

Amazon Relational Database Service

This guide focuses on the AWS SDK for PHP client for Amazon Relational Database Service. This guide assumes that you have already downloaded and installed the AWS SDK for PHP. See Installation for more information on getting started.

Creating a client

First you need to create a client object using one of the following techniques.

Factory method

The easiest way to get up and running quickly is to use the Aws\Rds\RdsClient::factory() method and provide your credential profile (via the profile option), which identifies the set of credentials you want to use from your ~/.aws/credentials file (see Using the AWS credentials file and credential profiles).

A region parameter is required. You can find a list of available regions using the Regions and Endpoints reference.

use Aws\Rds\RdsClient;

$client = RdsClient::factory(array(
    'profile' => '<profile in your aws credentials file>',
    'region'  => '<region name>'

You can provide your credential profile like in the preceding example, specify your access keys directly (via key and secret), or you can choose to omit any credential information if you are using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for EC2 instances or credentials sourced from the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.


The profile option and AWS credential file support is only available for version 2.6.1 of the SDK and higher. We recommend that all users update their copies of the SDK to take advantage of this feature, which is a safer way to specify credentials than explicitly providing key and secret.

Service builder

A more robust way to connect to Amazon Relational Database Service is through the service builder. This allows you to specify credentials and other configuration settings in a configuration file. These settings can then be shared across all clients so that you only have to specify your settings once.

use Aws\Common\Aws;

// Create a service builder using a configuration file
$aws = Aws::factory('/path/to/my_config.json');

// Get the client from the builder by namespace
$client = $aws->get('Rds');

For more information about configuration files, see Configuring the SDK.

API Reference

Please see the Amazon Relational Database Service Client API reference for a details about all of the available methods, including descriptions of the inputs and outputs.

AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription AddTagsToResource
ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress
CopyDBClusterSnapshot CopyDBParameterGroup
CopyDBSnapshot CopyOptionGroup
CreateDBCluster CreateDBClusterParameterGroup
CreateDBClusterSnapshot CreateDBInstance
CreateDBInstanceReadReplica CreateDBParameterGroup
CreateDBSecurityGroup CreateDBSnapshot
CreateDBSubnetGroup CreateEventSubscription
CreateOptionGroup DeleteDBCluster
DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup DeleteDBClusterSnapshot
DeleteDBInstance DeleteDBParameterGroup
DeleteDBSecurityGroup DeleteDBSnapshot
DeleteDBSubnetGroup DeleteEventSubscription
DeleteOptionGroup DescribeAccountAttributes
DescribeCertificates DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups
DescribeDBClusterParameters DescribeDBClusterSnapshots
DescribeDBClusters DescribeDBEngineVersions
DescribeDBInstances DescribeDBLogFiles
DescribeDBParameterGroups DescribeDBParameters
DescribeDBSecurityGroups DescribeDBSnapshots
DescribeDBSubnetGroups DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters
DescribeEngineDefaultParameters DescribeEventCategories
DescribeEventSubscriptions DescribeEvents
DescribeOptionGroupOptions DescribeOptionGroups
DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions DescribePendingMaintenanceActions
DescribeReservedDBInstances DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings
DownloadDBLogFilePortion FailoverDBCluster
ListTagsForResource ModifyDBCluster
ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup ModifyDBInstance
ModifyDBParameterGroup ModifyDBSubnetGroup
ModifyEventSubscription ModifyOptionGroup
PromoteReadReplica PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering
RebootDBInstance RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription
RemoveTagsFromResource ResetDBClusterParameterGroup
ResetDBParameterGroup RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot
RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot
RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress