags on data catalogs.

The tag-resource command adds one or more tags to a specified resource.


aws athena tag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:athena:region:account_id:datacatalog/catalog_name --tags Key=string,Value=string Key=string,Value=string

The --resource-arn parameter specifies the resource to which the tags are added. The --tags parameter specifies a list of space-separated key-value pairs to add as tags to the resource.


The following example adds tags to the mydatacatalog data catalog.

aws athena tag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:111122223333:datacatalog/mydatacatalog --tags Key=Color,Value=Orange Key=Time,Value=Now

To show the result, use the list-tags-for-resource command.

For information about adding tags when using the create-data-catalog command, see Registering a catalog: Create-data-catalog.

The list-tags-for-resource command lists the tags for the specified resource.


aws athena list-tags-for-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:athena:region:account_id:datacatalog/catalog_name

The --resource-arn parameter specifies the resource for which the tags are listed.

The following example lists the tags for the mydatacatalog data catalog.

aws athena list-tags-for-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:111122223333:datacatalog/mydatacatalog

The following sample result is in JSON format.

{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "Time", "Value": "Now" }, { "Key": "Color", "Value": "Orange" } ] }

The untag-resource command removes the specified tag keys and their associated values from the specified resource.


aws athena untag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:athena:region:account_id:datacatalog/catalog_name --tag-keys key_name [key_name ...]

The --resource-arn parameter specifies the resource from which the tags are removed. The --tag-keys parameter takes a space-separated list of key names. For each key name specified, the untag-resource command removes both the key and its value.

The following example removes the Color and Time keys and their values from the mydatacatalog catalog resource.

aws athena untag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:athena:us-east-1:111122223333:datacatalog/mydatacatalog --tag-keys Color Time