Understanding the different delegation tasks for audit owners - AWS Audit Manager

Understanding the different delegation tasks for audit owners

As an audit owner in AWS Audit Manager, you’re responsible for managing assessments and ensuring compliance within your organization. While you have expertise in governance, risk, and compliance, there might be times when you have questions or need assistance from subject matter experts to review and interpret specific technical evidence or controls. This is where the delegation feature in Audit Manager becomes useful.

Key points

Creating a delegation enables you to assign control sets within an assessment to other Audit Manager users (known as delegates) who have specialized knowledge or technical expertise in relevant areas. These delegates can then review the assigned control sets, analyze the collected evidence, provide comments or additional evidence if needed, and update the status of individual controls.

The delegation process streamlines the review and validation of controls by leveraging the collective expertise within your organization. It ensures that each control is thoroughly evaluated by the most qualified personnel, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of your assessments.

Additional resources

The following sections guide you through the different tasks that are associated with managing delegations as an audit owner. This includes how to delegate control sets, track the status of delegations, and manage completed delegations. By effectively using delegations, you can collaborate with subject matter experts, leverage their specialized knowledge, and maintain a comprehensive and well-informed audit process within Audit Manager.

Audit owner tasks