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Create tables for flow logs in Apache Parquet format using partition projection

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Create tables for flow logs in Apache Parquet format using partition projection - Amazon Athena

The following partition projection CREATE TABLE statement for VPC flow logs is in Apache Parquet format, not Hive compatible, and partitioned by hour and by date instead of day. Replace the table name test_table_vpclogs_parquet in the example with the name of your table. Edit the LOCATION clause to specify the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your Amazon VPC log data.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table_vpclogs_parquet ( version int, account_id string, interface_id string, srcaddr string, dstaddr string, srcport int, dstport int, protocol bigint, packets bigint, bytes bigint, start bigint, `end` bigint, action string, log_status string, vpc_id string, subnet_id string, instance_id string, tcp_flags int, type string, pkt_srcaddr string, pkt_dstaddr string, az_id string, sublocation_type string, sublocation_id string, pkt_src_aws_service string, pkt_dst_aws_service string, flow_direction string, traffic_path int ) PARTITIONED BY (region string, date string, hour string) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix/AWSLogs/{account_id}/vpcflowlogs/' TBLPROPERTIES ( "EXTERNAL"="true", "skip.header.line.count" = "1", "projection.enabled" = "true", "projection.region.type" = "enum", "projection.region.values" = "us-east-1,us-west-2,ap-south-1,eu-west-1", "" = "date", "" = "2021/01/01,NOW", "" = "yyyy/MM/dd", "projection.hour.type" = "integer", "projection.hour.range" = "00,23", "projection.hour.digits" = "2", "storage.location.template" = "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix/AWSLogs/${account_id}/vpcflowlogs/${region}/${date}/${hour}" )
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