AWS Elemental MediaLive 2017-10-14
- Client: Aws\MediaLive\MediaLiveClient
- Service ID: medialive
- Version: 2017-10-14
This page describes the parameters and results for the operations of the AWS Elemental MediaLive (2017-10-14), and shows how to use the Aws\MediaLive\MediaLiveClient object to call the described operations. This documentation is specific to the 2017-10-14 API version of the service.
Operation Summary
Each of the following operations can be created from a client using
, where "CommandName" is the
name of one of the following operations. Note: a command is a value that
encapsulates an operation and the parameters used to create an HTTP request.
You can also create and send a command immediately using the magic methods
available on a client object: $client->commandName(/* parameters */)
You can send the command asynchronously (returning a promise) by appending the
word "Async" to the operation name: $client->commandNameAsync(/* parameters */)
- AcceptInputDeviceTransfer ( array $params = [] )
- Accept an incoming input device transfer.
- BatchDelete ( array $params = [] )
- Starts delete of resources.
- BatchStart ( array $params = [] )
- Starts existing resources
- BatchStop ( array $params = [] )
- Stops running resources
- BatchUpdateSchedule ( array $params = [] )
- Update a channel schedule
- CancelInputDeviceTransfer ( array $params = [] )
- Cancel an input device transfer that you have requested.
- ClaimDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Send a request to claim an AWS Elemental device that you have purchased from a third-party vendor.
- CreateChannel ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new channel
- CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a cloudwatch alarm template to dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms on targeted resource types.
- CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a cloudwatch alarm template group to group your cloudwatch alarm templates and to attach to signal maps for dynamically creating alarms.
- CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Creates an eventbridge rule template to monitor events and send notifications to your targeted resources.
- CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Creates an eventbridge rule template group to group your eventbridge rule templates and to attach to signal maps for dynamically creating notification rules.
- CreateInput ( array $params = [] )
- Create an input
- CreateInputSecurityGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a Input Security Group
- CreateMultiplex ( array $params = [] )
- Create a new multiplex.
- CreateMultiplexProgram ( array $params = [] )
- Create a new program in the multiplex.
- CreatePartnerInput ( array $params = [] )
- Create a partner input
- CreateSignalMap ( array $params = [] )
- Initiates the creation of a new signal map.
- CreateTags ( array $params = [] )
- Create tags for a resource
- DeleteChannel ( array $params = [] )
- Starts deletion of channel.
- DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a cloudwatch alarm template.
- DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a cloudwatch alarm template group.
- DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an eventbridge rule template.
- DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an eventbridge rule template group.
- DeleteInput ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes the input end point
- DeleteInputSecurityGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an Input Security Group
- DeleteMultiplex ( array $params = [] )
- Delete a multiplex.
- DeleteMultiplexProgram ( array $params = [] )
- Delete a program from a multiplex.
- DeleteReservation ( array $params = [] )
- Delete an expired reservation.
- DeleteSchedule ( array $params = [] )
- Delete all schedule actions on a channel.
- DeleteSignalMap ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes the specified signal map.
- DeleteTags ( array $params = [] )
- Removes tags for a resource
- DescribeAccountConfiguration ( array $params = [] )
- Describe account configuration
- DescribeChannel ( array $params = [] )
- Gets details about a channel
- DescribeInput ( array $params = [] )
- Produces details about an input
- DescribeInputDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the details for the input device
- DescribeInputDeviceThumbnail ( array $params = [] )
- Get the latest thumbnail data for the input device.
- DescribeInputSecurityGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Produces a summary of an Input Security Group
- DescribeMultiplex ( array $params = [] )
- Gets details about a multiplex.
- DescribeMultiplexProgram ( array $params = [] )
- Get the details for a program in a multiplex.
- DescribeOffering ( array $params = [] )
- Get details for an offering.
- DescribeReservation ( array $params = [] )
- Get details for a reservation.
- DescribeSchedule ( array $params = [] )
- Get a channel schedule
- DescribeThumbnails ( array $params = [] )
- Describe the latest thumbnails data.
- GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves the specified cloudwatch alarm template.
- GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves the specified cloudwatch alarm template group.
- GetEventBridgeRuleTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves the specified eventbridge rule template.
- GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves the specified eventbridge rule template group.
- GetSignalMap ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieves the specified signal map.
- ListChannels ( array $params = [] )
- Produces list of channels that have been created
- ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups ( array $params = [] )
- Lists cloudwatch alarm template groups.
- ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplates ( array $params = [] )
- Lists cloudwatch alarm templates.
- ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups ( array $params = [] )
- Lists eventbridge rule template groups.
- ListEventBridgeRuleTemplates ( array $params = [] )
- Lists eventbridge rule templates.
- ListInputDeviceTransfers ( array $params = [] )
- List input devices that are currently being transferred.
- ListInputDevices ( array $params = [] )
- List input devices
- ListInputSecurityGroups ( array $params = [] )
- Produces a list of Input Security Groups for an account
- ListInputs ( array $params = [] )
- Produces list of inputs that have been created
- ListMultiplexPrograms ( array $params = [] )
- List the programs that currently exist for a specific multiplex.
- ListMultiplexes ( array $params = [] )
- Retrieve a list of the existing multiplexes.
- ListOfferings ( array $params = [] )
- List offerings available for purchase.
- ListReservations ( array $params = [] )
- List purchased reservations.
- ListSignalMaps ( array $params = [] )
- Lists signal maps.
- ListTagsForResource ( array $params = [] )
- Produces list of tags that have been created for a resource
- PurchaseOffering ( array $params = [] )
- Purchase an offering and create a reservation.
- RebootInputDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Send a reboot command to the specified input device.
- RejectInputDeviceTransfer ( array $params = [] )
- Reject the transfer of the specified input device to your AWS account.
- RestartChannelPipelines ( array $params = [] )
- Restart pipelines in one channel that is currently running.
- StartChannel ( array $params = [] )
- Starts an existing channel
- StartDeleteMonitorDeployment ( array $params = [] )
- Initiates a deployment to delete the monitor of the specified signal map.
- StartInputDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Start an input device that is attached to a MediaConnect flow.
- StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindow ( array $params = [] )
- Start a maintenance window for the specified input device.
- StartMonitorDeployment ( array $params = [] )
- Initiates a deployment to deploy the latest monitor of the specified signal map.
- StartMultiplex ( array $params = [] )
- Start (run) the multiplex.
- StartUpdateSignalMap ( array $params = [] )
- Initiates an update for the specified signal map.
- StopChannel ( array $params = [] )
- Stops a running channel
- StopInputDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Stop an input device that is attached to a MediaConnect flow.
- StopMultiplex ( array $params = [] )
- Stops a running multiplex.
- TransferInputDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Start an input device transfer to another AWS account.
- UpdateAccountConfiguration ( array $params = [] )
- Update account configuration
- UpdateChannel ( array $params = [] )
- Updates a channel.
- UpdateChannelClass ( array $params = [] )
- Changes the class of the channel.
- UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the specified cloudwatch alarm template.
- UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the specified cloudwatch alarm template group.
- UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplate ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the specified eventbridge rule template.
- UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the specified eventbridge rule template group.
- UpdateInput ( array $params = [] )
- Updates an input.
- UpdateInputDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the parameters for the input device.
- UpdateInputSecurityGroup ( array $params = [] )
- Update an Input Security Group's Whilelists.
- UpdateMultiplex ( array $params = [] )
- Updates a multiplex.
- UpdateMultiplexProgram ( array $params = [] )
- Update a program in a multiplex.
- UpdateReservation ( array $params = [] )
- Update reservation.
Paginators handle automatically iterating over paginated API results. Paginators are associated with specific API operations, and they accept the parameters that the corresponding API operation accepts. You can get a paginator from a client class using getPaginator($paginatorName, $operationParameters). This client supports the following paginators:
- DescribeSchedule
- ListChannels
- ListInputSecurityGroups
- ListInputs
- ListOfferings
- ListReservations
- ListMultiplexPrograms
- ListMultiplexes
- ListInputDevices
- ListInputDeviceTransfers
- ListSignalMaps
- ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplates
- ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups
- ListEventBridgeRuleTemplates
- ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups
Waiters allow you to poll a resource until it enters into a desired state. A waiter has a name used to describe what it does, and is associated with an API operation. When creating a waiter, you can provide the API operation parameters associated with the corresponding operation. Waiters can be accessed using the getWaiter($waiterName, $operationParameters) method of a client object. This client supports the following waiters:
Waiter name | API Operation | Delay | Max Attempts |
ChannelCreated | DescribeChannel | 3 | 5 |
ChannelRunning | DescribeChannel | 5 | 120 |
ChannelStopped | DescribeChannel | 5 | 60 |
ChannelDeleted | DescribeChannel | 5 | 84 |
InputAttached | DescribeInput | 5 | 20 |
InputDetached | DescribeInput | 5 | 84 |
InputDeleted | DescribeInput | 5 | 20 |
MultiplexCreated | DescribeMultiplex | 3 | 5 |
MultiplexRunning | DescribeMultiplex | 5 | 120 |
MultiplexStopped | DescribeMultiplex | 5 | 28 |
MultiplexDeleted | DescribeMultiplex | 5 | 20 |
SignalMapCreated | GetSignalMap | 5 | 60 |
SignalMapMonitorDeleted | GetSignalMap | 5 | 120 |
SignalMapMonitorDeployed | GetSignalMap | 5 | 120 |
SignalMapUpdated | GetSignalMap | 5 | 60 |
$result = $client->acceptInputDeviceTransfer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->acceptInputDeviceTransferAsync
([/* ... */]);
Accept an incoming input device transfer. The ownership of the device will transfer to your AWS account.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->acceptInputDeviceTransfer([ 'InputDeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputDeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->batchDelete
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->batchDeleteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Starts delete of resources.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->batchDelete([ 'ChannelIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'InputIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'InputSecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'MultiplexIds' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelIds
- Type: Array of strings
- InputIds
- Type: Array of strings
- InputSecurityGroupIds
- Type: Array of strings
- MultiplexIds
- Type: Array of strings
Result Syntax
[ 'Failed' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Code' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Successful' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'State' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- Failed
- Type: Array of BatchFailedResultModel structures
- Successful
- Type: Array of BatchSuccessfulResultModel structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->batchStart
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->batchStartAsync
([/* ... */]);
Starts existing resources
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->batchStart([ 'ChannelIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'MultiplexIds' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelIds
- Type: Array of strings
- MultiplexIds
- Type: Array of strings
Result Syntax
[ 'Failed' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Code' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Successful' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'State' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- Failed
- Type: Array of BatchFailedResultModel structures
- Successful
- Type: Array of BatchSuccessfulResultModel structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->batchStop
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->batchStopAsync
([/* ... */]);
Stops running resources
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->batchStop([ 'ChannelIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'MultiplexIds' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelIds
- Type: Array of strings
- MultiplexIds
- Type: Array of strings
Result Syntax
[ 'Failed' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Code' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Successful' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'State' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- Failed
- Type: Array of BatchFailedResultModel structures
- Successful
- Type: Array of BatchSuccessfulResultModel structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->batchUpdateSchedule
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->batchUpdateScheduleAsync
([/* ... */]);
Update a channel schedule
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->batchUpdateSchedule([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Creates' => [ 'ScheduleActions' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'ActionName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ScheduleActionSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'HlsId3SegmentTaggingSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', 'Tag' => '<string>', ], 'HlsTimedMetadataSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], 'InputPrepareSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', // REQUIRED 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'InputSwitchSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', // REQUIRED 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'MotionGraphicsImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'MotionGraphicsImageDeactivateSettings' => [ ], 'PauseStateSettings' => [ 'Pipelines' => [ [ 'PipelineId' => 'PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', // REQUIRED ], // ... ], ], 'Scte35InputSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'Mode' => 'FIXED|FOLLOW_ACTIVE', // REQUIRED ], 'Scte35ReturnToNetworkSettings' => [ 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'Scte35SpliceInsertSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'Scte35TimeSignalSettings' => [ 'Scte35Descriptors' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'Scte35DescriptorSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'SegmentationDescriptorScte35DescriptorSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'DeliveryRestrictions' => [ 'ArchiveAllowedFlag' => 'ARCHIVE_NOT_ALLOWED|ARCHIVE_ALLOWED', // REQUIRED 'DeviceRestrictions' => 'NONE|RESTRICT_GROUP0|RESTRICT_GROUP1|RESTRICT_GROUP2', // REQUIRED 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'REGIONAL_BLACKOUT|NO_REGIONAL_BLACKOUT', // REQUIRED 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'WEB_DELIVERY_NOT_ALLOWED|WEB_DELIVERY_ALLOWED', // REQUIRED ], 'SegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SegmentationCancelIndicator' => 'SEGMENTATION_EVENT_NOT_CANCELED|SEGMENTATION_EVENT_CANCELED', // REQUIRED 'SegmentationDuration' => <integer>, 'SegmentationEventId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'SegmentationTypeId' => <integer>, 'SegmentationUpid' => '<string>', 'SegmentationUpidType' => <integer>, 'SegmentsExpected' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentsExpected' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], ], 'StaticImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ // REQUIRED 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ // REQUIRED 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ], ], 'ScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'Time' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], 'FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'FollowPoint' => 'END|START', // REQUIRED 'ReferenceActionName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], 'ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ ], ], ], // ... ], ], 'Deletes' => [ 'ActionNames' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ], ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Creates
- Type: BatchScheduleActionCreateRequest structure
Schedule actions to create in the schedule. - Deletes
- Type: BatchScheduleActionDeleteRequest structure
Schedule actions to delete from the schedule.
Result Syntax
[ 'Creates' => [ 'ScheduleActions' => [ [ 'ActionName' => '<string>', 'ScheduleActionSettings' => [ 'HlsId3SegmentTaggingSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', 'Tag' => '<string>', ], 'HlsTimedMetadataSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', ], 'InputPrepareSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'InputSwitchSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'MotionGraphicsImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'MotionGraphicsImageDeactivateSettings' => [ ], 'PauseStateSettings' => [ 'Pipelines' => [ [ 'PipelineId' => 'PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', ], // ... ], ], 'Scte35InputSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'Mode' => 'FIXED|FOLLOW_ACTIVE', ], 'Scte35ReturnToNetworkSettings' => [ 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, ], 'Scte35SpliceInsertSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, ], 'Scte35TimeSignalSettings' => [ 'Scte35Descriptors' => [ [ 'Scte35DescriptorSettings' => [ 'SegmentationDescriptorScte35DescriptorSettings' => [ 'DeliveryRestrictions' => [ 'ArchiveAllowedFlag' => 'ARCHIVE_NOT_ALLOWED|ARCHIVE_ALLOWED', 'DeviceRestrictions' => 'NONE|RESTRICT_GROUP0|RESTRICT_GROUP1|RESTRICT_GROUP2', 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'REGIONAL_BLACKOUT|NO_REGIONAL_BLACKOUT', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'WEB_DELIVERY_NOT_ALLOWED|WEB_DELIVERY_ALLOWED', ], 'SegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SegmentationCancelIndicator' => 'SEGMENTATION_EVENT_NOT_CANCELED|SEGMENTATION_EVENT_CANCELED', 'SegmentationDuration' => <integer>, 'SegmentationEventId' => <integer>, 'SegmentationTypeId' => <integer>, 'SegmentationUpid' => '<string>', 'SegmentationUpidType' => <integer>, 'SegmentsExpected' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentsExpected' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], ], 'StaticImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], 'ScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'Time' => '<string>', ], 'FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'FollowPoint' => 'END|START', 'ReferenceActionName' => '<string>', ], 'ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ ], ], ], // ... ], ], 'Deletes' => [ 'ScheduleActions' => [ [ 'ActionName' => '<string>', 'ScheduleActionSettings' => [ 'HlsId3SegmentTaggingSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', 'Tag' => '<string>', ], 'HlsTimedMetadataSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', ], 'InputPrepareSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'InputSwitchSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'MotionGraphicsImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'MotionGraphicsImageDeactivateSettings' => [ ], 'PauseStateSettings' => [ 'Pipelines' => [ [ 'PipelineId' => 'PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', ], // ... ], ], 'Scte35InputSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'Mode' => 'FIXED|FOLLOW_ACTIVE', ], 'Scte35ReturnToNetworkSettings' => [ 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, ], 'Scte35SpliceInsertSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, ], 'Scte35TimeSignalSettings' => [ 'Scte35Descriptors' => [ [ 'Scte35DescriptorSettings' => [ 'SegmentationDescriptorScte35DescriptorSettings' => [ 'DeliveryRestrictions' => [ 'ArchiveAllowedFlag' => 'ARCHIVE_NOT_ALLOWED|ARCHIVE_ALLOWED', 'DeviceRestrictions' => 'NONE|RESTRICT_GROUP0|RESTRICT_GROUP1|RESTRICT_GROUP2', 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'REGIONAL_BLACKOUT|NO_REGIONAL_BLACKOUT', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'WEB_DELIVERY_NOT_ALLOWED|WEB_DELIVERY_ALLOWED', ], 'SegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SegmentationCancelIndicator' => 'SEGMENTATION_EVENT_NOT_CANCELED|SEGMENTATION_EVENT_CANCELED', 'SegmentationDuration' => <integer>, 'SegmentationEventId' => <integer>, 'SegmentationTypeId' => <integer>, 'SegmentationUpid' => '<string>', 'SegmentationUpidType' => <integer>, 'SegmentsExpected' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentsExpected' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], ], 'StaticImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], 'ScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'Time' => '<string>', ], 'FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'FollowPoint' => 'END|START', 'ReferenceActionName' => '<string>', ], 'ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ ], ], ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Creates
- Type: BatchScheduleActionCreateResult structure
List of actions that have been created in the schedule. - Deletes
- Type: BatchScheduleActionDeleteResult structure
List of actions that have been deleted from the schedule.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->cancelInputDeviceTransfer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->cancelInputDeviceTransferAsync
([/* ... */]);
Cancel an input device transfer that you have requested.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->cancelInputDeviceTransfer([ 'InputDeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputDeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->claimDevice
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->claimDeviceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Send a request to claim an AWS Elemental device that you have purchased from a third-party vendor. After the request succeeds, you will own the device.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->claimDevice([ 'Id' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- Id
- Type: string
The id of the device you want to claim.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createChannel
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createChannelAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new channel
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createChannel([ 'CdiInputSpecification' => [ 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', ], 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'MediaPackageSettings' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], 'Settings' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'StreamName' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'EncoderSettings' => [ 'AudioDescriptions' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'AudioDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'AudioNormalizationSettings' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'ITU_1770_1|ITU_1770_2', 'AlgorithmControl' => 'CORRECT_AUDIO', 'TargetLkfs' => <float>, ], 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'AudioType' => 'CLEAN_EFFECTS|HEARING_IMPAIRED|UNDEFINED|VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY', 'AudioTypeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioWatermarkingSettings' => [ 'NielsenWatermarksSettings' => [ 'NielsenCbetSettings' => [ 'CbetCheckDigitString' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'CbetStepaside' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', // REQUIRED 'Csid' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], 'NielsenDistributionType' => 'FINAL_DISTRIBUTOR|PROGRAM_CONTENT', 'NielsenNaesIiNwSettings' => [ 'CheckDigitString' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Sid' => <float>, // REQUIRED 'Timezone' => 'AMERICA_PUERTO_RICO|US_ALASKA|US_ARIZONA|US_CENTRAL|US_EASTERN|US_HAWAII|US_MOUNTAIN|US_PACIFIC|US_SAMOA|UTC', ], ], ], 'CodecSettings' => [ 'AacSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'AD_RECEIVER_MIX|CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_5_1', 'InputType' => 'BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD|NORMAL', 'Profile' => 'HEV1|HEV2|LC', 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'RawFormat' => 'LATM_LOAS|NONE', 'SampleRate' => <float>, 'Spec' => 'MPEG2|MPEG4', 'VbrQuality' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM_HIGH|MEDIUM_LOW', ], 'Ac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|DIALOGUE|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|VOICE_OVER', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcProfile' => 'FILM_STANDARD|NONE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'Eac3AtmosSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_5_1_4|CODING_MODE_7_1_4|CODING_MODE_9_1_6', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'HeightTrim' => <float>, 'SurroundTrim' => <float>, ], 'Eac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2', 'DcFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'LfeControl' => 'LFE|NO_LFE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'LoRoCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LoRoSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'PassthroughControl' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|WHEN_POSSIBLE', 'PhaseControl' => 'NO_SHIFT|SHIFT_90_DEGREES', 'StereoDownmix' => 'DPL2|LO_RO|LT_RT|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundExMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', ], 'Mp2Settings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], 'PassThroughSettings' => [ ], 'WavSettings' => [ 'BitDepth' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_4_0|CODING_MODE_8_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageCodeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RemixSettings' => [ 'ChannelMappings' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'InputChannelLevels' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'Gain' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'InputChannel' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], // ... ], 'OutputChannel' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], // ... ], 'ChannelsIn' => <integer>, 'ChannelsOut' => <integer>, ], 'StreamName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'AvailBlanking' => [ 'AvailBlankingImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'AvailConfiguration' => [ 'AvailSettings' => [ 'Esam' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'PoisEndpoint' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', 'ZoneIdentity' => '<string>', ], 'Scte35SpliceInsert' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], 'Scte35TimeSignalApos' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], ], 'Scte35SegmentationScope' => 'ALL_OUTPUT_GROUPS|SCTE35_ENABLED_OUTPUT_GROUPS', ], 'BlackoutSlate' => [ 'BlackoutSlateImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkEndBlackout' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'NetworkEndBlackoutImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'CaptionDescriptions' => [ [ 'Accessibility' => 'DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES|IMPLEMENTS_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES', 'CaptionDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionSelectorName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'DestinationSettings' => [ 'AribDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'BurnInDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSubDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'EbuTtDDestinationSettings' => [ 'CopyrightHolder' => '<string>', 'FillLineGap' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FontFamily' => '<string>', 'StyleControl' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', ], 'EmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte27DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'SmpteTtDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TeletextDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TtmlDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'PASSTHROUGH|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'WebvttDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'NO_STYLE_DATA|PASSTHROUGH', ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], // ... ], 'ColorCorrectionSettings' => [ 'GlobalColorCorrections' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'InputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', // REQUIRED 'OutputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', // REQUIRED 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], // ... ], ], 'FeatureActivations' => [ 'InputPrepareScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'OutputStaticImageOverlayScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'GlobalConfiguration' => [ 'InitialAudioGain' => <integer>, 'InputEndAction' => 'NONE|SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS', 'InputLossBehavior' => [ 'BlackFrameMsec' => <integer>, 'InputLossImageColor' => '<string>', 'InputLossImageSlate' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'InputLossImageType' => 'COLOR|SLATE', 'RepeatFrameMsec' => <integer>, ], 'OutputLockingMode' => 'EPOCH_LOCKING|PIPELINE_LOCKING', 'OutputLockingSettings' => [ 'EpochLockingSettings' => [ 'CustomEpoch' => '<string>', 'JamSyncTime' => '<string>', ], 'PipelineLockingSettings' => [ ], ], 'OutputTimingSource' => 'INPUT_CLOCK|SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'SupportLowFramerateInputs' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'MotionGraphicsConfiguration' => [ 'MotionGraphicsInsertion' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MotionGraphicsSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings' => [ ], ], ], 'NielsenConfiguration' => [ 'DistributorId' => '<string>', 'NielsenPcmToId3Tagging' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'OutputGroups' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'OutputGroupSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'ArchiveGroupSettings' => [ 'ArchiveCdnSettings' => [ 'ArchiveS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'RolloverInterval' => <integer>, ], 'CmafIngestGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Type' => 'NONE|SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION', 'SegmentLength' => <integer>, 'SegmentLengthUnits' => 'MILLISECONDS|SECONDS', 'SendDelayMs' => <integer>, ], 'FrameCaptureGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'FrameCaptureCdnSettings' => [ 'FrameCaptureS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], ], 'HlsGroupSettings' => [ 'AdMarkers' => ['<string>', ...], 'BaseUrlContent' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlContent1' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest1' => '<string>', 'CaptionLanguageMappings' => [ [ 'CaptionChannel' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], // ... ], 'CaptionLanguageSetting' => 'INSERT|NONE|OMIT', 'ClientCache' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'CodecSpecification' => 'RFC_4281|RFC_6381', 'ConstantIv' => '<string>', 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'DirectoryStructure' => 'SINGLE_DIRECTORY|SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM', 'DiscontinuityTags' => 'INSERT|NEVER_INSERT', 'EncryptionType' => 'AES128|SAMPLE_AES', 'HlsCdnSettings' => [ 'HlsAkamaiSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'HttpTransferMode' => 'CHUNKED|NON_CHUNKED', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, 'Salt' => '<string>', 'Token' => '<string>', ], 'HlsBasicPutSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsMediaStoreSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'MediaStoreStorageClass' => 'TEMPORAL', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], 'HlsWebdavSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'HttpTransferMode' => 'CHUNKED|NON_CHUNKED', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], ], 'HlsId3SegmentTagging' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'IFrameOnlyPlaylists' => 'DISABLED|STANDARD', 'IncompleteSegmentBehavior' => 'AUTO|SUPPRESS', 'IndexNSegments' => <integer>, 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'IvInManifest' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'IvSource' => 'EXPLICIT|FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER', 'KeepSegments' => <integer>, 'KeyFormat' => '<string>', 'KeyFormatVersions' => '<string>', 'KeyProviderSettings' => [ 'StaticKeySettings' => [ 'KeyProviderServer' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'StaticKeyValue' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], ], 'ManifestCompression' => 'GZIP|NONE', 'ManifestDurationFormat' => 'FLOATING_POINT|INTEGER', 'MinSegmentLength' => <integer>, 'Mode' => 'LIVE|VOD', 'OutputSelection' => 'MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS|SEGMENTS_ONLY|VARIANT_MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS', 'ProgramDateTime' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'ProgramDateTimeClock' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_OUTPUT_TIMECODE|SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'ProgramDateTimePeriod' => <integer>, 'RedundantManifest' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'SegmentLength' => <integer>, 'SegmentationMode' => 'USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION|USE_SEGMENT_DURATION', 'SegmentsPerSubdirectory' => <integer>, 'StreamInfResolution' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'TimedMetadataId3Frame' => 'NONE|PRIV|TDRL', 'TimedMetadataId3Period' => <integer>, 'TimestampDeltaMilliseconds' => <integer>, 'TsFileMode' => 'SEGMENTED_FILES|SINGLE_FILE', ], 'MediaPackageGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], ], 'MsSmoothGroupSettings' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', 'AudioOnlyTimecodeControl' => 'PASSTHROUGH|USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK', 'CertificateMode' => 'SELF_SIGNED|VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY', 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'EventId' => '<string>', 'EventIdMode' => 'NO_EVENT_ID|USE_CONFIGURED|USE_TIMESTAMP', 'EventStopBehavior' => 'NONE|SEND_EOS', 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'FragmentLength' => <integer>, 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, 'SegmentationMode' => 'USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION|USE_SEGMENT_DURATION', 'SendDelayMs' => <integer>, 'SparseTrackType' => 'NONE|SCTE_35|SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION', 'StreamManifestBehavior' => 'DO_NOT_SEND|SEND', 'TimestampOffset' => '<string>', 'TimestampOffsetMode' => 'USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET|USE_EVENT_START_DATE', ], 'MultiplexGroupSettings' => [ ], 'RtmpGroupSettings' => [ 'AdMarkers' => ['<string>', ...], 'AuthenticationScheme' => 'AKAMAI|COMMON', 'CacheFullBehavior' => 'DISCONNECT_IMMEDIATELY|WAIT_FOR_SERVER', 'CacheLength' => <integer>, 'CaptionData' => 'ALL|FIELD1_608|FIELD1_AND_FIELD2_608', 'IncludeFillerNalUnits' => 'AUTO|DROP|INCLUDE', 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'UdpGroupSettings' => [ 'InputLossAction' => 'DROP_PROGRAM|DROP_TS|EMIT_PROGRAM', 'TimedMetadataId3Frame' => 'NONE|PRIV|TDRL', 'TimedMetadataId3Period' => <integer>, ], ], 'Outputs' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'AudioDescriptionNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionDescriptionNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'OutputName' => '<string>', 'OutputSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'ArchiveOutputSettings' => [ 'ContainerSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'M2tsSettings' => [ 'AbsentInputAudioBehavior' => 'DROP|ENCODE_SILENCE', 'Arib' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'AribCaptionsPid' => '<string>', 'AribCaptionsPidControl' => 'AUTO|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioBufferModel' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'AudioFramesPerPes' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => '<string>', 'AudioStreamType' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufferModel' => 'MULTIPLEX|NONE', 'CcDescriptor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DvbNitSettings' => [ 'NetworkId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'NetworkName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSdtSettings' => [ 'OutputSdt' => 'SDT_FOLLOW|SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT|SDT_MANUAL|SDT_NONE', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, 'ServiceName' => '<string>', 'ServiceProviderName' => '<string>', ], 'DvbSubPids' => '<string>', 'DvbTdtSettings' => [ 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbTeletextPid' => '<string>', 'Ebif' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'EbpAudioInterval' => 'VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS|VIDEO_INTERVAL', 'EbpLookaheadMs' => <integer>, 'EbpPlacement' => 'VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS|VIDEO_PID', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'EsRateInPes' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'EtvPlatformPid' => '<string>', 'EtvSignalPid' => '<string>', 'FragmentTime' => <float>, 'Klv' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'NullPacketBitrate' => <float>, 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => <integer>, 'RateMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'Scte27Pids' => '<string>', 'Scte35Control' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Pid' => '<string>', 'Scte35PrerollPullupMilliseconds' => <float>, 'SegmentationMarkers' => 'EBP|EBP_LEGACY|NONE|PSI_SEGSTART|RAI_ADAPT|RAI_SEGSTART', 'SegmentationStyle' => 'MAINTAIN_CADENCE|RESET_CADENCE', 'SegmentationTime' => <float>, 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataPid' => '<string>', 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => '<string>', ], 'RawSettings' => [ ], ], 'Extension' => '<string>', 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'CmafIngestOutputSettings' => [ 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'FrameCaptureOutputSettings' => [ 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'HlsOutputSettings' => [ 'H265PackagingType' => 'HEV1|HVC1', 'HlsSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'AudioOnlyHlsSettings' => [ 'AudioGroupId' => '<string>', 'AudioOnlyImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'AudioTrackType' => 'ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT|ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT|ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT|AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM', 'SegmentType' => 'AAC|FMP4', ], 'Fmp4HlsSettings' => [ 'AudioRenditionSets' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', ], 'FrameCaptureHlsSettings' => [ ], 'StandardHlsSettings' => [ 'AudioRenditionSets' => '<string>', 'M3u8Settings' => [ // REQUIRED 'AudioFramesPerPes' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => '<string>', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'KlvBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => <integer>, 'Scte35Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Pid' => '<string>', 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataPid' => '<string>', 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'NameModifier' => '<string>', 'SegmentModifier' => '<string>', ], 'MediaPackageOutputSettings' => [ ], 'MsSmoothOutputSettings' => [ 'H265PackagingType' => 'HEV1|HVC1', 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'MultiplexOutputSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], ], 'RtmpOutputSettings' => [ 'CertificateMode' => 'SELF_SIGNED|VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY', 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'NumRetries' => <integer>, ], 'UdpOutputSettings' => [ 'BufferMsec' => <integer>, 'ContainerSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'M2tsSettings' => [ 'AbsentInputAudioBehavior' => 'DROP|ENCODE_SILENCE', 'Arib' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'AribCaptionsPid' => '<string>', 'AribCaptionsPidControl' => 'AUTO|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioBufferModel' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'AudioFramesPerPes' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => '<string>', 'AudioStreamType' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufferModel' => 'MULTIPLEX|NONE', 'CcDescriptor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DvbNitSettings' => [ 'NetworkId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'NetworkName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSdtSettings' => [ 'OutputSdt' => 'SDT_FOLLOW|SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT|SDT_MANUAL|SDT_NONE', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, 'ServiceName' => '<string>', 'ServiceProviderName' => '<string>', ], 'DvbSubPids' => '<string>', 'DvbTdtSettings' => [ 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbTeletextPid' => '<string>', 'Ebif' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'EbpAudioInterval' => 'VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS|VIDEO_INTERVAL', 'EbpLookaheadMs' => <integer>, 'EbpPlacement' => 'VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS|VIDEO_PID', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'EsRateInPes' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'EtvPlatformPid' => '<string>', 'EtvSignalPid' => '<string>', 'FragmentTime' => <float>, 'Klv' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'NullPacketBitrate' => <float>, 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => <integer>, 'RateMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'Scte27Pids' => '<string>', 'Scte35Control' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Pid' => '<string>', 'Scte35PrerollPullupMilliseconds' => <float>, 'SegmentationMarkers' => 'EBP|EBP_LEGACY|NONE|PSI_SEGSTART|RAI_ADAPT|RAI_SEGSTART', 'SegmentationStyle' => 'MAINTAIN_CADENCE|RESET_CADENCE', 'SegmentationTime' => <float>, 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataPid' => '<string>', 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => '<string>', ], ], 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'FecOutputSettings' => [ 'ColumnDepth' => <integer>, 'IncludeFec' => 'COLUMN|COLUMN_AND_ROW', 'RowLength' => <integer>, ], ], ], 'VideoDescriptionName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'ThumbnailConfiguration' => [ 'State' => 'AUTO|DISABLED', // REQUIRED ], 'TimecodeConfig' => [ // REQUIRED 'Source' => 'EMBEDDED|SYSTEMCLOCK|ZEROBASED', // REQUIRED 'SyncThreshold' => <integer>, ], 'VideoDescriptions' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'CodecSettings' => [ 'FrameCaptureSettings' => [ 'CaptureInterval' => <integer>, 'CaptureIntervalUnits' => 'MILLISECONDS|SECONDS', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', // REQUIRED 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', // REQUIRED 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], ], 'H264Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|HIGHER|LOW|MAX|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufFillPct' => <integer>, 'BufSize' => <integer>, 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings' => [ ], 'Rec601Settings' => [ ], 'Rec709Settings' => [ ], ], 'EntropyEncoding' => 'CABAC|CAVLC', 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FlickerAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'ForceFieldPictures' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FramerateControl' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE|SPECIFIED', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopBReference' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopNumBFrames' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'Level' => 'H264_LEVEL_1|H264_LEVEL_1_1|H264_LEVEL_1_2|H264_LEVEL_1_3|H264_LEVEL_2|H264_LEVEL_2_1|H264_LEVEL_2_2|H264_LEVEL_3|H264_LEVEL_3_1|H264_LEVEL_3_2|H264_LEVEL_4|H264_LEVEL_4_1|H264_LEVEL_4_2|H264_LEVEL_5|H264_LEVEL_5_1|H264_LEVEL_5_2|H264_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'NumRefFrames' => <integer>, 'ParControl' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE|SPECIFIED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'BASELINE|HIGH|HIGH_10BIT|HIGH_422|HIGH_422_10BIT|MAIN', 'QualityLevel' => 'ENHANCED_QUALITY|STANDARD_QUALITY', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR|VBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Softness' => <integer>, 'SpatialAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'Syntax' => 'DEFAULT|RP2027', 'TemporalAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', // REQUIRED 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', // REQUIRED 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', ], 'H265Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|HIGHER|LOW|MAX|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'AlternativeTransferFunction' => 'INSERT|OMIT', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufSize' => <integer>, 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings' => [ ], 'DolbyVision81Settings' => [ ], 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], 'Rec601Settings' => [ ], 'Rec709Settings' => [ ], ], 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FlickerAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'Level' => 'H265_LEVEL_1|H265_LEVEL_2|H265_LEVEL_2_1|H265_LEVEL_3|H265_LEVEL_3_1|H265_LEVEL_4|H265_LEVEL_4_1|H265_LEVEL_5|H265_LEVEL_5_1|H265_LEVEL_5_2|H265_LEVEL_6|H265_LEVEL_6_1|H265_LEVEL_6_2|H265_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'MvOverPictureBoundaries' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MvTemporalPredictor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'MAIN|MAIN_10BIT', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Tier' => 'HIGH|MAIN', 'TileHeight' => <integer>, 'TilePadding' => 'NONE|PADDED', 'TileWidth' => <integer>, 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', // REQUIRED 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', // REQUIRED 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', 'TreeblockSize' => 'AUTO|TREE_SIZE_32X32', ], 'Mpeg2Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpace' => 'AUTO|PASSTHROUGH', 'DisplayAspectRatio' => 'DISPLAYRATIO16X9|DISPLAYRATIO4X3', 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopNumBFrames' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', // REQUIRED 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', // REQUIRED 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|GOP_TIMECODE', ], ], 'Height' => <integer>, 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RespondToAfd' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH|RESPOND', 'ScalingBehavior' => 'DEFAULT|STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT', 'Sharpness' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'InputAttachments' => [ [ 'AutomaticInputFailoverSettings' => [ 'ErrorClearTimeMsec' => <integer>, 'FailoverConditions' => [ [ 'FailoverConditionSettings' => [ 'AudioSilenceSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'AudioSilenceThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'InputLossSettings' => [ 'InputLossThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'VideoBlackSettings' => [ 'BlackDetectThreshold' => <float>, 'VideoBlackThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputPreference' => 'EQUAL_INPUT_PREFERENCE|PRIMARY_INPUT_PREFERRED', 'SecondaryInputId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], 'InputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'InputId' => '<string>', 'InputSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectors' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AudioHlsRenditionSelection' => [ 'GroupId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], 'AudioLanguageSelection' => [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LanguageSelectionPolicy' => 'LOOSE|STRICT', ], 'AudioPidSelection' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'AudioTrackSelection' => [ 'DolbyEDecode' => [ 'ProgramSelection' => 'ALL_CHANNELS|PROGRAM_1|PROGRAM_2|PROGRAM_3|PROGRAM_4|PROGRAM_5|PROGRAM_6|PROGRAM_7|PROGRAM_8', // REQUIRED ], 'Tracks' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'Track' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], // ... ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'CaptionSelectors' => [ [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AncillarySourceSettings' => [ 'SourceAncillaryChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'AribSourceSettings' => [ ], 'DvbSubSourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'EmbeddedSourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Scte20Detection' => 'AUTO|OFF', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, 'Source608TrackNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte20SourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte27SourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'TeletextSourceSettings' => [ 'OutputRectangle' => [ 'Height' => <float>, // REQUIRED 'LeftOffset' => <float>, // REQUIRED 'TopOffset' => <float>, // REQUIRED 'Width' => <float>, // REQUIRED ], 'PageNumber' => '<string>', ], ], ], // ... ], 'DeblockFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DenoiseFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FilterStrength' => <integer>, 'InputFilter' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|FORCED', 'NetworkInputSettings' => [ 'HlsInputSettings' => [ 'Bandwidth' => <integer>, 'BufferSegments' => <integer>, 'Retries' => <integer>, 'RetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Scte35Source' => 'MANIFEST|SEGMENTS', ], 'ServerValidation' => 'CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME|CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY', ], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038DataPreference' => 'IGNORE|PREFER', 'SourceEndBehavior' => 'CONTINUE|LOOP', 'VideoSelector' => [ 'ColorSpace' => 'FOLLOW|HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], ], 'ColorSpaceUsage' => 'FALLBACK|FORCE', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'VideoSelectorPid' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'VideoSelectorProgramId' => [ 'ProgramId' => <integer>, ], ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputSpecification' => [ 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|UHD', ], 'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|DISABLED', 'Maintenance' => [ 'MaintenanceDay' => 'MONDAY|TUESDAY|WEDNESDAY|THURSDAY|FRIDAY|SATURDAY|SUNDAY', 'MaintenanceStartTime' => '<string>', ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'Reserved' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Vpc' => [ 'PublicAddressAllocationIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetIds' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ], ]);
Parameter Details
- CdiInputSpecification
- Type: CdiInputSpecification structure
- ChannelClass
- Type: string
A standard channel has two encoding pipelines and a single pipeline channel only has one. - Destinations
- Type: Array of OutputDestination structures
- EncoderSettings
- Type: EncoderSettings structure
Encoder Settings - InputAttachments
- Type: Array of InputAttachment structures
- InputSpecification
- Type: InputSpecification structure
- LogLevel
- Type: string
The log level the user wants for their channel. - Maintenance
- Type: MaintenanceCreateSettings structure
- Name
- Type: string
- RequestId
- Type: string
- Reserved
- Type: string
- RoleArn
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- Vpc
- Type: VpcOutputSettings structure
The properties for a private VPC OutputWhen this property is specified, the output egress addresses will be created in a user specified VPC
Result Syntax
[ 'Channel' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CdiInputSpecification' => [ 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', ], 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'MediaPackageSettings' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], 'Settings' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'StreamName' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'EgressEndpoints' => [ [ 'SourceIp' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'EncoderSettings' => [ 'AudioDescriptions' => [ [ 'AudioDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'AudioNormalizationSettings' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'ITU_1770_1|ITU_1770_2', 'AlgorithmControl' => 'CORRECT_AUDIO', 'TargetLkfs' => <float>, ], 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioType' => 'CLEAN_EFFECTS|HEARING_IMPAIRED|UNDEFINED|VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY', 'AudioTypeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioWatermarkingSettings' => [ 'NielsenWatermarksSettings' => [ 'NielsenCbetSettings' => [ 'CbetCheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'CbetStepaside' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Csid' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenDistributionType' => 'FINAL_DISTRIBUTOR|PROGRAM_CONTENT', 'NielsenNaesIiNwSettings' => [ 'CheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'Sid' => <float>, 'Timezone' => 'AMERICA_PUERTO_RICO|US_ALASKA|US_ARIZONA|US_CENTRAL|US_EASTERN|US_HAWAII|US_MOUNTAIN|US_PACIFIC|US_SAMOA|UTC', ], ], ], 'CodecSettings' => [ 'AacSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'AD_RECEIVER_MIX|CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_5_1', 'InputType' => 'BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD|NORMAL', 'Profile' => 'HEV1|HEV2|LC', 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'RawFormat' => 'LATM_LOAS|NONE', 'SampleRate' => <float>, 'Spec' => 'MPEG2|MPEG4', 'VbrQuality' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM_HIGH|MEDIUM_LOW', ], 'Ac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 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'AudioStreamType' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufferModel' => 'MULTIPLEX|NONE', 'CcDescriptor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DvbNitSettings' => [ 'NetworkId' => <integer>, 'NetworkName' => '<string>', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSdtSettings' => [ 'OutputSdt' => 'SDT_FOLLOW|SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT|SDT_MANUAL|SDT_NONE', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, 'ServiceName' => '<string>', 'ServiceProviderName' => '<string>', ], 'DvbSubPids' => '<string>', 'DvbTdtSettings' => [ 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbTeletextPid' => '<string>', 'Ebif' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'EbpAudioInterval' => 'VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS|VIDEO_INTERVAL', 'EbpLookaheadMs' => <integer>, 'EbpPlacement' => 'VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS|VIDEO_PID', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'EsRateInPes' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'EtvPlatformPid' => '<string>', 'EtvSignalPid' => '<string>', 'FragmentTime' => <float>, 'Klv' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'NullPacketBitrate' => <float>, 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => <integer>, 'RateMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'Scte27Pids' => '<string>', 'Scte35Control' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Pid' => '<string>', 'Scte35PrerollPullupMilliseconds' => <float>, 'SegmentationMarkers' => 'EBP|EBP_LEGACY|NONE|PSI_SEGSTART|RAI_ADAPT|RAI_SEGSTART', 'SegmentationStyle' => 'MAINTAIN_CADENCE|RESET_CADENCE', 'SegmentationTime' => <float>, 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataPid' => '<string>', 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => '<string>', ], ], 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'FecOutputSettings' => [ 'ColumnDepth' => <integer>, 'IncludeFec' => 'COLUMN|COLUMN_AND_ROW', 'RowLength' => <integer>, ], ], ], 'VideoDescriptionName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'ThumbnailConfiguration' => [ 'State' => 'AUTO|DISABLED', ], 'TimecodeConfig' => [ 'Source' => 'EMBEDDED|SYSTEMCLOCK|ZEROBASED', 'SyncThreshold' => <integer>, ], 'VideoDescriptions' => [ [ 'CodecSettings' => [ 'FrameCaptureSettings' => [ 'CaptureInterval' => <integer>, 'CaptureIntervalUnits' => 'MILLISECONDS|SECONDS', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], ], 'H264Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|HIGHER|LOW|MAX|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufFillPct' => <integer>, 'BufSize' => <integer>, 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings' => [ ], 'Rec601Settings' => [ ], 'Rec709Settings' => [ ], ], 'EntropyEncoding' => 'CABAC|CAVLC', 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FlickerAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'ForceFieldPictures' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FramerateControl' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE|SPECIFIED', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopBReference' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopNumBFrames' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'Level' => 'H264_LEVEL_1|H264_LEVEL_1_1|H264_LEVEL_1_2|H264_LEVEL_1_3|H264_LEVEL_2|H264_LEVEL_2_1|H264_LEVEL_2_2|H264_LEVEL_3|H264_LEVEL_3_1|H264_LEVEL_3_2|H264_LEVEL_4|H264_LEVEL_4_1|H264_LEVEL_4_2|H264_LEVEL_5|H264_LEVEL_5_1|H264_LEVEL_5_2|H264_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'NumRefFrames' => <integer>, 'ParControl' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE|SPECIFIED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'BASELINE|HIGH|HIGH_10BIT|HIGH_422|HIGH_422_10BIT|MAIN', 'QualityLevel' => 'ENHANCED_QUALITY|STANDARD_QUALITY', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR|VBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Softness' => <integer>, 'SpatialAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'Syntax' => 'DEFAULT|RP2027', 'TemporalAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', ], 'H265Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|HIGHER|LOW|MAX|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'AlternativeTransferFunction' => 'INSERT|OMIT', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufSize' => <integer>, 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings' => [ ], 'DolbyVision81Settings' => [ ], 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], 'Rec601Settings' => [ ], 'Rec709Settings' => [ ], ], 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FlickerAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'Level' => 'H265_LEVEL_1|H265_LEVEL_2|H265_LEVEL_2_1|H265_LEVEL_3|H265_LEVEL_3_1|H265_LEVEL_4|H265_LEVEL_4_1|H265_LEVEL_5|H265_LEVEL_5_1|H265_LEVEL_5_2|H265_LEVEL_6|H265_LEVEL_6_1|H265_LEVEL_6_2|H265_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'MvOverPictureBoundaries' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MvTemporalPredictor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'MAIN|MAIN_10BIT', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Tier' => 'HIGH|MAIN', 'TileHeight' => <integer>, 'TilePadding' => 'NONE|PADDED', 'TileWidth' => <integer>, 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', 'TreeblockSize' => 'AUTO|TREE_SIZE_32X32', ], 'Mpeg2Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpace' => 'AUTO|PASSTHROUGH', 'DisplayAspectRatio' => 'DISPLAYRATIO16X9|DISPLAYRATIO4X3', 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopNumBFrames' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|GOP_TIMECODE', ], ], 'Height' => <integer>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'RespondToAfd' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH|RESPOND', 'ScalingBehavior' => 'DEFAULT|STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT', 'Sharpness' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputAttachments' => [ [ 'AutomaticInputFailoverSettings' => [ 'ErrorClearTimeMsec' => <integer>, 'FailoverConditions' => [ [ 'FailoverConditionSettings' => [ 'AudioSilenceSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioSilenceThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'InputLossSettings' => [ 'InputLossThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'VideoBlackSettings' => [ 'BlackDetectThreshold' => <float>, 'VideoBlackThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputPreference' => 'EQUAL_INPUT_PREFERENCE|PRIMARY_INPUT_PREFERRED', 'SecondaryInputId' => '<string>', ], 'InputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'InputId' => '<string>', 'InputSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectors' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AudioHlsRenditionSelection' => [ 'GroupId' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], 'AudioLanguageSelection' => [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageSelectionPolicy' => 'LOOSE|STRICT', ], 'AudioPidSelection' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'AudioTrackSelection' => [ 'DolbyEDecode' => [ 'ProgramSelection' => 'ALL_CHANNELS|PROGRAM_1|PROGRAM_2|PROGRAM_3|PROGRAM_4|PROGRAM_5|PROGRAM_6|PROGRAM_7|PROGRAM_8', ], 'Tracks' => [ [ 'Track' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'CaptionSelectors' => [ [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AncillarySourceSettings' => [ 'SourceAncillaryChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'AribSourceSettings' => [ ], 'DvbSubSourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'EmbeddedSourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Scte20Detection' => 'AUTO|OFF', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, 'Source608TrackNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte20SourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte27SourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'TeletextSourceSettings' => [ 'OutputRectangle' => [ 'Height' => <float>, 'LeftOffset' => <float>, 'TopOffset' => <float>, 'Width' => <float>, ], 'PageNumber' => '<string>', ], ], ], // ... ], 'DeblockFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DenoiseFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FilterStrength' => <integer>, 'InputFilter' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|FORCED', 'NetworkInputSettings' => [ 'HlsInputSettings' => [ 'Bandwidth' => <integer>, 'BufferSegments' => <integer>, 'Retries' => <integer>, 'RetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Scte35Source' => 'MANIFEST|SEGMENTS', ], 'ServerValidation' => 'CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME|CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY', ], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038DataPreference' => 'IGNORE|PREFER', 'SourceEndBehavior' => 'CONTINUE|LOOP', 'VideoSelector' => [ 'ColorSpace' => 'FOLLOW|HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], ], 'ColorSpaceUsage' => 'FALLBACK|FORCE', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'VideoSelectorPid' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'VideoSelectorProgramId' => [ 'ProgramId' => <integer>, ], ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputSpecification' => [ 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|UHD', ], 'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|DISABLED', 'Maintenance' => [ 'MaintenanceDay' => 'MONDAY|TUESDAY|WEDNESDAY|THURSDAY|FRIDAY|SATURDAY|SUNDAY', 'MaintenanceDeadline' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceScheduledDate' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceStartTime' => '<string>', ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelineDetails' => [ [ 'ActiveInputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'ActiveInputSwitchActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsUri' => '<string>', 'PipelineId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED|UPDATING|UPDATE_FAILED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'NetworkInterfaceIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetIds' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], ]
Result Details
- Channel
- Type: Channel structure
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createCloudWatchAlarmTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createCloudWatchAlarmTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a cloudwatch alarm template to dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms on targeted resource types.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createCloudWatchAlarmTemplate([ 'ComparisonOperator' => 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold|GreaterThanThreshold|LessThanThreshold|LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', // REQUIRED 'DatapointsToAlarm' => <integer>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'EvaluationPeriods' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'GroupIdentifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MetricName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Period' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'Statistic' => 'SampleCount|Average|Sum|Minimum|Maximum', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'TargetResourceType' => 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION|MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX|MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL|MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE|MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL|MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT|MEDIACONNECT_FLOW|S3_BUCKET', // REQUIRED 'Threshold' => <float>, // REQUIRED 'TreatMissingData' => 'notBreaching|breaching|ignore|missing', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ComparisonOperator
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold. - DatapointsToAlarm
- Type: int
- Description
- Type: string
- EvaluationPeriods
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
- GroupIdentifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- MetricName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Period
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
- Statistic
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource. - TargetResourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for. - Threshold
- Required: Yes
- Type: double
- TreatMissingData
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'ComparisonOperator' => 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold|GreaterThanThreshold|LessThanThreshold|LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DatapointsToAlarm' => <integer>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'EvaluationPeriods' => <integer>, 'GroupId' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'MetricName' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Period' => <integer>, 'Statistic' => 'SampleCount|Average|Sum|Minimum|Maximum', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'TargetResourceType' => 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION|MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX|MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL|MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE|MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL|MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT|MEDIACONNECT_FLOW|S3_BUCKET', 'Threshold' => <float>, 'TreatMissingData' => 'notBreaching|breaching|ignore|missing', ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- ComparisonOperator
- Type: string
The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold. - CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- DatapointsToAlarm
- Type: int
- Description
- Type: string
- EvaluationPeriods
- Type: int
- GroupId
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- MetricName
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Period
- Type: int
- Statistic
- Type: string
The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource. - TargetResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for. - Threshold
- Type: double
- TreatMissingData
- Type: string
Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a cloudwatch alarm template group to group your cloudwatch alarm templates and to attach to signal maps for dynamically creating alarms.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup([ 'Description' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- Description
- Type: string
- Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createEventBridgeRuleTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createEventBridgeRuleTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates an eventbridge rule template to monitor events and send notifications to your targeted resources.
Parameter Syntax
Parameter Details
- Description
- Type: string
- EventTargets
- Type: Array of EventBridgeRuleTemplateTarget structures
- EventType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The type of event to match with the rule. - GroupIdentifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- EventTargets
- Type: Array of EventBridgeRuleTemplateTarget structures
- EventType
- Type: string
The type of event to match with the rule. - GroupId
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates an eventbridge rule template group to group your eventbridge rule templates and to attach to signal maps for dynamically creating notification rules.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup([ 'Description' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- Description
- Type: string
- Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createInput
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createInputAsync
([/* ... */]);
Create an input
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createInput([ 'Destinations' => [ [ 'StreamName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'InputDevices' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'InputSecurityGroups' => ['<string>', ...], 'MediaConnectFlows' => [ [ 'FlowArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'Sources' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'SrtSettings' => [ 'SrtCallerSources' => [ [ 'Decryption' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'AES128|AES192|AES256', 'PassphraseSecretArn' => '<string>', ], 'MinimumLatency' => <integer>, 'SrtListenerAddress' => '<string>', 'SrtListenerPort' => '<string>', 'StreamId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Type' => 'UDP_PUSH|RTP_PUSH|RTMP_PUSH|RTMP_PULL|URL_PULL|MP4_FILE|MEDIACONNECT|INPUT_DEVICE|AWS_CDI|TS_FILE|SRT_CALLER', 'Vpc' => [ 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetIds' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ], ]);
Parameter Details
- Destinations
- Type: Array of InputDestinationRequest structures
- InputDevices
- Type: Array of InputDeviceSettings structures
- InputSecurityGroups
- Type: Array of strings
- MediaConnectFlows
- Type: Array of MediaConnectFlowRequest structures
- Name
- Type: string
- RequestId
- Type: string
- RoleArn
- Type: string
- Sources
- Type: Array of InputSourceRequest structures
- SrtSettings
- Type: SrtSettingsRequest structure
Configures the sources for this SRT input. For a single-pipeline input, include one srtCallerSource in the array. For a standard-pipeline input, include two srtCallerSource. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- Type
- Type: string
The different types of inputs that AWS Elemental MediaLive supports. - Vpc
- Type: InputVpcRequest structure
Settings for a private VPC Input.When this property is specified, the input destination addresses will be created in a VPC rather than with public Internet addresses.This property requires setting the roleArn property on Input creation.Not compatible with the inputSecurityGroups property.
Result Syntax
[ 'Input' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AttachedChannels' => ['<string>', ...], 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Ip' => '<string>', 'Port' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZone' => '<string>', 'NetworkInterfaceId' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'InputDevices' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'InputPartnerIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'InputSourceType' => 'STATIC|DYNAMIC', 'MediaConnectFlows' => [ [ 'FlowArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'SecurityGroups' => ['<string>', ...], 'Sources' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'SrtSettings' => [ 'SrtCallerSources' => [ [ 'Decryption' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'AES128|AES192|AES256', 'PassphraseSecretArn' => '<string>', ], 'MinimumLatency' => <integer>, 'SrtListenerAddress' => '<string>', 'SrtListenerPort' => '<string>', 'StreamId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'State' => 'CREATING|DETACHED|ATTACHED|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Type' => 'UDP_PUSH|RTP_PUSH|RTMP_PUSH|RTMP_PULL|URL_PULL|MP4_FILE|MEDIACONNECT|INPUT_DEVICE|AWS_CDI|TS_FILE|SRT_CALLER', ], ]
Result Details
- Input
- Type: Input structure
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createInputSecurityGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createInputSecurityGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a Input Security Group
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createInputSecurityGroup([ 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'WhitelistRules' => [ [ 'Cidr' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- WhitelistRules
- Type: Array of InputWhitelistRuleCidr structures
Result Syntax
[ 'SecurityGroup' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'Inputs' => ['<string>', ...], 'State' => 'IDLE|IN_USE|UPDATING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'WhitelistRules' => [ [ 'Cidr' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- SecurityGroup
- Type: InputSecurityGroup structure
An Input Security Group
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createMultiplex
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createMultiplexAsync
([/* ... */]);
Create a new multiplex.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createMultiplex([ 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED 'MultiplexSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'MaximumVideoBufferDelayMilliseconds' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamBitrate' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'TransportStreamReservedBitrate' => <integer>, ], 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RequestId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- AvailabilityZones
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
- MultiplexSettings
- Required: Yes
- Type: MultiplexSettings structure
Contains configuration for a Multiplex event - Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- RequestId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Result Syntax
[ 'Multiplex' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'Destinations' => [ [ 'MediaConnectSettings' => [ 'EntitlementArn' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MaximumVideoBufferDelayMilliseconds' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamBitrate' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamReservedBitrate' => <integer>, ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'ProgramCount' => <integer>, 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ], ]
Result Details
- Multiplex
- Type: Multiplex structure
The multiplex object.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createMultiplexProgram
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createMultiplexProgramAsync
([/* ... */]);
Create a new program in the multiplex.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createMultiplexProgram([ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MultiplexProgramSettings' => [ // REQUIRED 'PreferredChannelPipeline' => 'CURRENTLY_ACTIVE|PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', 'ProgramNumber' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'ServiceDescriptor' => [ 'ProviderName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ServiceName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ], 'VideoSettings' => [ 'ConstantBitrate' => <integer>, 'StatmuxSettings' => [ 'MaximumBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinimumBitrate' => <integer>, 'Priority' => <integer>, ], ], ], 'ProgramName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RequestId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- MultiplexId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- MultiplexProgramSettings
- Required: Yes
- Type: MultiplexProgramSettings structure
Multiplex Program settings configuration. - ProgramName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- RequestId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'MultiplexProgram' => [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', 'MultiplexProgramSettings' => [ 'PreferredChannelPipeline' => 'CURRENTLY_ACTIVE|PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', 'ProgramNumber' => <integer>, 'ServiceDescriptor' => [ 'ProviderName' => '<string>', 'ServiceName' => '<string>', ], 'VideoSettings' => [ 'ConstantBitrate' => <integer>, 'StatmuxSettings' => [ 'MaximumBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinimumBitrate' => <integer>, 'Priority' => <integer>, ], ], ], 'PacketIdentifiersMap' => [ 'AribCaptionsPid' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'DvbSubPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'DvbTeletextPid' => <integer>, 'DvbTeletextPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'EcmPid' => <integer>, 'EtvPlatformPid' => <integer>, 'EtvSignalPid' => <integer>, 'KlvDataPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'PcrPid' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => <integer>, 'PrivateMetadataPid' => <integer>, 'Scte27Pids' => [<integer>, ...], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038Pid' => <integer>, 'TimedMetadataPid' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => <integer>, ], 'PipelineDetails' => [ [ 'ActiveChannelPipeline' => '<string>', 'PipelineId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- MultiplexProgram
- Type: MultiplexProgram structure
The multiplex program object.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createPartnerInput
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createPartnerInputAsync
([/* ... */]);
Create a partner input
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createPartnerInput([ 'InputId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- InputId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- RequestId
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Result Syntax
[ 'Input' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AttachedChannels' => ['<string>', ...], 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Ip' => '<string>', 'Port' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZone' => '<string>', 'NetworkInterfaceId' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'InputDevices' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'InputPartnerIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'InputSourceType' => 'STATIC|DYNAMIC', 'MediaConnectFlows' => [ [ 'FlowArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'SecurityGroups' => ['<string>', ...], 'Sources' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'SrtSettings' => [ 'SrtCallerSources' => [ [ 'Decryption' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'AES128|AES192|AES256', 'PassphraseSecretArn' => '<string>', ], 'MinimumLatency' => <integer>, 'SrtListenerAddress' => '<string>', 'SrtListenerPort' => '<string>', 'StreamId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'State' => 'CREATING|DETACHED|ATTACHED|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Type' => 'UDP_PUSH|RTP_PUSH|RTMP_PUSH|RTMP_PULL|URL_PULL|MP4_FILE|MEDIACONNECT|INPUT_DEVICE|AWS_CDI|TS_FILE|SRT_CALLER', ], ]
Result Details
- Input
- Type: Input structure
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createSignalMap
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createSignalMapAsync
([/* ... */]);
Initiates the creation of a new signal map. Will discover a new mediaResourceMap based on the provided discoveryEntryPointArn.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createSignalMap([ 'CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...], 'Description' => '<string>', 'DiscoveryEntryPointArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIdentifiers
- Type: Array of strings
- Description
- Type: string
- DiscoveryEntryPointArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIdentifiers
- Type: Array of strings
- Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DiscoveryEntryPointArn' => '<string>', 'ErrorMessage' => '<string>', 'EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'FailedMediaResourceMap' => [ '<__string>' => [ 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Sources' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'LastDiscoveredAt' => <DateTime>, 'LastSuccessfulMonitorDeployment' => [ 'DetailsUri' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'NOT_DEPLOYED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DELETE_COMPLETE|DELETE_FAILED|DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', ], 'MediaResourceMap' => [ '<__string>' => [ 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Sources' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'MonitorChangesPendingDeployment' => true || false, 'MonitorDeployment' => [ 'DetailsUri' => '<string>', 'ErrorMessage' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'NOT_DEPLOYED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DELETE_COMPLETE|DELETE_FAILED|DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS|CREATE_COMPLETE|CREATE_FAILED|UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS|UPDATE_COMPLETE|UPDATE_REVERTED|UPDATE_FAILED|READY|NOT_READY', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIds
- Type: Array of strings
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- DiscoveryEntryPointArn
- Type: string
- ErrorMessage
- Type: string
- EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIds
- Type: Array of strings
- FailedMediaResourceMap
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to MediaResource structures
A map representing an incomplete AWS media workflow as a graph. - Id
- Type: string
- LastDiscoveredAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- LastSuccessfulMonitorDeployment
- Type: SuccessfulMonitorDeployment structure
Represents the latest successful monitor deployment of a signal map. - MediaResourceMap
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to MediaResource structures
A map representing an AWS media workflow as a graph. - ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- MonitorChangesPendingDeployment
- Type: boolean
- MonitorDeployment
- Type: MonitorDeployment structure
Represents the latest monitor deployment of a signal map. - Name
- Type: string
- Status
- Type: string
A signal map's current status which is dependent on its lifecycle actions or associated jobs. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->createTags
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createTagsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Create tags for a resource
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createTags([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Result Syntax
Result Details
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteChannel
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteChannelAsync
([/* ... */]);
Starts deletion of channel. The associated outputs are also deleted.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteChannel([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CdiInputSpecification' => [ 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', ], 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'MediaPackageSettings' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], 'Settings' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'StreamName' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'EgressEndpoints' => [ [ 'SourceIp' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'EncoderSettings' => [ 'AudioDescriptions' => [ [ 'AudioDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'AudioNormalizationSettings' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'ITU_1770_1|ITU_1770_2', 'AlgorithmControl' => 'CORRECT_AUDIO', 'TargetLkfs' => <float>, ], 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioType' => 'CLEAN_EFFECTS|HEARING_IMPAIRED|UNDEFINED|VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY', 'AudioTypeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioWatermarkingSettings' => [ 'NielsenWatermarksSettings' => [ 'NielsenCbetSettings' => [ 'CbetCheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'CbetStepaside' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Csid' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenDistributionType' => 'FINAL_DISTRIBUTOR|PROGRAM_CONTENT', 'NielsenNaesIiNwSettings' => [ 'CheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'Sid' => <float>, 'Timezone' => 'AMERICA_PUERTO_RICO|US_ALASKA|US_ARIZONA|US_CENTRAL|US_EASTERN|US_HAWAII|US_MOUNTAIN|US_PACIFIC|US_SAMOA|UTC', ], ], ], 'CodecSettings' => [ 'AacSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'AD_RECEIVER_MIX|CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_5_1', 'InputType' => 'BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD|NORMAL', 'Profile' => 'HEV1|HEV2|LC', 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'RawFormat' => 'LATM_LOAS|NONE', 'SampleRate' => <float>, 'Spec' => 'MPEG2|MPEG4', 'VbrQuality' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM_HIGH|MEDIUM_LOW', ], 'Ac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|DIALOGUE|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|VOICE_OVER', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcProfile' => 'FILM_STANDARD|NONE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'Eac3AtmosSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_5_1_4|CODING_MODE_7_1_4|CODING_MODE_9_1_6', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'HeightTrim' => <float>, 'SurroundTrim' => <float>, ], 'Eac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2', 'DcFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'LfeControl' => 'LFE|NO_LFE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'LoRoCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LoRoSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'PassthroughControl' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|WHEN_POSSIBLE', 'PhaseControl' => 'NO_SHIFT|SHIFT_90_DEGREES', 'StereoDownmix' => 'DPL2|LO_RO|LT_RT|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundExMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', ], 'Mp2Settings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], 'PassThroughSettings' => [ ], 'WavSettings' => [ 'BitDepth' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_4_0|CODING_MODE_8_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageCodeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'Name' => '<string>', 'RemixSettings' => [ 'ChannelMappings' => [ [ 'InputChannelLevels' => [ [ 'Gain' => <integer>, 'InputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'OutputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'ChannelsIn' => <integer>, 'ChannelsOut' => <integer>, ], 'StreamName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'AvailBlanking' => [ 'AvailBlankingImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'AvailConfiguration' => [ 'AvailSettings' => [ 'Esam' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'PoisEndpoint' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', 'ZoneIdentity' => '<string>', ], 'Scte35SpliceInsert' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], 'Scte35TimeSignalApos' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], ], 'Scte35SegmentationScope' => 'ALL_OUTPUT_GROUPS|SCTE35_ENABLED_OUTPUT_GROUPS', ], 'BlackoutSlate' => [ 'BlackoutSlateImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkEndBlackout' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'NetworkEndBlackoutImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'CaptionDescriptions' => [ [ 'Accessibility' => 'DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES|IMPLEMENTS_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES', 'CaptionDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionSelectorName' => '<string>', 'DestinationSettings' => [ 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'H264_LEVEL_1|H264_LEVEL_1_1|H264_LEVEL_1_2|H264_LEVEL_1_3|H264_LEVEL_2|H264_LEVEL_2_1|H264_LEVEL_2_2|H264_LEVEL_3|H264_LEVEL_3_1|H264_LEVEL_3_2|H264_LEVEL_4|H264_LEVEL_4_1|H264_LEVEL_4_2|H264_LEVEL_5|H264_LEVEL_5_1|H264_LEVEL_5_2|H264_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'NumRefFrames' => <integer>, 'ParControl' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE|SPECIFIED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'BASELINE|HIGH|HIGH_10BIT|HIGH_422|HIGH_422_10BIT|MAIN', 'QualityLevel' => 'ENHANCED_QUALITY|STANDARD_QUALITY', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR|VBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Softness' => <integer>, 'SpatialAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'Syntax' => 'DEFAULT|RP2027', 'TemporalAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', ], 'H265Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|HIGHER|LOW|MAX|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'AlternativeTransferFunction' => 'INSERT|OMIT', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufSize' => <integer>, 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings' => [ ], 'DolbyVision81Settings' => [ ], 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], 'Rec601Settings' => [ ], 'Rec709Settings' => [ ], ], 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FlickerAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'Level' => 'H265_LEVEL_1|H265_LEVEL_2|H265_LEVEL_2_1|H265_LEVEL_3|H265_LEVEL_3_1|H265_LEVEL_4|H265_LEVEL_4_1|H265_LEVEL_5|H265_LEVEL_5_1|H265_LEVEL_5_2|H265_LEVEL_6|H265_LEVEL_6_1|H265_LEVEL_6_2|H265_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'MvOverPictureBoundaries' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MvTemporalPredictor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'MAIN|MAIN_10BIT', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Tier' => 'HIGH|MAIN', 'TileHeight' => <integer>, 'TilePadding' => 'NONE|PADDED', 'TileWidth' => <integer>, 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', 'TreeblockSize' => 'AUTO|TREE_SIZE_32X32', ], 'Mpeg2Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpace' => 'AUTO|PASSTHROUGH', 'DisplayAspectRatio' => 'DISPLAYRATIO16X9|DISPLAYRATIO4X3', 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopNumBFrames' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|GOP_TIMECODE', ], ], 'Height' => <integer>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'RespondToAfd' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH|RESPOND', 'ScalingBehavior' => 'DEFAULT|STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT', 'Sharpness' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputAttachments' => [ [ 'AutomaticInputFailoverSettings' => [ 'ErrorClearTimeMsec' => <integer>, 'FailoverConditions' => [ [ 'FailoverConditionSettings' => [ 'AudioSilenceSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioSilenceThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'InputLossSettings' => [ 'InputLossThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'VideoBlackSettings' => [ 'BlackDetectThreshold' => <float>, 'VideoBlackThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputPreference' => 'EQUAL_INPUT_PREFERENCE|PRIMARY_INPUT_PREFERRED', 'SecondaryInputId' => '<string>', ], 'InputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'InputId' => '<string>', 'InputSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectors' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AudioHlsRenditionSelection' => [ 'GroupId' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], 'AudioLanguageSelection' => [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageSelectionPolicy' => 'LOOSE|STRICT', ], 'AudioPidSelection' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'AudioTrackSelection' => [ 'DolbyEDecode' => [ 'ProgramSelection' => 'ALL_CHANNELS|PROGRAM_1|PROGRAM_2|PROGRAM_3|PROGRAM_4|PROGRAM_5|PROGRAM_6|PROGRAM_7|PROGRAM_8', ], 'Tracks' => [ [ 'Track' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'CaptionSelectors' => [ [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AncillarySourceSettings' => [ 'SourceAncillaryChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'AribSourceSettings' => [ ], 'DvbSubSourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'EmbeddedSourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Scte20Detection' => 'AUTO|OFF', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, 'Source608TrackNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte20SourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte27SourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'TeletextSourceSettings' => [ 'OutputRectangle' => [ 'Height' => <float>, 'LeftOffset' => <float>, 'TopOffset' => <float>, 'Width' => <float>, ], 'PageNumber' => '<string>', ], ], ], // ... ], 'DeblockFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DenoiseFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FilterStrength' => <integer>, 'InputFilter' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|FORCED', 'NetworkInputSettings' => [ 'HlsInputSettings' => [ 'Bandwidth' => <integer>, 'BufferSegments' => <integer>, 'Retries' => <integer>, 'RetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Scte35Source' => 'MANIFEST|SEGMENTS', ], 'ServerValidation' => 'CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME|CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY', ], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038DataPreference' => 'IGNORE|PREFER', 'SourceEndBehavior' => 'CONTINUE|LOOP', 'VideoSelector' => [ 'ColorSpace' => 'FOLLOW|HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], ], 'ColorSpaceUsage' => 'FALLBACK|FORCE', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'VideoSelectorPid' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'VideoSelectorProgramId' => [ 'ProgramId' => <integer>, ], ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputSpecification' => [ 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|UHD', ], 'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|DISABLED', 'Maintenance' => [ 'MaintenanceDay' => 'MONDAY|TUESDAY|WEDNESDAY|THURSDAY|FRIDAY|SATURDAY|SUNDAY', 'MaintenanceDeadline' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceScheduledDate' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceStartTime' => '<string>', ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelineDetails' => [ [ 'ActiveInputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'ActiveInputSwitchActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsUri' => '<string>', 'PipelineId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED|UPDATING|UPDATE_FAILED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'NetworkInterfaceIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetIds' => ['<string>', ...], ], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CdiInputSpecification
- Type: CdiInputSpecification structure
- ChannelClass
- Type: string
A standard channel has two encoding pipelines and a single pipeline channel only has one. - Destinations
- Type: Array of OutputDestination structures
- EgressEndpoints
- Type: Array of ChannelEgressEndpoint structures
- EncoderSettings
- Type: EncoderSettings structure
Encoder Settings - Id
- Type: string
- InputAttachments
- Type: Array of InputAttachment structures
- InputSpecification
- Type: InputSpecification structure
- LogLevel
- Type: string
The log level the user wants for their channel. - Maintenance
- Type: MaintenanceStatus structure
- Name
- Type: string
- PipelineDetails
- Type: Array of PipelineDetail structures
- PipelinesRunningCount
- Type: int
- RoleArn
- Type: string
- State
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- Vpc
- Type: VpcOutputSettingsDescription structure
The properties for a private VPC Output
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a cloudwatch alarm template.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplate([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a cloudwatch alarm template group. You must detach this group from all signal maps and ensure its existing templates are moved to another group or deleted.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteEventBridgeRuleTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an eventbridge rule template.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteEventBridgeRuleTemplate([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an eventbridge rule template group. You must detach this group from all signal maps and ensure its existing templates are moved to another group or deleted.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteInput
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteInputAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes the input end point
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteInput([ 'InputId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteInputSecurityGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteInputSecurityGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an Input Security Group
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteInputSecurityGroup([ 'InputSecurityGroupId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputSecurityGroupId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteMultiplex
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteMultiplexAsync
([/* ... */]);
Delete a multiplex. The multiplex must be idle.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteMultiplex([ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- MultiplexId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'Destinations' => [ [ 'MediaConnectSettings' => [ 'EntitlementArn' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MaximumVideoBufferDelayMilliseconds' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamBitrate' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamReservedBitrate' => <integer>, ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'ProgramCount' => <integer>, 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- AvailabilityZones
- Type: Array of strings
- Destinations
- Type: Array of MultiplexOutputDestination structures
- Id
- Type: string
- MultiplexSettings
- Type: MultiplexSettings structure
Contains configuration for a Multiplex event - Name
- Type: string
- PipelinesRunningCount
- Type: int
- ProgramCount
- Type: int
- State
- Type: string
The current state of the multiplex. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteMultiplexProgram
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteMultiplexProgramAsync
([/* ... */]);
Delete a program from a multiplex.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteMultiplexProgram([ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ProgramName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- MultiplexId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- ProgramName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', 'MultiplexProgramSettings' => [ 'PreferredChannelPipeline' => 'CURRENTLY_ACTIVE|PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', 'ProgramNumber' => <integer>, 'ServiceDescriptor' => [ 'ProviderName' => '<string>', 'ServiceName' => '<string>', ], 'VideoSettings' => [ 'ConstantBitrate' => <integer>, 'StatmuxSettings' => [ 'MaximumBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinimumBitrate' => <integer>, 'Priority' => <integer>, ], ], ], 'PacketIdentifiersMap' => [ 'AribCaptionsPid' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'DvbSubPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'DvbTeletextPid' => <integer>, 'DvbTeletextPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'EcmPid' => <integer>, 'EtvPlatformPid' => <integer>, 'EtvSignalPid' => <integer>, 'KlvDataPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'PcrPid' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => <integer>, 'PrivateMetadataPid' => <integer>, 'Scte27Pids' => [<integer>, ...], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038Pid' => <integer>, 'TimedMetadataPid' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => <integer>, ], 'PipelineDetails' => [ [ 'ActiveChannelPipeline' => '<string>', 'PipelineId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- ChannelId
- Type: string
- MultiplexProgramSettings
- Type: MultiplexProgramSettings structure
Multiplex Program settings configuration. - PacketIdentifiersMap
- Type: MultiplexProgramPacketIdentifiersMap structure
Packet identifiers map for a given Multiplex program. - PipelineDetails
- Type: Array of MultiplexProgramPipelineDetail structures
- ProgramName
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteReservation
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteReservationAsync
([/* ... */]);
Delete an expired reservation.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteReservation([ 'ReservationId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ReservationId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Count' => <integer>, 'CurrencyCode' => '<string>', 'Duration' => <integer>, 'DurationUnits' => 'MONTHS', 'End' => '<string>', 'FixedPrice' => <float>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'OfferingDescription' => '<string>', 'OfferingId' => '<string>', 'OfferingType' => 'NO_UPFRONT', 'Region' => '<string>', 'RenewalSettings' => [ 'AutomaticRenewal' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|UNAVAILABLE', 'RenewalCount' => <integer>, ], 'ReservationId' => '<string>', 'ResourceSpecification' => [ 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC|AUDIO|LINK', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'MaximumFramerate' => 'MAX_30_FPS|MAX_60_FPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', 'ResourceType' => 'INPUT|OUTPUT|MULTIPLEX|CHANNEL', 'SpecialFeature' => 'ADVANCED_AUDIO|AUDIO_NORMALIZATION|MGHD|MGUHD', 'VideoQuality' => 'STANDARD|ENHANCED|PREMIUM', ], 'Start' => '<string>', 'State' => 'ACTIVE|EXPIRED|CANCELED|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'UsagePrice' => <float>, ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- Count
- Type: int
- CurrencyCode
- Type: string
- Duration
- Type: int
- DurationUnits
- Type: string
Units for duration, e.g. 'MONTHS' - End
- Type: string
- FixedPrice
- Type: double
- Name
- Type: string
- OfferingDescription
- Type: string
- OfferingId
- Type: string
- OfferingType
- Type: string
Offering type, e.g. 'NO_UPFRONT' - Region
- Type: string
- RenewalSettings
- Type: RenewalSettings structure
The Renewal settings for Reservations - ReservationId
- Type: string
- ResourceSpecification
- Type: ReservationResourceSpecification structure
Resource configuration (codec, resolution, bitrate, ...) - Start
- Type: string
- State
- Type: string
Current reservation state - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- UsagePrice
- Type: double
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteSchedule
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteScheduleAsync
([/* ... */]);
Delete all schedule actions on a channel.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteSchedule([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteSignalMap
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteSignalMapAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes the specified signal map.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteSignalMap([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->deleteTags
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteTagsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Removes tags for a resource
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteTags([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TagKeys' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- TagKeys
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
Result Syntax
Result Details
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeAccountConfiguration
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeAccountConfigurationAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describe account configuration
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeAccountConfiguration([ ]);
Parameter Details
Result Syntax
[ 'AccountConfiguration' => [ 'KmsKeyId' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- AccountConfiguration
- Type: AccountConfiguration structure
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeChannel
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeChannelAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets details about a channel
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeChannel([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CdiInputSpecification' => [ 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', ], 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'MediaPackageSettings' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], 'Settings' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'StreamName' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'EgressEndpoints' => [ [ 'SourceIp' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'EncoderSettings' => [ 'AudioDescriptions' => [ [ 'AudioDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'AudioNormalizationSettings' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'ITU_1770_1|ITU_1770_2', 'AlgorithmControl' => 'CORRECT_AUDIO', 'TargetLkfs' => <float>, ], 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioType' => 'CLEAN_EFFECTS|HEARING_IMPAIRED|UNDEFINED|VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY', 'AudioTypeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioWatermarkingSettings' => [ 'NielsenWatermarksSettings' => [ 'NielsenCbetSettings' => [ 'CbetCheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'CbetStepaside' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Csid' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenDistributionType' => 'FINAL_DISTRIBUTOR|PROGRAM_CONTENT', 'NielsenNaesIiNwSettings' => [ 'CheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'Sid' => <float>, 'Timezone' => 'AMERICA_PUERTO_RICO|US_ALASKA|US_ARIZONA|US_CENTRAL|US_EASTERN|US_HAWAII|US_MOUNTAIN|US_PACIFIC|US_SAMOA|UTC', ], ], ], 'CodecSettings' => [ 'AacSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'AD_RECEIVER_MIX|CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_5_1', 'InputType' => 'BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD|NORMAL', 'Profile' => 'HEV1|HEV2|LC', 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'RawFormat' => 'LATM_LOAS|NONE', 'SampleRate' => <float>, 'Spec' => 'MPEG2|MPEG4', 'VbrQuality' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM_HIGH|MEDIUM_LOW', ], 'Ac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|DIALOGUE|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|VOICE_OVER', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcProfile' => 'FILM_STANDARD|NONE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'Eac3AtmosSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_5_1_4|CODING_MODE_7_1_4|CODING_MODE_9_1_6', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'HeightTrim' => <float>, 'SurroundTrim' => <float>, ], 'Eac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2', 'DcFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'LfeControl' => 'LFE|NO_LFE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'LoRoCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LoRoSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'PassthroughControl' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|WHEN_POSSIBLE', 'PhaseControl' => 'NO_SHIFT|SHIFT_90_DEGREES', 'StereoDownmix' => 'DPL2|LO_RO|LT_RT|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundExMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', ], 'Mp2Settings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], 'PassThroughSettings' => [ ], 'WavSettings' => [ 'BitDepth' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_4_0|CODING_MODE_8_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageCodeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'Name' => '<string>', 'RemixSettings' => [ 'ChannelMappings' => [ [ 'InputChannelLevels' => [ [ 'Gain' => <integer>, 'InputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'OutputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'ChannelsIn' => <integer>, 'ChannelsOut' => <integer>, ], 'StreamName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'AvailBlanking' => [ 'AvailBlankingImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'AvailConfiguration' => [ 'AvailSettings' => [ 'Esam' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'PoisEndpoint' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', 'ZoneIdentity' => '<string>', ], 'Scte35SpliceInsert' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], 'Scte35TimeSignalApos' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], ], 'Scte35SegmentationScope' => 'ALL_OUTPUT_GROUPS|SCTE35_ENABLED_OUTPUT_GROUPS', ], 'BlackoutSlate' => [ 'BlackoutSlateImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkEndBlackout' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'NetworkEndBlackoutImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'CaptionDescriptions' => [ [ 'Accessibility' => 'DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES|IMPLEMENTS_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES', 'CaptionDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionSelectorName' => '<string>', 'DestinationSettings' => [ 'AribDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'BurnInDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSubDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'EbuTtDDestinationSettings' => [ 'CopyrightHolder' => '<string>', 'FillLineGap' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FontFamily' => '<string>', 'StyleControl' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', ], 'EmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte27DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'SmpteTtDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TeletextDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TtmlDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'PASSTHROUGH|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'WebvttDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'NO_STYLE_DATA|PASSTHROUGH', ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'ColorCorrectionSettings' => [ 'GlobalColorCorrections' => [ [ 'InputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'OutputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'Uri' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'FeatureActivations' => [ 'InputPrepareScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'OutputStaticImageOverlayScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'GlobalConfiguration' => [ 'InitialAudioGain' => <integer>, 'InputEndAction' => 'NONE|SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS', 'InputLossBehavior' => [ 'BlackFrameMsec' => <integer>, 'InputLossImageColor' => '<string>', 'InputLossImageSlate' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'InputLossImageType' => 'COLOR|SLATE', 'RepeatFrameMsec' => <integer>, ], 'OutputLockingMode' => 'EPOCH_LOCKING|PIPELINE_LOCKING', 'OutputLockingSettings' => [ 'EpochLockingSettings' => [ 'CustomEpoch' => '<string>', 'JamSyncTime' => '<string>', ], 'PipelineLockingSettings' => [ ], ], 'OutputTimingSource' => 'INPUT_CLOCK|SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'SupportLowFramerateInputs' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'MotionGraphicsConfiguration' => [ 'MotionGraphicsInsertion' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MotionGraphicsSettings' => [ 'HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings' => [ ], ], ], 'NielsenConfiguration' => [ 'DistributorId' => '<string>', 'NielsenPcmToId3Tagging' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'OutputGroups' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'OutputGroupSettings' => [ 'ArchiveGroupSettings' => [ 'ArchiveCdnSettings' => [ 'ArchiveS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'RolloverInterval' => <integer>, ], 'CmafIngestGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Type' => 'NONE|SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION', 'SegmentLength' => <integer>, 'SegmentLengthUnits' => 'MILLISECONDS|SECONDS', 'SendDelayMs' => <integer>, ], 'FrameCaptureGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'FrameCaptureCdnSettings' => [ 'FrameCaptureS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], ], 'HlsGroupSettings' => [ 'AdMarkers' => ['<string>', ...], 'BaseUrlContent' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlContent1' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest1' => '<string>', 'CaptionLanguageMappings' => [ [ 'CaptionChannel' => <integer>, 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'CaptionLanguageSetting' => 'INSERT|NONE|OMIT', 'ClientCache' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'CodecSpecification' => 'RFC_4281|RFC_6381', 'ConstantIv' => '<string>', 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'DirectoryStructure' => 'SINGLE_DIRECTORY|SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM', 'DiscontinuityTags' => 'INSERT|NEVER_INSERT', 'EncryptionType' => 'AES128|SAMPLE_AES', 'HlsCdnSettings' => [ 'HlsAkamaiSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'HttpTransferMode' => 'CHUNKED|NON_CHUNKED', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, 'Salt' => '<string>', 'Token' => '<string>', ], 'HlsBasicPutSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsMediaStoreSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'MediaStoreStorageClass' => 'TEMPORAL', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], 'HlsWebdavSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'HttpTransferMode' => 'CHUNKED|NON_CHUNKED', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], ], 'HlsId3SegmentTagging' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'IFrameOnlyPlaylists' => 'DISABLED|STANDARD', 'IncompleteSegmentBehavior' => 'AUTO|SUPPRESS', 'IndexNSegments' => <integer>, 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'IvInManifest' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'IvSource' => 'EXPLICIT|FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER', 'KeepSegments' => <integer>, 'KeyFormat' => '<string>', 'KeyFormatVersions' => '<string>', 'KeyProviderSettings' => [ 'StaticKeySettings' => [ 'KeyProviderServer' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'StaticKeyValue' => '<string>', ], ], 'ManifestCompression' => 'GZIP|NONE', 'ManifestDurationFormat' => 'FLOATING_POINT|INTEGER', 'MinSegmentLength' => <integer>, 'Mode' => 'LIVE|VOD', 'OutputSelection' => 'MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS|SEGMENTS_ONLY|VARIANT_MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS', 'ProgramDateTime' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'ProgramDateTimeClock' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_OUTPUT_TIMECODE|SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'ProgramDateTimePeriod' => <integer>, 'RedundantManifest' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'SegmentLength' => <integer>, 'SegmentationMode' => 'USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION|USE_SEGMENT_DURATION', 'SegmentsPerSubdirectory' => <integer>, 'StreamInfResolution' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'TimedMetadataId3Frame' => 'NONE|PRIV|TDRL', 'TimedMetadataId3Period' => <integer>, 'TimestampDeltaMilliseconds' => <integer>, 'TsFileMode' => 'SEGMENTED_FILES|SINGLE_FILE', ], 'MediaPackageGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], ], 'MsSmoothGroupSettings' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', 'AudioOnlyTimecodeControl' => 'PASSTHROUGH|USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK', 'CertificateMode' => 'SELF_SIGNED|VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY', 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'EventId' => '<string>', 'EventIdMode' => 'NO_EVENT_ID|USE_CONFIGURED|USE_TIMESTAMP', 'EventStopBehavior' => 'NONE|SEND_EOS', 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'FragmentLength' => <integer>, 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, 'SegmentationMode' => 'USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION|USE_SEGMENT_DURATION', 'SendDelayMs' => <integer>, 'SparseTrackType' => 'NONE|SCTE_35|SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION', 'StreamManifestBehavior' => 'DO_NOT_SEND|SEND', 'TimestampOffset' => '<string>', 'TimestampOffsetMode' => 'USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET|USE_EVENT_START_DATE', ], 'MultiplexGroupSettings' => [ ], 'RtmpGroupSettings' => [ 'AdMarkers' => ['<string>', ...], 'AuthenticationScheme' => 'AKAMAI|COMMON', 'CacheFullBehavior' => 'DISCONNECT_IMMEDIATELY|WAIT_FOR_SERVER', 'CacheLength' => <integer>, 'CaptionData' => 'ALL|FIELD1_608|FIELD1_AND_FIELD2_608', 'IncludeFillerNalUnits' => 'AUTO|DROP|INCLUDE', 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'UdpGroupSettings' => [ 'InputLossAction' => 'DROP_PROGRAM|DROP_TS|EMIT_PROGRAM', 'TimedMetadataId3Frame' => 'NONE|PRIV|TDRL', 'TimedMetadataId3Period' => <integer>, ], ], 'Outputs' => [ [ 'AudioDescriptionNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionDescriptionNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'OutputName' => '<string>', 'OutputSettings' => [ 'ArchiveOutputSettings' => [ 'ContainerSettings' => [ 'M2tsSettings' => [ 'AbsentInputAudioBehavior' => 'DROP|ENCODE_SILENCE', 'Arib' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'AribCaptionsPid' => '<string>', 'AribCaptionsPidControl' => 'AUTO|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioBufferModel' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'AudioFramesPerPes' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => '<string>', 'AudioStreamType' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufferModel' => 'MULTIPLEX|NONE', 'CcDescriptor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DvbNitSettings' => [ 'NetworkId' => <integer>, 'NetworkName' => '<string>', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSdtSettings' => [ 'OutputSdt' => 'SDT_FOLLOW|SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT|SDT_MANUAL|SDT_NONE', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, 'ServiceName' => '<string>', 'ServiceProviderName' => '<string>', ], 'DvbSubPids' => '<string>', 'DvbTdtSettings' => [ 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbTeletextPid' => '<string>', 'Ebif' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'EbpAudioInterval' => 'VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS|VIDEO_INTERVAL', 'EbpLookaheadMs' => <integer>, 'EbpPlacement' => 'VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS|VIDEO_PID', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'EsRateInPes' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'EtvPlatformPid' => '<string>', 'EtvSignalPid' => '<string>', 'FragmentTime' => <float>, 'Klv' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'NullPacketBitrate' => <float>, 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => <integer>, 'RateMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'Scte27Pids' => '<string>', 'Scte35Control' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Pid' => '<string>', 'Scte35PrerollPullupMilliseconds' => <float>, 'SegmentationMarkers' => 'EBP|EBP_LEGACY|NONE|PSI_SEGSTART|RAI_ADAPT|RAI_SEGSTART', 'SegmentationStyle' => 'MAINTAIN_CADENCE|RESET_CADENCE', 'SegmentationTime' => <float>, 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataPid' => '<string>', 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => '<string>', ], 'RawSettings' => [ ], ], 'Extension' => '<string>', 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'CmafIngestOutputSettings' => [ 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'FrameCaptureOutputSettings' => [ 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'HlsOutputSettings' => [ 'H265PackagingType' => 'HEV1|HVC1', 'HlsSettings' => [ 'AudioOnlyHlsSettings' => [ 'AudioGroupId' => '<string>', 'AudioOnlyImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'AudioTrackType' => 'ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT|ALTERNATE_AUDIO_AUTO_SELECT_DEFAULT|ALTERNATE_AUDIO_NOT_AUTO_SELECT|AUDIO_ONLY_VARIANT_STREAM', 'SegmentType' => 'AAC|FMP4', ], 'Fmp4HlsSettings' => [ 'AudioRenditionSets' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', ], 'FrameCaptureHlsSettings' => [ ], 'StandardHlsSettings' => [ 'AudioRenditionSets' => '<string>', 'M3u8Settings' => [ 'AudioFramesPerPes' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => '<string>', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'KlvBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => <integer>, 'Scte35Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Pid' => '<string>', 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataPid' => '<string>', 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'NameModifier' => '<string>', 'SegmentModifier' => '<string>', ], 'MediaPackageOutputSettings' => [ ], 'MsSmoothOutputSettings' => [ 'H265PackagingType' => 'HEV1|HVC1', 'NameModifier' => '<string>', ], 'MultiplexOutputSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], ], 'RtmpOutputSettings' => [ 'CertificateMode' => 'SELF_SIGNED|VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY', 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'NumRetries' => <integer>, ], 'UdpOutputSettings' => [ 'BufferMsec' => <integer>, 'ContainerSettings' => [ 'M2tsSettings' => [ 'AbsentInputAudioBehavior' => 'DROP|ENCODE_SILENCE', 'Arib' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'AribCaptionsPid' => '<string>', 'AribCaptionsPidControl' => 'AUTO|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioBufferModel' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'AudioFramesPerPes' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => '<string>', 'AudioStreamType' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufferModel' => 'MULTIPLEX|NONE', 'CcDescriptor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DvbNitSettings' => [ 'NetworkId' => <integer>, 'NetworkName' => '<string>', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSdtSettings' => [ 'OutputSdt' => 'SDT_FOLLOW|SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT|SDT_MANUAL|SDT_NONE', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, 'ServiceName' => '<string>', 'ServiceProviderName' => '<string>', ], 'DvbSubPids' => '<string>', 'DvbTdtSettings' => [ 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbTeletextPid' => '<string>', 'Ebif' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'EbpAudioInterval' => 'VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS|VIDEO_INTERVAL', 'EbpLookaheadMs' => <integer>, 'EbpPlacement' => 'VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS|VIDEO_PID', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'EsRateInPes' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'EtvPlatformPid' => '<string>', 'EtvSignalPid' => '<string>', 'FragmentTime' => <float>, 'Klv' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'NullPacketBitrate' => <float>, 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => <integer>, 'RateMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'Scte27Pids' => '<string>', 'Scte35Control' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Pid' => '<string>', 'Scte35PrerollPullupMilliseconds' => <float>, 'SegmentationMarkers' => 'EBP|EBP_LEGACY|NONE|PSI_SEGSTART|RAI_ADAPT|RAI_SEGSTART', 'SegmentationStyle' => 'MAINTAIN_CADENCE|RESET_CADENCE', 'SegmentationTime' => <float>, 'TimedMetadataBehavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'TimedMetadataPid' => '<string>', 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => '<string>', ], ], 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'FecOutputSettings' => [ 'ColumnDepth' => <integer>, 'IncludeFec' => 'COLUMN|COLUMN_AND_ROW', 'RowLength' => <integer>, ], ], ], 'VideoDescriptionName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'ThumbnailConfiguration' => [ 'State' => 'AUTO|DISABLED', ], 'TimecodeConfig' => [ 'Source' => 'EMBEDDED|SYSTEMCLOCK|ZEROBASED', 'SyncThreshold' => <integer>, ], 'VideoDescriptions' => [ [ 'CodecSettings' => [ 'FrameCaptureSettings' => [ 'CaptureInterval' => <integer>, 'CaptureIntervalUnits' => 'MILLISECONDS|SECONDS', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], ], 'H264Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|HIGHER|LOW|MAX|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufFillPct' => <integer>, 'BufSize' => <integer>, 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings' => [ ], 'Rec601Settings' => [ ], 'Rec709Settings' => [ ], ], 'EntropyEncoding' => 'CABAC|CAVLC', 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FlickerAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'ForceFieldPictures' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FramerateControl' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE|SPECIFIED', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopBReference' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopNumBFrames' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'Level' => 'H264_LEVEL_1|H264_LEVEL_1_1|H264_LEVEL_1_2|H264_LEVEL_1_3|H264_LEVEL_2|H264_LEVEL_2_1|H264_LEVEL_2_2|H264_LEVEL_3|H264_LEVEL_3_1|H264_LEVEL_3_2|H264_LEVEL_4|H264_LEVEL_4_1|H264_LEVEL_4_2|H264_LEVEL_5|H264_LEVEL_5_1|H264_LEVEL_5_2|H264_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'NumRefFrames' => <integer>, 'ParControl' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_SOURCE|SPECIFIED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'BASELINE|HIGH|HIGH_10BIT|HIGH_422|HIGH_422_10BIT|MAIN', 'QualityLevel' => 'ENHANCED_QUALITY|STANDARD_QUALITY', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR|VBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Softness' => <integer>, 'SpatialAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'Syntax' => 'DEFAULT|RP2027', 'TemporalAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', ], 'H265Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|HIGHER|LOW|MAX|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'AlternativeTransferFunction' => 'INSERT|OMIT', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufSize' => <integer>, 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'ColorSpacePassthroughSettings' => [ ], 'DolbyVision81Settings' => [ ], 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], 'Rec601Settings' => [ ], 'Rec709Settings' => [ ], ], 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FlickerAq' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'Level' => 'H265_LEVEL_1|H265_LEVEL_2|H265_LEVEL_2_1|H265_LEVEL_3|H265_LEVEL_3_1|H265_LEVEL_4|H265_LEVEL_4_1|H265_LEVEL_5|H265_LEVEL_5_1|H265_LEVEL_5_2|H265_LEVEL_6|H265_LEVEL_6_1|H265_LEVEL_6_2|H265_LEVEL_AUTO', 'LookAheadRateControl' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM', 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinIInterval' => <integer>, 'MinQp' => <integer>, 'MvOverPictureBoundaries' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MvTemporalPredictor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'ParDenominator' => <integer>, 'ParNumerator' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'MAIN|MAIN_10BIT', 'QvbrQualityLevel' => <integer>, 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|MULTIPLEX|QVBR', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SceneChangeDetect' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Slices' => <integer>, 'Tier' => 'HIGH|MAIN', 'TileHeight' => <integer>, 'TilePadding' => 'NONE|PADDED', 'TileWidth' => <integer>, 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|PIC_TIMING_SEI', 'TreeblockSize' => 'AUTO|TREE_SIZE_32X32', ], 'Mpeg2Settings' => [ 'AdaptiveQuantization' => 'AUTO|HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM|OFF', 'AfdSignaling' => 'AUTO|FIXED|NONE', 'ColorMetadata' => 'IGNORE|INSERT', 'ColorSpace' => 'AUTO|PASSTHROUGH', 'DisplayAspectRatio' => 'DISPLAYRATIO16X9|DISPLAYRATIO4X3', 'FilterSettings' => [ 'TemporalFilterSettings' => [ 'PostFilterSharpening' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Strength' => 'AUTO|STRENGTH_1|STRENGTH_2|STRENGTH_3|STRENGTH_4|STRENGTH_5|STRENGTH_6|STRENGTH_7|STRENGTH_8|STRENGTH_9|STRENGTH_10|STRENGTH_11|STRENGTH_12|STRENGTH_13|STRENGTH_14|STRENGTH_15|STRENGTH_16', ], ], 'FixedAfd' => 'AFD_0000|AFD_0010|AFD_0011|AFD_0100|AFD_1000|AFD_1001|AFD_1010|AFD_1011|AFD_1101|AFD_1110|AFD_1111', 'FramerateDenominator' => <integer>, 'FramerateNumerator' => <integer>, 'GopClosedCadence' => <integer>, 'GopNumBFrames' => <integer>, 'GopSize' => <float>, 'GopSizeUnits' => 'FRAMES|SECONDS', 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'SubgopLength' => 'DYNAMIC|FIXED', 'TimecodeBurninSettings' => [ 'FontSize' => 'EXTRA_SMALL_10|LARGE_48|MEDIUM_32|SMALL_16', 'Position' => 'BOTTOM_CENTER|BOTTOM_LEFT|BOTTOM_RIGHT|MIDDLE_CENTER|MIDDLE_LEFT|MIDDLE_RIGHT|TOP_CENTER|TOP_LEFT|TOP_RIGHT', 'Prefix' => '<string>', ], 'TimecodeInsertion' => 'DISABLED|GOP_TIMECODE', ], ], 'Height' => <integer>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'RespondToAfd' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH|RESPOND', 'ScalingBehavior' => 'DEFAULT|STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT', 'Sharpness' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputAttachments' => [ [ 'AutomaticInputFailoverSettings' => [ 'ErrorClearTimeMsec' => <integer>, 'FailoverConditions' => [ [ 'FailoverConditionSettings' => [ 'AudioSilenceSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioSilenceThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'InputLossSettings' => [ 'InputLossThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'VideoBlackSettings' => [ 'BlackDetectThreshold' => <float>, 'VideoBlackThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputPreference' => 'EQUAL_INPUT_PREFERENCE|PRIMARY_INPUT_PREFERRED', 'SecondaryInputId' => '<string>', ], 'InputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'InputId' => '<string>', 'InputSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectors' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AudioHlsRenditionSelection' => [ 'GroupId' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], 'AudioLanguageSelection' => [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageSelectionPolicy' => 'LOOSE|STRICT', ], 'AudioPidSelection' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'AudioTrackSelection' => [ 'DolbyEDecode' => [ 'ProgramSelection' => 'ALL_CHANNELS|PROGRAM_1|PROGRAM_2|PROGRAM_3|PROGRAM_4|PROGRAM_5|PROGRAM_6|PROGRAM_7|PROGRAM_8', ], 'Tracks' => [ [ 'Track' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'CaptionSelectors' => [ [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AncillarySourceSettings' => [ 'SourceAncillaryChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'AribSourceSettings' => [ ], 'DvbSubSourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'EmbeddedSourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Scte20Detection' => 'AUTO|OFF', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, 'Source608TrackNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte20SourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte27SourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'TeletextSourceSettings' => [ 'OutputRectangle' => [ 'Height' => <float>, 'LeftOffset' => <float>, 'TopOffset' => <float>, 'Width' => <float>, ], 'PageNumber' => '<string>', ], ], ], // ... ], 'DeblockFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DenoiseFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FilterStrength' => <integer>, 'InputFilter' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|FORCED', 'NetworkInputSettings' => [ 'HlsInputSettings' => [ 'Bandwidth' => <integer>, 'BufferSegments' => <integer>, 'Retries' => <integer>, 'RetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Scte35Source' => 'MANIFEST|SEGMENTS', ], 'ServerValidation' => 'CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME|CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY', ], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038DataPreference' => 'IGNORE|PREFER', 'SourceEndBehavior' => 'CONTINUE|LOOP', 'VideoSelector' => [ 'ColorSpace' => 'FOLLOW|HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], ], 'ColorSpaceUsage' => 'FALLBACK|FORCE', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'VideoSelectorPid' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'VideoSelectorProgramId' => [ 'ProgramId' => <integer>, ], ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputSpecification' => [ 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|UHD', ], 'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|DISABLED', 'Maintenance' => [ 'MaintenanceDay' => 'MONDAY|TUESDAY|WEDNESDAY|THURSDAY|FRIDAY|SATURDAY|SUNDAY', 'MaintenanceDeadline' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceScheduledDate' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceStartTime' => '<string>', ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelineDetails' => [ [ 'ActiveInputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'ActiveInputSwitchActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsUri' => '<string>', 'PipelineId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED|UPDATING|UPDATE_FAILED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'NetworkInterfaceIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetIds' => ['<string>', ...], ], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CdiInputSpecification
- Type: CdiInputSpecification structure
- ChannelClass
- Type: string
A standard channel has two encoding pipelines and a single pipeline channel only has one. - Destinations
- Type: Array of OutputDestination structures
- EgressEndpoints
- Type: Array of ChannelEgressEndpoint structures
- EncoderSettings
- Type: EncoderSettings structure
Encoder Settings - Id
- Type: string
- InputAttachments
- Type: Array of InputAttachment structures
- InputSpecification
- Type: InputSpecification structure
- LogLevel
- Type: string
The log level the user wants for their channel. - Maintenance
- Type: MaintenanceStatus structure
- Name
- Type: string
- PipelineDetails
- Type: Array of PipelineDetail structures
- PipelinesRunningCount
- Type: int
- RoleArn
- Type: string
- State
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- Vpc
- Type: VpcOutputSettingsDescription structure
The properties for a private VPC Output
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeInput
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeInputAsync
([/* ... */]);
Produces details about an input
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeInput([ 'InputId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AttachedChannels' => ['<string>', ...], 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Ip' => '<string>', 'Port' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZone' => '<string>', 'NetworkInterfaceId' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'InputDevices' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'InputPartnerIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'InputSourceType' => 'STATIC|DYNAMIC', 'MediaConnectFlows' => [ [ 'FlowArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'SecurityGroups' => ['<string>', ...], 'Sources' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'SrtSettings' => [ 'SrtCallerSources' => [ [ 'Decryption' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'AES128|AES192|AES256', 'PassphraseSecretArn' => '<string>', ], 'MinimumLatency' => <integer>, 'SrtListenerAddress' => '<string>', 'SrtListenerPort' => '<string>', 'StreamId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'State' => 'CREATING|DETACHED|ATTACHED|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Type' => 'UDP_PUSH|RTP_PUSH|RTMP_PUSH|RTMP_PULL|URL_PULL|MP4_FILE|MEDIACONNECT|INPUT_DEVICE|AWS_CDI|TS_FILE|SRT_CALLER', ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- AttachedChannels
- Type: Array of strings
- Destinations
- Type: Array of InputDestination structures
- Id
- Type: string
- InputClass
- Type: string
A standard input has two sources and a single pipeline input only has one. - InputDevices
- Type: Array of InputDeviceSettings structures
- InputPartnerIds
- Type: Array of strings
- InputSourceType
- Type: string
There are two types of input sources, static and dynamic. If an input source is dynamic you canchange the source url of the input dynamically using an input switch action. Currently, two input typessupport a dynamic url at this time, MP4_FILE and TS_FILE. By default all input sources are static. - MediaConnectFlows
- Type: Array of MediaConnectFlow structures
- Name
- Type: string
- RoleArn
- Type: string
- SecurityGroups
- Type: Array of strings
- Sources
- Type: Array of InputSource structures
- SrtSettings
- Type: SrtSettings structure
The configured sources for this SRT input. - State
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- Type
- Type: string
The different types of inputs that AWS Elemental MediaLive supports.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeInputDevice
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeInputDeviceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the details for the input device
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeInputDevice([ 'InputDeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputDeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AvailabilityZone' => '<string>', 'ConnectionState' => 'DISCONNECTED|CONNECTED', 'DeviceSettingsSyncState' => 'SYNCED|SYNCING', 'DeviceUpdateStatus' => 'UP_TO_DATE|NOT_UP_TO_DATE|UPDATING', 'HdDeviceSettings' => [ 'ActiveInput' => 'HDMI|SDI', 'ConfiguredInput' => 'AUTO|HDMI|SDI', 'DeviceState' => 'IDLE|STREAMING', 'Framerate' => <float>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'LatencyMs' => <integer>, 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'MacAddress' => '<string>', 'MedialiveInputArns' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'NetworkSettings' => [ 'DnsAddresses' => ['<string>', ...], 'Gateway' => '<string>', 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'IpScheme' => 'STATIC|DHCP', 'SubnetMask' => '<string>', ], 'OutputType' => 'NONE|MEDIALIVE_INPUT|MEDIACONNECT_FLOW', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Type' => 'HD|UHD', 'UhdDeviceSettings' => [ 'ActiveInput' => 'HDMI|SDI', 'AudioChannelPairs' => [ [ 'Id' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'DISABLED|VBR-AAC_HHE-16000|VBR-AAC_HE-64000|VBR-AAC_LC-128000|CBR-AAC_HQ-192000|CBR-AAC_HQ-256000|CBR-AAC_HQ-384000|CBR-AAC_HQ-512000', ], // ... ], 'Codec' => 'HEVC|AVC', 'ConfiguredInput' => 'AUTO|HDMI|SDI', 'DeviceState' => 'IDLE|STREAMING', 'Framerate' => <float>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'LatencyMs' => <integer>, 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MediaconnectSettings' => [ 'FlowArn' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'SecretArn' => '<string>', 'SourceName' => '<string>', ], 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'Width' => <integer>, ], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- AvailabilityZone
- Type: string
- ConnectionState
- Type: string
The state of the connection between the input device and AWS. - DeviceSettingsSyncState
- Type: string
The status of the action to synchronize the device configuration. If you change the configuration of the input device (for example, the maximum bitrate), MediaLive sends the new data to the device. The device might not update itself immediately. SYNCED means the device has updated its configuration. SYNCING means that it has not updated its configuration. - DeviceUpdateStatus
- Type: string
The status of software on the input device. - HdDeviceSettings
- Type: InputDeviceHdSettings structure
Settings that describe the active source from the input device, and the video characteristics of that source. - Id
- Type: string
- MacAddress
- Type: string
- MedialiveInputArns
- Type: Array of strings
- Name
- Type: string
- NetworkSettings
- Type: InputDeviceNetworkSettings structure
The network settings for the input device. - OutputType
- Type: string
The output attachment type of the input device. - SerialNumber
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- Type
- Type: string
The type of the input device. For an AWS Elemental Link device that outputs resolutions up to 1080, choose "HD". - UhdDeviceSettings
- Type: InputDeviceUhdSettings structure
Settings that describe the active source from the input device, and the video characteristics of that source.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeInputDeviceThumbnail
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeInputDeviceThumbnailAsync
([/* ... */]);
Get the latest thumbnail data for the input device.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeInputDeviceThumbnail([ 'Accept' => 'image/jpeg', // REQUIRED 'InputDeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Accept
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- InputDeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Body' => <string || resource || Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface>, 'ContentLength' => <integer>, 'ContentType' => 'image/jpeg', 'ETag' => '<string>', 'LastModified' => <DateTime>, ]
Result Details
- Body
- Type: blob (string|resource|Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface)
- ContentLength
- Type: long (int|float)
- ContentType
- Type: string
- ETag
- Type: string
- LastModified
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeInputSecurityGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeInputSecurityGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Produces a summary of an Input Security Group
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeInputSecurityGroup([ 'InputSecurityGroupId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputSecurityGroupId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'Inputs' => ['<string>', ...], 'State' => 'IDLE|IN_USE|UPDATING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'WhitelistRules' => [ [ 'Cidr' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- Inputs
- Type: Array of strings
- State
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- WhitelistRules
- Type: Array of InputWhitelistRule structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeMultiplex
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeMultiplexAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets details about a multiplex.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeMultiplex([ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- MultiplexId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'Destinations' => [ [ 'MediaConnectSettings' => [ 'EntitlementArn' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MaximumVideoBufferDelayMilliseconds' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamBitrate' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamId' => <integer>, 'TransportStreamReservedBitrate' => <integer>, ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'ProgramCount' => <integer>, 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- AvailabilityZones
- Type: Array of strings
- Destinations
- Type: Array of MultiplexOutputDestination structures
- Id
- Type: string
- MultiplexSettings
- Type: MultiplexSettings structure
Contains configuration for a Multiplex event - Name
- Type: string
- PipelinesRunningCount
- Type: int
- ProgramCount
- Type: int
- State
- Type: string
The current state of the multiplex. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeMultiplexProgram
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeMultiplexProgramAsync
([/* ... */]);
Get the details for a program in a multiplex.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeMultiplexProgram([ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ProgramName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- MultiplexId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- ProgramName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', 'MultiplexProgramSettings' => [ 'PreferredChannelPipeline' => 'CURRENTLY_ACTIVE|PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', 'ProgramNumber' => <integer>, 'ServiceDescriptor' => [ 'ProviderName' => '<string>', 'ServiceName' => '<string>', ], 'VideoSettings' => [ 'ConstantBitrate' => <integer>, 'StatmuxSettings' => [ 'MaximumBitrate' => <integer>, 'MinimumBitrate' => <integer>, 'Priority' => <integer>, ], ], ], 'PacketIdentifiersMap' => [ 'AribCaptionsPid' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'DvbSubPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'DvbTeletextPid' => <integer>, 'DvbTeletextPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'EcmPid' => <integer>, 'EtvPlatformPid' => <integer>, 'EtvSignalPid' => <integer>, 'KlvDataPids' => [<integer>, ...], 'PcrPid' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => <integer>, 'PrivateMetadataPid' => <integer>, 'Scte27Pids' => [<integer>, ...], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038Pid' => <integer>, 'TimedMetadataPid' => <integer>, 'VideoPid' => <integer>, ], 'PipelineDetails' => [ [ 'ActiveChannelPipeline' => '<string>', 'PipelineId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- ChannelId
- Type: string
- MultiplexProgramSettings
- Type: MultiplexProgramSettings structure
Multiplex Program settings configuration. - PacketIdentifiersMap
- Type: MultiplexProgramPacketIdentifiersMap structure
Packet identifiers map for a given Multiplex program. - PipelineDetails
- Type: Array of MultiplexProgramPipelineDetail structures
- ProgramName
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeOffering
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeOfferingAsync
([/* ... */]);
Get details for an offering.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeOffering([ 'OfferingId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- OfferingId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CurrencyCode' => '<string>', 'Duration' => <integer>, 'DurationUnits' => 'MONTHS', 'FixedPrice' => <float>, 'OfferingDescription' => '<string>', 'OfferingId' => '<string>', 'OfferingType' => 'NO_UPFRONT', 'Region' => '<string>', 'ResourceSpecification' => [ 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC|AUDIO|LINK', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'MaximumFramerate' => 'MAX_30_FPS|MAX_60_FPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', 'ResourceType' => 'INPUT|OUTPUT|MULTIPLEX|CHANNEL', 'SpecialFeature' => 'ADVANCED_AUDIO|AUDIO_NORMALIZATION|MGHD|MGUHD', 'VideoQuality' => 'STANDARD|ENHANCED|PREMIUM', ], 'UsagePrice' => <float>, ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CurrencyCode
- Type: string
- Duration
- Type: int
- DurationUnits
- Type: string
Units for duration, e.g. 'MONTHS' - FixedPrice
- Type: double
- OfferingDescription
- Type: string
- OfferingId
- Type: string
- OfferingType
- Type: string
Offering type, e.g. 'NO_UPFRONT' - Region
- Type: string
- ResourceSpecification
- Type: ReservationResourceSpecification structure
Resource configuration (codec, resolution, bitrate, ...) - UsagePrice
- Type: double
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeReservation
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeReservationAsync
([/* ... */]);
Get details for a reservation.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeReservation([ 'ReservationId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ReservationId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Count' => <integer>, 'CurrencyCode' => '<string>', 'Duration' => <integer>, 'DurationUnits' => 'MONTHS', 'End' => '<string>', 'FixedPrice' => <float>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'OfferingDescription' => '<string>', 'OfferingId' => '<string>', 'OfferingType' => 'NO_UPFRONT', 'Region' => '<string>', 'RenewalSettings' => [ 'AutomaticRenewal' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|UNAVAILABLE', 'RenewalCount' => <integer>, ], 'ReservationId' => '<string>', 'ResourceSpecification' => [ 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC|AUDIO|LINK', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'MaximumFramerate' => 'MAX_30_FPS|MAX_60_FPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', 'ResourceType' => 'INPUT|OUTPUT|MULTIPLEX|CHANNEL', 'SpecialFeature' => 'ADVANCED_AUDIO|AUDIO_NORMALIZATION|MGHD|MGUHD', 'VideoQuality' => 'STANDARD|ENHANCED|PREMIUM', ], 'Start' => '<string>', 'State' => 'ACTIVE|EXPIRED|CANCELED|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'UsagePrice' => <float>, ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- Count
- Type: int
- CurrencyCode
- Type: string
- Duration
- Type: int
- DurationUnits
- Type: string
Units for duration, e.g. 'MONTHS' - End
- Type: string
- FixedPrice
- Type: double
- Name
- Type: string
- OfferingDescription
- Type: string
- OfferingId
- Type: string
- OfferingType
- Type: string
Offering type, e.g. 'NO_UPFRONT' - Region
- Type: string
- RenewalSettings
- Type: RenewalSettings structure
The Renewal settings for Reservations - ReservationId
- Type: string
- ResourceSpecification
- Type: ReservationResourceSpecification structure
Resource configuration (codec, resolution, bitrate, ...) - Start
- Type: string
- State
- Type: string
Current reservation state - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- UsagePrice
- Type: double
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeSchedule
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeScheduleAsync
([/* ... */]);
Get a channel schedule
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeSchedule([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'ScheduleActions' => [ [ 'ActionName' => '<string>', 'ScheduleActionSettings' => [ 'HlsId3SegmentTaggingSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', 'Tag' => '<string>', ], 'HlsTimedMetadataSettings' => [ 'Id3' => '<string>', ], 'InputPrepareSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'InputSwitchSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'InputClippingSettings' => [ 'InputTimecodeSource' => 'ZEROBASED|EMBEDDED', 'StartTimecode' => [ 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], 'StopTimecode' => [ 'LastFrameClippingBehavior' => 'EXCLUDE_LAST_FRAME|INCLUDE_LAST_FRAME', 'Timecode' => '<string>', ], ], 'UrlPath' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'MotionGraphicsImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'MotionGraphicsImageDeactivateSettings' => [ ], 'PauseStateSettings' => [ 'Pipelines' => [ [ 'PipelineId' => 'PIPELINE_0|PIPELINE_1', ], // ... ], ], 'Scte35InputSettings' => [ 'InputAttachmentNameReference' => '<string>', 'Mode' => 'FIXED|FOLLOW_ACTIVE', ], 'Scte35ReturnToNetworkSettings' => [ 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, ], 'Scte35SpliceInsertSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'SpliceEventId' => <integer>, ], 'Scte35TimeSignalSettings' => [ 'Scte35Descriptors' => [ [ 'Scte35DescriptorSettings' => [ 'SegmentationDescriptorScte35DescriptorSettings' => [ 'DeliveryRestrictions' => [ 'ArchiveAllowedFlag' => 'ARCHIVE_NOT_ALLOWED|ARCHIVE_ALLOWED', 'DeviceRestrictions' => 'NONE|RESTRICT_GROUP0|RESTRICT_GROUP1|RESTRICT_GROUP2', 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'REGIONAL_BLACKOUT|NO_REGIONAL_BLACKOUT', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'WEB_DELIVERY_NOT_ALLOWED|WEB_DELIVERY_ALLOWED', ], 'SegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SegmentationCancelIndicator' => 'SEGMENTATION_EVENT_NOT_CANCELED|SEGMENTATION_EVENT_CANCELED', 'SegmentationDuration' => <integer>, 'SegmentationEventId' => <integer>, 'SegmentationTypeId' => <integer>, 'SegmentationUpid' => '<string>', 'SegmentationUpidType' => <integer>, 'SegmentsExpected' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentNum' => <integer>, 'SubSegmentsExpected' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], ], 'StaticImageActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputActivateSettings' => [ 'Duration' => <integer>, 'FadeIn' => <integer>, 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'Image' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'ImageX' => <integer>, 'ImageY' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'Opacity' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'StaticImageOutputDeactivateSettings' => [ 'FadeOut' => <integer>, 'Layer' => <integer>, 'OutputNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], 'ScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'Time' => '<string>', ], 'FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ 'FollowPoint' => 'END|START', 'ReferenceActionName' => '<string>', ], 'ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings' => [ ], ], ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
- ScheduleActions
- Type: Array of ScheduleAction structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->describeThumbnails
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeThumbnailsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describe the latest thumbnails data.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeThumbnails([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'PipelineId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ThumbnailType' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- PipelineId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- ThumbnailType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'ThumbnailDetails' => [ [ 'PipelineId' => '<string>', 'Thumbnails' => [ [ 'Body' => '<string>', 'ContentType' => '<string>', 'ThumbnailType' => 'UNSPECIFIED|CURRENT_ACTIVE', 'TimeStamp' => <DateTime>, ], // ... ], ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- ThumbnailDetails
- Type: Array of ThumbnailDetail structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->getCloudWatchAlarmTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getCloudWatchAlarmTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves the specified cloudwatch alarm template.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCloudWatchAlarmTemplate([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'ComparisonOperator' => 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold|GreaterThanThreshold|LessThanThreshold|LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DatapointsToAlarm' => <integer>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'EvaluationPeriods' => <integer>, 'GroupId' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'MetricName' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Period' => <integer>, 'Statistic' => 'SampleCount|Average|Sum|Minimum|Maximum', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'TargetResourceType' => 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION|MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX|MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL|MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE|MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL|MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT|MEDIACONNECT_FLOW|S3_BUCKET', 'Threshold' => <float>, 'TreatMissingData' => 'notBreaching|breaching|ignore|missing', ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- ComparisonOperator
- Type: string
The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold. - CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- DatapointsToAlarm
- Type: int
- Description
- Type: string
- EvaluationPeriods
- Type: int
- GroupId
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- MetricName
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Period
- Type: int
- Statistic
- Type: string
The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource. - TargetResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for. - Threshold
- Type: double
- TreatMissingData
- Type: string
Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->getCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves the specified cloudwatch alarm template group.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->getEventBridgeRuleTemplate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getEventBridgeRuleTemplateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves the specified eventbridge rule template.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getEventBridgeRuleTemplate([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- EventTargets
- Type: Array of EventBridgeRuleTemplateTarget structures
- EventType
- Type: string
The type of event to match with the rule. - GroupId
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->getEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves the specified eventbridge rule template group.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- Id
- Type: string
- ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Name
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->getSignalMap
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getSignalMapAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieves the specified signal map.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getSignalMap([ 'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Identifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DiscoveryEntryPointArn' => '<string>', 'ErrorMessage' => '<string>', 'EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'FailedMediaResourceMap' => [ '<__string>' => [ 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Sources' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'LastDiscoveredAt' => <DateTime>, 'LastSuccessfulMonitorDeployment' => [ 'DetailsUri' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'NOT_DEPLOYED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DELETE_COMPLETE|DELETE_FAILED|DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', ], 'MediaResourceMap' => [ '<__string>' => [ 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Sources' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'MonitorChangesPendingDeployment' => true || false, 'MonitorDeployment' => [ 'DetailsUri' => '<string>', 'ErrorMessage' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'NOT_DEPLOYED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DELETE_COMPLETE|DELETE_FAILED|DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS|CREATE_COMPLETE|CREATE_FAILED|UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS|UPDATE_COMPLETE|UPDATE_REVERTED|UPDATE_FAILED|READY|NOT_READY', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIds
- Type: Array of strings
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- Description
- Type: string
- DiscoveryEntryPointArn
- Type: string
- ErrorMessage
- Type: string
- EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIds
- Type: Array of strings
- FailedMediaResourceMap
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to MediaResource structures
A map representing an incomplete AWS media workflow as a graph. - Id
- Type: string
- LastDiscoveredAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- LastSuccessfulMonitorDeployment
- Type: SuccessfulMonitorDeployment structure
Represents the latest successful monitor deployment of a signal map. - MediaResourceMap
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to MediaResource structures
A map representing an AWS media workflow as a graph. - ModifiedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- MonitorChangesPendingDeployment
- Type: boolean
- MonitorDeployment
- Type: MonitorDeployment structure
Represents the latest monitor deployment of a signal map. - Name
- Type: string
- Status
- Type: string
A signal map's current status which is dependent on its lifecycle actions or associated jobs. - Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listChannels
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listChannelsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Produces list of channels that have been created
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listChannels([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Channels' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CdiInputSpecification' => [ 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', ], 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'MediaPackageSettings' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], 'Settings' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'StreamName' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'EgressEndpoints' => [ [ 'SourceIp' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputAttachments' => [ [ 'AutomaticInputFailoverSettings' => [ 'ErrorClearTimeMsec' => <integer>, 'FailoverConditions' => [ [ 'FailoverConditionSettings' => [ 'AudioSilenceSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioSilenceThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'InputLossSettings' => [ 'InputLossThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], 'VideoBlackSettings' => [ 'BlackDetectThreshold' => <float>, 'VideoBlackThresholdMsec' => <integer>, ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputPreference' => 'EQUAL_INPUT_PREFERENCE|PRIMARY_INPUT_PREFERRED', 'SecondaryInputId' => '<string>', ], 'InputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'InputId' => '<string>', 'InputSettings' => [ 'AudioSelectors' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AudioHlsRenditionSelection' => [ 'GroupId' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], 'AudioLanguageSelection' => [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageSelectionPolicy' => 'LOOSE|STRICT', ], 'AudioPidSelection' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'AudioTrackSelection' => [ 'DolbyEDecode' => [ 'ProgramSelection' => 'ALL_CHANNELS|PROGRAM_1|PROGRAM_2|PROGRAM_3|PROGRAM_4|PROGRAM_5|PROGRAM_6|PROGRAM_7|PROGRAM_8', ], 'Tracks' => [ [ 'Track' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'CaptionSelectors' => [ [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AncillarySourceSettings' => [ 'SourceAncillaryChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'AribSourceSettings' => [ ], 'DvbSubSourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'EmbeddedSourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Scte20Detection' => 'AUTO|OFF', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, 'Source608TrackNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte20SourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte27SourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'TeletextSourceSettings' => [ 'OutputRectangle' => [ 'Height' => <float>, 'LeftOffset' => <float>, 'TopOffset' => <float>, 'Width' => <float>, ], 'PageNumber' => '<string>', ], ], ], // ... ], 'DeblockFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DenoiseFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FilterStrength' => <integer>, 'InputFilter' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|FORCED', 'NetworkInputSettings' => [ 'HlsInputSettings' => [ 'Bandwidth' => <integer>, 'BufferSegments' => <integer>, 'Retries' => <integer>, 'RetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Scte35Source' => 'MANIFEST|SEGMENTS', ], 'ServerValidation' => 'CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME|CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY', ], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038DataPreference' => 'IGNORE|PREFER', 'SourceEndBehavior' => 'CONTINUE|LOOP', 'VideoSelector' => [ 'ColorSpace' => 'FOLLOW|HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], ], 'ColorSpaceUsage' => 'FALLBACK|FORCE', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'VideoSelectorPid' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'VideoSelectorProgramId' => [ 'ProgramId' => <integer>, ], ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputSpecification' => [ 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|UHD', ], 'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|DISABLED', 'Maintenance' => [ 'MaintenanceDay' => 'MONDAY|TUESDAY|WEDNESDAY|THURSDAY|FRIDAY|SATURDAY|SUNDAY', 'MaintenanceDeadline' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceScheduledDate' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceStartTime' => '<string>', ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED|UPDATING|UPDATE_FAILED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'NetworkInterfaceIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetIds' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Channels
- Type: Array of ChannelSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists cloudwatch alarm template groups.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Scope' => '<string>', 'SignalMapIdentifier' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
- Scope
- Type: string
- SignalMapIdentifier
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'TemplateCount' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups
- Type: Array of CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listCloudWatchAlarmTemplates
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists cloudwatch alarm templates.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listCloudWatchAlarmTemplates([ 'GroupIdentifier' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Scope' => '<string>', 'SignalMapIdentifier' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- GroupIdentifier
- Type: string
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
- Scope
- Type: string
- SignalMapIdentifier
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'CloudWatchAlarmTemplates' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'ComparisonOperator' => 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold|GreaterThanThreshold|LessThanThreshold|LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'DatapointsToAlarm' => <integer>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'EvaluationPeriods' => <integer>, 'GroupId' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'MetricName' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Period' => <integer>, 'Statistic' => 'SampleCount|Average|Sum|Minimum|Maximum', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'TargetResourceType' => 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION|MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX|MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL|MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE|MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL|MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT|MEDIACONNECT_FLOW|S3_BUCKET', 'Threshold' => <float>, 'TreatMissingData' => 'notBreaching|breaching|ignore|missing', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- CloudWatchAlarmTemplates
- Type: Array of CloudWatchAlarmTemplateSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists eventbridge rule template groups.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'SignalMapIdentifier' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
- SignalMapIdentifier
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'TemplateCount' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups
- Type: Array of EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listEventBridgeRuleTemplates
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listEventBridgeRuleTemplatesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists eventbridge rule templates.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listEventBridgeRuleTemplates([ 'GroupIdentifier' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'SignalMapIdentifier' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- GroupIdentifier
- Type: string
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
- SignalMapIdentifier
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- EventBridgeRuleTemplates
- Type: Array of EventBridgeRuleTemplateSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listInputDeviceTransfers
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listInputDeviceTransfersAsync
([/* ... */]);
List input devices that are currently being transferred. List input devices that you are transferring from your AWS account or input devices that another AWS account is transferring to you.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listInputDeviceTransfers([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'TransferType' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
- TransferType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'InputDeviceTransfers' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', 'TargetCustomerId' => '<string>', 'TransferType' => 'OUTGOING|INCOMING', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- InputDeviceTransfers
- Type: Array of TransferringInputDeviceSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listInputDevices
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listInputDevicesAsync
([/* ... */]);
List input devices
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listInputDevices([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'InputDevices' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AvailabilityZone' => '<string>', 'ConnectionState' => 'DISCONNECTED|CONNECTED', 'DeviceSettingsSyncState' => 'SYNCED|SYNCING', 'DeviceUpdateStatus' => 'UP_TO_DATE|NOT_UP_TO_DATE|UPDATING', 'HdDeviceSettings' => [ 'ActiveInput' => 'HDMI|SDI', 'ConfiguredInput' => 'AUTO|HDMI|SDI', 'DeviceState' => 'IDLE|STREAMING', 'Framerate' => <float>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'LatencyMs' => <integer>, 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'Width' => <integer>, ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'MacAddress' => '<string>', 'MedialiveInputArns' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'NetworkSettings' => [ 'DnsAddresses' => ['<string>', ...], 'Gateway' => '<string>', 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'IpScheme' => 'STATIC|DHCP', 'SubnetMask' => '<string>', ], 'OutputType' => 'NONE|MEDIALIVE_INPUT|MEDIACONNECT_FLOW', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Type' => 'HD|UHD', 'UhdDeviceSettings' => [ 'ActiveInput' => 'HDMI|SDI', 'AudioChannelPairs' => [ [ 'Id' => <integer>, 'Profile' => 'DISABLED|VBR-AAC_HHE-16000|VBR-AAC_HE-64000|VBR-AAC_LC-128000|CBR-AAC_HQ-192000|CBR-AAC_HQ-256000|CBR-AAC_HQ-384000|CBR-AAC_HQ-512000', ], // ... ], 'Codec' => 'HEVC|AVC', 'ConfiguredInput' => 'AUTO|HDMI|SDI', 'DeviceState' => 'IDLE|STREAMING', 'Framerate' => <float>, 'Height' => <integer>, 'LatencyMs' => <integer>, 'MaxBitrate' => <integer>, 'MediaconnectSettings' => [ 'FlowArn' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'SecretArn' => '<string>', 'SourceName' => '<string>', ], 'ScanType' => 'INTERLACED|PROGRESSIVE', 'Width' => <integer>, ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- InputDevices
- Type: Array of InputDeviceSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listInputSecurityGroups
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listInputSecurityGroupsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Produces a list of Input Security Groups for an account
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listInputSecurityGroups([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'InputSecurityGroups' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'Inputs' => ['<string>', ...], 'State' => 'IDLE|IN_USE|UPDATING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'WhitelistRules' => [ [ 'Cidr' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- InputSecurityGroups
- Type: Array of InputSecurityGroup structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listInputs
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listInputsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Produces list of inputs that have been created
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listInputs([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Inputs' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AttachedChannels' => ['<string>', ...], 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Ip' => '<string>', 'Port' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZone' => '<string>', 'NetworkInterfaceId' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'Id' => '<string>', 'InputClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'InputDevices' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'InputPartnerIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'InputSourceType' => 'STATIC|DYNAMIC', 'MediaConnectFlows' => [ [ 'FlowArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'SecurityGroups' => ['<string>', ...], 'Sources' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'SrtSettings' => [ 'SrtCallerSources' => [ [ 'Decryption' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'AES128|AES192|AES256', 'PassphraseSecretArn' => '<string>', ], 'MinimumLatency' => <integer>, 'SrtListenerAddress' => '<string>', 'SrtListenerPort' => '<string>', 'StreamId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'State' => 'CREATING|DETACHED|ATTACHED|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Type' => 'UDP_PUSH|RTP_PUSH|RTMP_PUSH|RTMP_PULL|URL_PULL|MP4_FILE|MEDIACONNECT|INPUT_DEVICE|AWS_CDI|TS_FILE|SRT_CALLER', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Inputs
- Type: Array of Input structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listMultiplexPrograms
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listMultiplexProgramsAsync
([/* ... */]);
List the programs that currently exist for a specific multiplex.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listMultiplexPrograms([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- MultiplexId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'MultiplexPrograms' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- MultiplexPrograms
- Type: Array of MultiplexProgramSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listMultiplexes
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listMultiplexesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Retrieve a list of the existing multiplexes.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listMultiplexes([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Multiplexes' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'Id' => '<string>', 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'TransportStreamBitrate' => <integer>, ], 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'ProgramCount' => <integer>, 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Multiplexes
- Type: Array of MultiplexSummary structures
- NextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listOfferings
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listOfferingsAsync
([/* ... */]);
List offerings available for purchase.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listOfferings([ 'ChannelClass' => '<string>', 'ChannelConfiguration' => '<string>', 'Codec' => '<string>', 'Duration' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'MaximumBitrate' => '<string>', 'MaximumFramerate' => '<string>', 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Resolution' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', 'SpecialFeature' => '<string>', 'VideoQuality' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelClass
- Type: string
- ChannelConfiguration
- Type: string
- Codec
- Type: string
- Duration
- Type: string
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- MaximumBitrate
- Type: string
- MaximumFramerate
- Type: string
- NextToken
- Type: string
- Resolution
- Type: string
- ResourceType
- Type: string
- SpecialFeature
- Type: string
- VideoQuality
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Offerings' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CurrencyCode' => '<string>', 'Duration' => <integer>, 'DurationUnits' => 'MONTHS', 'FixedPrice' => <float>, 'OfferingDescription' => '<string>', 'OfferingId' => '<string>', 'OfferingType' => 'NO_UPFRONT', 'Region' => '<string>', 'ResourceSpecification' => [ 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC|AUDIO|LINK', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'MaximumFramerate' => 'MAX_30_FPS|MAX_60_FPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', 'ResourceType' => 'INPUT|OUTPUT|MULTIPLEX|CHANNEL', 'SpecialFeature' => 'ADVANCED_AUDIO|AUDIO_NORMALIZATION|MGHD|MGUHD', 'VideoQuality' => 'STANDARD|ENHANCED|PREMIUM', ], 'UsagePrice' => <float>, ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
- Offerings
- Type: Array of Offering structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listReservations
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listReservationsAsync
([/* ... */]);
List purchased reservations.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listReservations([ 'ChannelClass' => '<string>', 'Codec' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'MaximumBitrate' => '<string>', 'MaximumFramerate' => '<string>', 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Resolution' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', 'SpecialFeature' => '<string>', 'VideoQuality' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelClass
- Type: string
- Codec
- Type: string
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- MaximumBitrate
- Type: string
- MaximumFramerate
- Type: string
- NextToken
- Type: string
- Resolution
- Type: string
- ResourceType
- Type: string
- SpecialFeature
- Type: string
- VideoQuality
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Reservations' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Count' => <integer>, 'CurrencyCode' => '<string>', 'Duration' => <integer>, 'DurationUnits' => 'MONTHS', 'End' => '<string>', 'FixedPrice' => <float>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'OfferingDescription' => '<string>', 'OfferingId' => '<string>', 'OfferingType' => 'NO_UPFRONT', 'Region' => '<string>', 'RenewalSettings' => [ 'AutomaticRenewal' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|UNAVAILABLE', 'RenewalCount' => <integer>, ], 'ReservationId' => '<string>', 'ResourceSpecification' => [ 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC|AUDIO|LINK', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'MaximumFramerate' => 'MAX_30_FPS|MAX_60_FPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', 'ResourceType' => 'INPUT|OUTPUT|MULTIPLEX|CHANNEL', 'SpecialFeature' => 'ADVANCED_AUDIO|AUDIO_NORMALIZATION|MGHD|MGUHD', 'VideoQuality' => 'STANDARD|ENHANCED|PREMIUM', ], 'Start' => '<string>', 'State' => 'ACTIVE|EXPIRED|CANCELED|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'UsagePrice' => <float>, ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
- Reservations
- Type: Array of Reservation structures
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listSignalMaps
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listSignalMapsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists signal maps.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listSignalMaps([ 'CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIdentifier' => '<string>', 'EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIdentifier' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupIdentifier
- Type: string
- EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupIdentifier
- Type: string
- MaxResults
- Type: int
- NextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'SignalMaps' => [ [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Id' => '<string>', 'ModifiedAt' => <DateTime>, 'MonitorDeploymentStatus' => 'NOT_DEPLOYED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DRY_RUN_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE|DEPLOYMENT_FAILED|DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS|DELETE_COMPLETE|DELETE_FAILED|DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', 'Name' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS|CREATE_COMPLETE|CREATE_FAILED|UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS|UPDATE_COMPLETE|UPDATE_REVERTED|UPDATE_FAILED|READY|NOT_READY', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
- SignalMaps
- Type: Array of SignalMapSummary structures
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->listTagsForResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listTagsForResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Produces list of tags that have been created for a resource
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listTagsForResource([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]
Result Details
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->purchaseOffering
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->purchaseOfferingAsync
([/* ... */]);
Purchase an offering and create a reservation.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->purchaseOffering([ 'Count' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'Name' => '<string>', 'OfferingId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RenewalSettings' => [ 'AutomaticRenewal' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|UNAVAILABLE', 'RenewalCount' => <integer>, ], 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'Start' => '<string>', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- Count
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
- Name
- Type: string
- OfferingId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- RenewalSettings
- Type: RenewalSettings structure
The Renewal settings for Reservations - RequestId
- Type: string
- Start
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
Result Syntax
[ 'Reservation' => [ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'Count' => <integer>, 'CurrencyCode' => '<string>', 'Duration' => <integer>, 'DurationUnits' => 'MONTHS', 'End' => '<string>', 'FixedPrice' => <float>, 'Name' => '<string>', 'OfferingDescription' => '<string>', 'OfferingId' => '<string>', 'OfferingType' => 'NO_UPFRONT', 'Region' => '<string>', 'RenewalSettings' => [ 'AutomaticRenewal' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|UNAVAILABLE', 'RenewalCount' => <integer>, ], 'ReservationId' => '<string>', 'ResourceSpecification' => [ 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC|AUDIO|LINK', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'MaximumFramerate' => 'MAX_30_FPS|MAX_60_FPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', 'ResourceType' => 'INPUT|OUTPUT|MULTIPLEX|CHANNEL', 'SpecialFeature' => 'ADVANCED_AUDIO|AUDIO_NORMALIZATION|MGHD|MGUHD', 'VideoQuality' => 'STANDARD|ENHANCED|PREMIUM', ], 'Start' => '<string>', 'State' => 'ACTIVE|EXPIRED|CANCELED|DELETED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'UsagePrice' => <float>, ], ]
Result Details
- Reservation
- Type: Reservation structure
Reserved resources available to use
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->rebootInputDevice
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->rebootInputDeviceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Send a reboot command to the specified input device. The device will begin rebooting within a few seconds of sending the command. When the reboot is complete, the device’s connection status will change to connected.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->rebootInputDevice([ 'Force' => 'NO|YES', 'InputDeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Force
- Type: string
Whether or not to force reboot the input device. - InputDeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->rejectInputDeviceTransfer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->rejectInputDeviceTransferAsync
([/* ... */]);
Reject the transfer of the specified input device to your AWS account.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->rejectInputDeviceTransfer([ 'InputDeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- InputDeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
Result Details
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- UnprocessableEntityException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->restartChannelPipelines
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->restartChannelPipelinesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Restart pipelines in one channel that is currently running.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->restartChannelPipelines([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'PipelineIds' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- PipelineIds
- Type: Array of strings
An array of pipelines to restart in this channel. Format PIPELINE_0 or PIPELINE_1.
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CdiInputSpecification' => [ 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', ], 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'MediaPackageSettings' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], 'Settings' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'StreamName' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'EgressEndpoints' => [ [ 'SourceIp' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'EncoderSettings' => [ 'AudioDescriptions' => [ [ 'AudioDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'AudioNormalizationSettings' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'ITU_1770_1|ITU_1770_2', 'AlgorithmControl' => 'CORRECT_AUDIO', 'TargetLkfs' => <float>, ], 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioType' => 'CLEAN_EFFECTS|HEARING_IMPAIRED|UNDEFINED|VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY', 'AudioTypeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioWatermarkingSettings' => [ 'NielsenWatermarksSettings' => [ 'NielsenCbetSettings' => [ 'CbetCheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'CbetStepaside' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Csid' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenDistributionType' => 'FINAL_DISTRIBUTOR|PROGRAM_CONTENT', 'NielsenNaesIiNwSettings' => [ 'CheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'Sid' => <float>, 'Timezone' => 'AMERICA_PUERTO_RICO|US_ALASKA|US_ARIZONA|US_CENTRAL|US_EASTERN|US_HAWAII|US_MOUNTAIN|US_PACIFIC|US_SAMOA|UTC', ], ], ], 'CodecSettings' => [ 'AacSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'AD_RECEIVER_MIX|CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_5_1', 'InputType' => 'BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD|NORMAL', 'Profile' => 'HEV1|HEV2|LC', 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'RawFormat' => 'LATM_LOAS|NONE', 'SampleRate' => <float>, 'Spec' => 'MPEG2|MPEG4', 'VbrQuality' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM_HIGH|MEDIUM_LOW', ], 'Ac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|DIALOGUE|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|VOICE_OVER', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcProfile' => 'FILM_STANDARD|NONE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'Eac3AtmosSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_5_1_4|CODING_MODE_7_1_4|CODING_MODE_9_1_6', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'HeightTrim' => <float>, 'SurroundTrim' => <float>, ], 'Eac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2', 'DcFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'LfeControl' => 'LFE|NO_LFE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'LoRoCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LoRoSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'PassthroughControl' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|WHEN_POSSIBLE', 'PhaseControl' => 'NO_SHIFT|SHIFT_90_DEGREES', 'StereoDownmix' => 'DPL2|LO_RO|LT_RT|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundExMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', ], 'Mp2Settings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], 'PassThroughSettings' => [ ], 'WavSettings' => [ 'BitDepth' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_4_0|CODING_MODE_8_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageCodeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'Name' => '<string>', 'RemixSettings' => [ 'ChannelMappings' => [ [ 'InputChannelLevels' => [ [ 'Gain' => <integer>, 'InputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'OutputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'ChannelsIn' => <integer>, 'ChannelsOut' => <integer>, ], 'StreamName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'AvailBlanking' => [ 'AvailBlankingImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'AvailConfiguration' => [ 'AvailSettings' => [ 'Esam' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'PoisEndpoint' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', 'ZoneIdentity' => '<string>', ], 'Scte35SpliceInsert' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], 'Scte35TimeSignalApos' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], ], 'Scte35SegmentationScope' => 'ALL_OUTPUT_GROUPS|SCTE35_ENABLED_OUTPUT_GROUPS', ], 'BlackoutSlate' => [ 'BlackoutSlateImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkEndBlackout' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'NetworkEndBlackoutImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'CaptionDescriptions' => [ [ 'Accessibility' => 'DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES|IMPLEMENTS_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES', 'CaptionDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionSelectorName' => '<string>', 'DestinationSettings' => [ 'AribDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'BurnInDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSubDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'EbuTtDDestinationSettings' => [ 'CopyrightHolder' => '<string>', 'FillLineGap' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FontFamily' => '<string>', 'StyleControl' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', ], 'EmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte27DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'SmpteTtDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TeletextDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TtmlDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'PASSTHROUGH|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'WebvttDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'NO_STYLE_DATA|PASSTHROUGH', ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'ColorCorrectionSettings' => [ 'GlobalColorCorrections' => [ [ 'InputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'OutputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'Uri' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'FeatureActivations' => [ 'InputPrepareScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'OutputStaticImageOverlayScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'GlobalConfiguration' => [ 'InitialAudioGain' => <integer>, 'InputEndAction' => 'NONE|SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS', 'InputLossBehavior' => [ 'BlackFrameMsec' => <integer>, 'InputLossImageColor' => '<string>', 'InputLossImageSlate' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'InputLossImageType' => 'COLOR|SLATE', 'RepeatFrameMsec' => <integer>, ], 'OutputLockingMode' => 'EPOCH_LOCKING|PIPELINE_LOCKING', 'OutputLockingSettings' => [ 'EpochLockingSettings' => [ 'CustomEpoch' => '<string>', 'JamSyncTime' => '<string>', ], 'PipelineLockingSettings' => [ ], ], 'OutputTimingSource' => 'INPUT_CLOCK|SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'SupportLowFramerateInputs' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'MotionGraphicsConfiguration' => [ 'MotionGraphicsInsertion' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MotionGraphicsSettings' => [ 'HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings' => [ ], ], ], 'NielsenConfiguration' => [ 'DistributorId' => '<string>', 'NielsenPcmToId3Tagging' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'OutputGroups' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'OutputGroupSettings' => [ 'ArchiveGroupSettings' => [ 'ArchiveCdnSettings' => [ 'ArchiveS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'RolloverInterval' => <integer>, ], 'CmafIngestGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Type' => 'NONE|SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION', 'SegmentLength' => <integer>, 'SegmentLengthUnits' => 'MILLISECONDS|SECONDS', 'SendDelayMs' => <integer>, ], 'FrameCaptureGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'FrameCaptureCdnSettings' => [ 'FrameCaptureS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], ], 'HlsGroupSettings' => [ 'AdMarkers' => ['<string>', ...], 'BaseUrlContent' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlContent1' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest1' => '<string>', 'CaptionLanguageMappings' => [ [ 'CaptionChannel' => <integer>, 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'CaptionLanguageSetting' => 'INSERT|NONE|OMIT', 'ClientCache' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'CodecSpecification' => 'RFC_4281|RFC_6381', 'ConstantIv' => '<string>', 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'DirectoryStructure' => 'SINGLE_DIRECTORY|SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM', 'DiscontinuityTags' => 'INSERT|NEVER_INSERT', 'EncryptionType' => 'AES128|SAMPLE_AES', 'HlsCdnSettings' => [ 'HlsAkamaiSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'HttpTransferMode' => 'CHUNKED|NON_CHUNKED', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, 'Salt' => '<string>', 'Token' => '<string>', ], 'HlsBasicPutSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsMediaStoreSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'MediaStoreStorageClass' => 'TEMPORAL', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 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'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageSelectionPolicy' => 'LOOSE|STRICT', ], 'AudioPidSelection' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'AudioTrackSelection' => [ 'DolbyEDecode' => [ 'ProgramSelection' => 'ALL_CHANNELS|PROGRAM_1|PROGRAM_2|PROGRAM_3|PROGRAM_4|PROGRAM_5|PROGRAM_6|PROGRAM_7|PROGRAM_8', ], 'Tracks' => [ [ 'Track' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'CaptionSelectors' => [ [ 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'AncillarySourceSettings' => [ 'SourceAncillaryChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'AribSourceSettings' => [ ], 'DvbSubSourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'EmbeddedSourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Scte20Detection' => 'AUTO|OFF', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, 'Source608TrackNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte20SourceSettings' => [ 'Convert608To708' => 'DISABLED|UPCONVERT', 'Source608ChannelNumber' => <integer>, ], 'Scte27SourceSettings' => [ 'OcrLanguage' => 'DEU|ENG|FRA|NLD|POR|SPA', 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'TeletextSourceSettings' => [ 'OutputRectangle' => [ 'Height' => <float>, 'LeftOffset' => <float>, 'TopOffset' => <float>, 'Width' => <float>, ], 'PageNumber' => '<string>', ], ], ], // ... ], 'DeblockFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DenoiseFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FilterStrength' => <integer>, 'InputFilter' => 'AUTO|DISABLED|FORCED', 'NetworkInputSettings' => [ 'HlsInputSettings' => [ 'Bandwidth' => <integer>, 'BufferSegments' => <integer>, 'Retries' => <integer>, 'RetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Scte35Source' => 'MANIFEST|SEGMENTS', ], 'ServerValidation' => 'CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND_VALIDATE_NAME|CHECK_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ONLY', ], 'Scte35Pid' => <integer>, 'Smpte2038DataPreference' => 'IGNORE|PREFER', 'SourceEndBehavior' => 'CONTINUE|LOOP', 'VideoSelector' => [ 'ColorSpace' => 'FOLLOW|HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'ColorSpaceSettings' => [ 'Hdr10Settings' => [ 'MaxCll' => <integer>, 'MaxFall' => <integer>, ], ], 'ColorSpaceUsage' => 'FALLBACK|FORCE', 'SelectorSettings' => [ 'VideoSelectorPid' => [ 'Pid' => <integer>, ], 'VideoSelectorProgramId' => [ 'ProgramId' => <integer>, ], ], ], ], ], // ... ], 'InputSpecification' => [ 'Codec' => 'MPEG2|AVC|HEVC', 'MaximumBitrate' => 'MAX_10_MBPS|MAX_20_MBPS|MAX_50_MBPS', 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|UHD', ], 'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|DISABLED', 'Maintenance' => [ 'MaintenanceDay' => 'MONDAY|TUESDAY|WEDNESDAY|THURSDAY|FRIDAY|SATURDAY|SUNDAY', 'MaintenanceDeadline' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceScheduledDate' => '<string>', 'MaintenanceStartTime' => '<string>', ], 'MaintenanceStatus' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', 'PipelineDetails' => [ [ 'ActiveInputAttachmentName' => '<string>', 'ActiveInputSwitchActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsActionName' => '<string>', 'ActiveMotionGraphicsUri' => '<string>', 'PipelineId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PipelinesRunningCount' => <integer>, 'RoleArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|CREATE_FAILED|IDLE|STARTING|RUNNING|RECOVERING|STOPPING|DELETING|DELETED|UPDATING|UPDATE_FAILED', 'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], 'Vpc' => [ 'AvailabilityZones' => ['<string>', ...], 'NetworkInterfaceIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SecurityGroupIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetIds' => ['<string>', ...], ], ]
Result Details
- Arn
- Type: string
- CdiInputSpecification
- Type: CdiInputSpecification structure
- ChannelClass
- Type: string
A standard channel has two encoding pipelines and a single pipeline channel only has one. - Destinations
- Type: Array of OutputDestination structures
- EgressEndpoints
- Type: Array of ChannelEgressEndpoint structures
- EncoderSettings
- Type: EncoderSettings structure
Encoder Settings - Id
- Type: string
- InputAttachments
- Type: Array of InputAttachment structures
- InputSpecification
- Type: InputSpecification structure
- LogLevel
- Type: string
The log level the user wants for their channel. - Maintenance
- Type: MaintenanceStatus structure
- MaintenanceStatus
- Type: string
- Name
- Type: string
- PipelineDetails
- Type: Array of PipelineDetail structures
- PipelinesRunningCount
- Type: int
- RoleArn
- Type: string
- State
- Type: string
- Tags
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (__string) to strings
- Vpc
- Type: VpcOutputSettingsDescription structure
The properties for a private VPC Output
- BadRequestException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- InternalServerErrorException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ForbiddenException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- BadGatewayException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- NotFoundException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- GatewayTimeoutException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- TooManyRequestsException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
- ConflictException:
- This error does not currently have a description.
$result = $client->startChannel
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->startChannelAsync
([/* ... */]);
Starts an existing channel
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->startChannel([ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ChannelId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'Arn' => '<string>', 'CdiInputSpecification' => [ 'Resolution' => 'SD|HD|FHD|UHD', ], 'ChannelClass' => 'STANDARD|SINGLE_PIPELINE', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'Id' => '<string>', 'MediaPackageSettings' => [ [ 'ChannelId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'MultiplexSettings' => [ 'MultiplexId' => '<string>', 'ProgramName' => '<string>', ], 'Settings' => [ [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'StreamName' => '<string>', 'Url' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'EgressEndpoints' => [ [ 'SourceIp' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'EncoderSettings' => [ 'AudioDescriptions' => [ [ 'AudioDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'AudioNormalizationSettings' => [ 'Algorithm' => 'ITU_1770_1|ITU_1770_2', 'AlgorithmControl' => 'CORRECT_AUDIO', 'TargetLkfs' => <float>, ], 'AudioSelectorName' => '<string>', 'AudioType' => 'CLEAN_EFFECTS|HEARING_IMPAIRED|UNDEFINED|VISUAL_IMPAIRED_COMMENTARY', 'AudioTypeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioWatermarkingSettings' => [ 'NielsenWatermarksSettings' => [ 'NielsenCbetSettings' => [ 'CbetCheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'CbetStepaside' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Csid' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenDistributionType' => 'FINAL_DISTRIBUTOR|PROGRAM_CONTENT', 'NielsenNaesIiNwSettings' => [ 'CheckDigitString' => '<string>', 'Sid' => <float>, 'Timezone' => 'AMERICA_PUERTO_RICO|US_ALASKA|US_ARIZONA|US_CENTRAL|US_EASTERN|US_HAWAII|US_MOUNTAIN|US_PACIFIC|US_SAMOA|UTC', ], ], ], 'CodecSettings' => [ 'AacSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'AD_RECEIVER_MIX|CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_5_1', 'InputType' => 'BROADCASTER_MIXED_AD|NORMAL', 'Profile' => 'HEV1|HEV2|LC', 'RateControlMode' => 'CBR|VBR', 'RawFormat' => 'LATM_LOAS|NONE', 'SampleRate' => <float>, 'Spec' => 'MPEG2|MPEG4', 'VbrQuality' => 'HIGH|LOW|MEDIUM_HIGH|MEDIUM_LOW', ], 'Ac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|DIALOGUE|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|MUSIC_AND_EFFECTS|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|VOICE_OVER', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_1_1|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2_LFE', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcProfile' => 'FILM_STANDARD|NONE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'Eac3AtmosSettings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_5_1_4|CODING_MODE_7_1_4|CODING_MODE_9_1_6', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'HeightTrim' => <float>, 'SurroundTrim' => <float>, ], 'Eac3Settings' => [ 'AttenuationControl' => 'ATTENUATE_3_DB|NONE', 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'BitstreamMode' => 'COMMENTARY|COMPLETE_MAIN|EMERGENCY|HEARING_IMPAIRED|VISUALLY_IMPAIRED', 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_3_2', 'DcFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'Dialnorm' => <integer>, 'DrcLine' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'DrcRf' => 'FILM_LIGHT|FILM_STANDARD|MUSIC_LIGHT|MUSIC_STANDARD|NONE|SPEECH', 'LfeControl' => 'LFE|NO_LFE', 'LfeFilter' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'LoRoCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LoRoSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtCenterMixLevel' => <float>, 'LtRtSurroundMixLevel' => <float>, 'MetadataControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'PassthroughControl' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|WHEN_POSSIBLE', 'PhaseControl' => 'NO_SHIFT|SHIFT_90_DEGREES', 'StereoDownmix' => 'DPL2|LO_RO|LT_RT|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundExMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', 'SurroundMode' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED|NOT_INDICATED', ], 'Mp2Settings' => [ 'Bitrate' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], 'PassThroughSettings' => [ ], 'WavSettings' => [ 'BitDepth' => <float>, 'CodingMode' => 'CODING_MODE_1_0|CODING_MODE_2_0|CODING_MODE_4_0|CODING_MODE_8_0', 'SampleRate' => <float>, ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageCodeControl' => 'FOLLOW_INPUT|USE_CONFIGURED', 'Name' => '<string>', 'RemixSettings' => [ 'ChannelMappings' => [ [ 'InputChannelLevels' => [ [ 'Gain' => <integer>, 'InputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'OutputChannel' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'ChannelsIn' => <integer>, 'ChannelsOut' => <integer>, ], 'StreamName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'AvailBlanking' => [ 'AvailBlankingImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'AvailConfiguration' => [ 'AvailSettings' => [ 'Esam' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'PoisEndpoint' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', 'ZoneIdentity' => '<string>', ], 'Scte35SpliceInsert' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], 'Scte35TimeSignalApos' => [ 'AdAvailOffset' => <integer>, 'NoRegionalBlackoutFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', 'WebDeliveryAllowedFlag' => 'FOLLOW|IGNORE', ], ], 'Scte35SegmentationScope' => 'ALL_OUTPUT_GROUPS|SCTE35_ENABLED_OUTPUT_GROUPS', ], 'BlackoutSlate' => [ 'BlackoutSlateImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkEndBlackout' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'NetworkEndBlackoutImage' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'CaptionDescriptions' => [ [ 'Accessibility' => 'DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES|IMPLEMENTS_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES', 'CaptionDashRoles' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionSelectorName' => '<string>', 'DestinationSettings' => [ 'AribDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'BurnInDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSubDestinationSettings' => [ 'Alignment' => 'CENTERED|LEFT|SMART', 'BackgroundColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'BackgroundOpacity' => <integer>, 'Font' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'FontColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'FontOpacity' => <integer>, 'FontResolution' => <integer>, 'FontSize' => '<string>', 'OutlineColor' => 'BLACK|BLUE|GREEN|RED|WHITE|YELLOW', 'OutlineSize' => <integer>, 'ShadowColor' => 'BLACK|NONE|WHITE', 'ShadowOpacity' => <integer>, 'ShadowXOffset' => <integer>, 'ShadowYOffset' => <integer>, 'TeletextGridControl' => 'FIXED|SCALED', 'XPosition' => <integer>, 'YPosition' => <integer>, ], 'EbuTtDDestinationSettings' => [ 'CopyrightHolder' => '<string>', 'FillLineGap' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'FontFamily' => '<string>', 'StyleControl' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', ], 'EmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'Scte27DestinationSettings' => [ ], 'SmpteTtDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TeletextDestinationSettings' => [ ], 'TtmlDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'PASSTHROUGH|USE_CONFIGURED', ], 'WebvttDestinationSettings' => [ 'StyleControl' => 'NO_STYLE_DATA|PASSTHROUGH', ], ], 'DvbDashAccessibility' => 'DVBDASH_1_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED|DVBDASH_2_HARD_OF_HEARING|DVBDASH_3_SUPPLEMENTAL_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_4_DIRECTORS_COMMENTARY|DVBDASH_5_EDUCATIONAL_NOTES|DVBDASH_6_MAIN_PROGRAM|DVBDASH_7_CLEAN_FEED', 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'ColorCorrectionSettings' => [ 'GlobalColorCorrections' => [ [ 'InputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'OutputColorSpace' => 'HDR10|HLG_2020|REC_601|REC_709', 'Uri' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'FeatureActivations' => [ 'InputPrepareScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'OutputStaticImageOverlayScheduleActions' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'GlobalConfiguration' => [ 'InitialAudioGain' => <integer>, 'InputEndAction' => 'NONE|SWITCH_AND_LOOP_INPUTS', 'InputLossBehavior' => [ 'BlackFrameMsec' => <integer>, 'InputLossImageColor' => '<string>', 'InputLossImageSlate' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'InputLossImageType' => 'COLOR|SLATE', 'RepeatFrameMsec' => <integer>, ], 'OutputLockingMode' => 'EPOCH_LOCKING|PIPELINE_LOCKING', 'OutputLockingSettings' => [ 'EpochLockingSettings' => [ 'CustomEpoch' => '<string>', 'JamSyncTime' => '<string>', ], 'PipelineLockingSettings' => [ ], ], 'OutputTimingSource' => 'INPUT_CLOCK|SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'SupportLowFramerateInputs' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'MotionGraphicsConfiguration' => [ 'MotionGraphicsInsertion' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'MotionGraphicsSettings' => [ 'HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings' => [ ], ], ], 'NielsenConfiguration' => [ 'DistributorId' => '<string>', 'NielsenPcmToId3Tagging' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', ], 'OutputGroups' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', 'OutputGroupSettings' => [ 'ArchiveGroupSettings' => [ 'ArchiveCdnSettings' => [ 'ArchiveS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'RolloverInterval' => <integer>, ], 'CmafIngestGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'Scte35Type' => 'NONE|SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION', 'SegmentLength' => <integer>, 'SegmentLengthUnits' => 'MILLISECONDS|SECONDS', 'SendDelayMs' => <integer>, ], 'FrameCaptureGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'FrameCaptureCdnSettings' => [ 'FrameCaptureS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], ], ], 'HlsGroupSettings' => [ 'AdMarkers' => ['<string>', ...], 'BaseUrlContent' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlContent1' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest' => '<string>', 'BaseUrlManifest1' => '<string>', 'CaptionLanguageMappings' => [ [ 'CaptionChannel' => <integer>, 'LanguageCode' => '<string>', 'LanguageDescription' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'CaptionLanguageSetting' => 'INSERT|NONE|OMIT', 'ClientCache' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'CodecSpecification' => 'RFC_4281|RFC_6381', 'ConstantIv' => '<string>', 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'DirectoryStructure' => 'SINGLE_DIRECTORY|SUBDIRECTORY_PER_STREAM', 'DiscontinuityTags' => 'INSERT|NEVER_INSERT', 'EncryptionType' => 'AES128|SAMPLE_AES', 'HlsCdnSettings' => [ 'HlsAkamaiSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'HttpTransferMode' => 'CHUNKED|NON_CHUNKED', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, 'Salt' => '<string>', 'Token' => '<string>', ], 'HlsBasicPutSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsMediaStoreSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'MediaStoreStorageClass' => 'TEMPORAL', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'HlsS3Settings' => [ 'CannedAcl' => 'AUTHENTICATED_READ|BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL|BUCKET_OWNER_READ|PUBLIC_READ', ], 'HlsWebdavSettings' => [ 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'HttpTransferMode' => 'CHUNKED|NON_CHUNKED', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], ], 'HlsId3SegmentTagging' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'IFrameOnlyPlaylists' => 'DISABLED|STANDARD', 'IncompleteSegmentBehavior' => 'AUTO|SUPPRESS', 'IndexNSegments' => <integer>, 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'IvInManifest' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'IvSource' => 'EXPLICIT|FOLLOWS_SEGMENT_NUMBER', 'KeepSegments' => <integer>, 'KeyFormat' => '<string>', 'KeyFormatVersions' => '<string>', 'KeyProviderSettings' => [ 'StaticKeySettings' => [ 'KeyProviderServer' => [ 'PasswordParam' => '<string>', 'Uri' => '<string>', 'Username' => '<string>', ], 'StaticKeyValue' => '<string>', ], ], 'ManifestCompression' => 'GZIP|NONE', 'ManifestDurationFormat' => 'FLOATING_POINT|INTEGER', 'MinSegmentLength' => <integer>, 'Mode' => 'LIVE|VOD', 'OutputSelection' => 'MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS|SEGMENTS_ONLY|VARIANT_MANIFESTS_AND_SEGMENTS', 'ProgramDateTime' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'ProgramDateTimeClock' => 'INITIALIZE_FROM_OUTPUT_TIMECODE|SYSTEM_CLOCK', 'ProgramDateTimePeriod' => <integer>, 'RedundantManifest' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'SegmentLength' => <integer>, 'SegmentationMode' => 'USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION|USE_SEGMENT_DURATION', 'SegmentsPerSubdirectory' => <integer>, 'StreamInfResolution' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'TimedMetadataId3Frame' => 'NONE|PRIV|TDRL', 'TimedMetadataId3Period' => <integer>, 'TimestampDeltaMilliseconds' => <integer>, 'TsFileMode' => 'SEGMENTED_FILES|SINGLE_FILE', ], 'MediaPackageGroupSettings' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], ], 'MsSmoothGroupSettings' => [ 'AcquisitionPointId' => '<string>', 'AudioOnlyTimecodeControl' => 'PASSTHROUGH|USE_CONFIGURED_CLOCK', 'CertificateMode' => 'SELF_SIGNED|VERIFY_AUTHENTICITY', 'ConnectionRetryInterval' => <integer>, 'Destination' => [ 'DestinationRefId' => '<string>', ], 'EventId' => '<string>', 'EventIdMode' => 'NO_EVENT_ID|USE_CONFIGURED|USE_TIMESTAMP', 'EventStopBehavior' => 'NONE|SEND_EOS', 'FilecacheDuration' => <integer>, 'FragmentLength' => <integer>, 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'NumRetries' => <integer>, 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, 'SegmentationMode' => 'USE_INPUT_SEGMENTATION|USE_SEGMENT_DURATION', 'SendDelayMs' => <integer>, 'SparseTrackType' => 'NONE|SCTE_35|SCTE_35_WITHOUT_SEGMENTATION', 'StreamManifestBehavior' => 'DO_NOT_SEND|SEND', 'TimestampOffset' => '<string>', 'TimestampOffsetMode' => 'USE_CONFIGURED_OFFSET|USE_EVENT_START_DATE', ], 'MultiplexGroupSettings' => [ ], 'RtmpGroupSettings' => [ 'AdMarkers' => ['<string>', ...], 'AuthenticationScheme' => 'AKAMAI|COMMON', 'CacheFullBehavior' => 'DISCONNECT_IMMEDIATELY|WAIT_FOR_SERVER', 'CacheLength' => <integer>, 'CaptionData' => 'ALL|FIELD1_608|FIELD1_AND_FIELD2_608', 'IncludeFillerNalUnits' => 'AUTO|DROP|INCLUDE', 'InputLossAction' => 'EMIT_OUTPUT|PAUSE_OUTPUT', 'RestartDelay' => <integer>, ], 'UdpGroupSettings' => [ 'InputLossAction' => 'DROP_PROGRAM|DROP_TS|EMIT_PROGRAM', 'TimedMetadataId3Frame' => 'NONE|PRIV|TDRL', 'TimedMetadataId3Period' => <integer>, ], ], 'Outputs' => [ [ 'AudioDescriptionNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'CaptionDescriptionNames' => ['<string>', ...], 'OutputName' => '<string>', 'OutputSettings' => [ 'ArchiveOutputSettings' => [ 'ContainerSettings' => [ 'M2tsSettings' => [ 'AbsentInputAudioBehavior' => 'DROP|ENCODE_SILENCE', 'Arib' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'AribCaptionsPid' => '<string>', 'AribCaptionsPidControl' => 'AUTO|USE_CONFIGURED', 'AudioBufferModel' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'AudioFramesPerPes' => <integer>, 'AudioPids' => '<string>', 'AudioStreamType' => 'ATSC|DVB', 'Bitrate' => <integer>, 'BufferModel' => 'MULTIPLEX|NONE', 'CcDescriptor' => 'DISABLED|ENABLED', 'DvbNitSettings' => [ 'NetworkId' => <integer>, 'NetworkName' => '<string>', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbSdtSettings' => [ 'OutputSdt' => 'SDT_FOLLOW|SDT_FOLLOW_IF_PRESENT|SDT_MANUAL|SDT_NONE', 'RepInterval' => <integer>, 'ServiceName' => '<string>', 'ServiceProviderName' => '<string>', ], 'DvbSubPids' => '<string>', 'DvbTdtSettings' => [ 'RepInterval' => <integer>, ], 'DvbTeletextPid' => '<string>', 'Ebif' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'EbpAudioInterval' => 'VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS|VIDEO_INTERVAL', 'EbpLookaheadMs' => <integer>, 'EbpPlacement' => 'VIDEO_AND_AUDIO_PIDS|VIDEO_PID', 'EcmPid' => '<string>', 'EsRateInPes' => 'EXCLUDE|INCLUDE', 'EtvPlatformPid' => '<string>', 'EtvSignalPid' => '<string>', 'FragmentTime' => <float>, 'Klv' => 'NONE|PASSTHROUGH', 'KlvDataPids' => '<string>', 'NielsenId3Behavior' => 'NO_PASSTHROUGH|PASSTHROUGH', 'NullPacketBitrate' => <float>, 'PatInterval' => <integer>, 'PcrControl' => 'CONFIGURED_PCR_PERIOD|PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET', 'PcrPeriod' => <integer>, 'PcrPid' => '<string>', 'PmtInterval' => <integer>, 'PmtPid' => '<string>', 'ProgramNum' => 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