SDK for PHP 3.x

Client: Aws\Sns\SnsClient
Service ID: sns
Version: 2010-03-31

This page describes the parameters and results for the operations of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (2010-03-31), and shows how to use the Aws\Sns\SnsClient object to call the described operations. This documentation is specific to the 2010-03-31 API version of the service.

Operation Summary

Each of the following operations can be created from a client using $client->getCommand('CommandName'), where "CommandName" is the name of one of the following operations. Note: a command is a value that encapsulates an operation and the parameters used to create an HTTP request.

You can also create and send a command immediately using the magic methods available on a client object: $client->commandName(/* parameters */). You can send the command asynchronously (returning a promise) by appending the word "Async" to the operation name: $client->commandNameAsync(/* parameters */).

AddPermission ( array $params = [] )
Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified Amazon Web Services accounts to the specified actions.
CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ( array $params = [] )
Accepts a phone number and indicates whether the phone holder has opted out of receiving SMS messages from your Amazon Web Services account.
ConfirmSubscription ( array $params = [] )
Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action.
CreatePlatformApplication ( array $params = [] )
Creates a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging), to which devices and mobile apps may register.
CreatePlatformEndpoint ( array $params = [] )
Creates an endpoint for a device and mobile app on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS.
CreateSMSSandboxPhoneNumber ( array $params = [] )
Adds a destination phone number to an Amazon Web Services account in the SMS sandbox and sends a one-time password (OTP) to that phone number.
CreateTopic ( array $params = [] )
Creates a topic to which notifications can be published.
DeleteEndpoint ( array $params = [] )
Deletes the endpoint for a device and mobile app from Amazon SNS.
DeletePlatformApplication ( array $params = [] )
Deletes a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).
DeleteSMSSandboxPhoneNumber ( array $params = [] )
Deletes an Amazon Web Services account's verified or pending phone number from the SMS sandbox.
DeleteTopic ( array $params = [] )
Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions.
GetDataProtectionPolicy ( array $params = [] )
Retrieves the specified inline DataProtectionPolicy document that is stored in the specified Amazon SNS topic.
GetEndpointAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Retrieves the endpoint attributes for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS.
GetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Retrieves the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).
GetSMSAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Returns the settings for sending SMS messages from your Amazon Web Services account.
GetSMSSandboxAccountStatus ( array $params = [] )
Retrieves the SMS sandbox status for the calling Amazon Web Services account in the target Amazon Web Services Region.
GetSubscriptionAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Returns all of the properties of a subscription.
GetTopicAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Returns all of the properties of a topic.
ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication ( array $params = [] )
Lists the endpoints and endpoint attributes for devices in a supported push notification service, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS.
ListOriginationNumbers ( array $params = [] )
Lists the calling Amazon Web Services account's dedicated origination numbers and their metadata.
ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ( array $params = [] )
Returns a list of phone numbers that are opted out, meaning you cannot send SMS messages to them.
ListPlatformApplications ( array $params = [] )
Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).
ListSMSSandboxPhoneNumbers ( array $params = [] )
Lists the calling Amazon Web Services account's current verified and pending destination phone numbers in the SMS sandbox.
ListSubscriptions ( array $params = [] )
Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions.
ListSubscriptionsByTopic ( array $params = [] )
Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic.
ListTagsForResource ( array $params = [] )
List all tags added to the specified Amazon SNS topic.
ListTopics ( array $params = [] )
Returns a list of the requester's topics.
OptInPhoneNumber ( array $params = [] )
Use this request to opt in a phone number that is opted out, which enables you to resume sending SMS messages to the number.
Publish ( array $params = [] )
Sends a message to an Amazon SNS topic, a text message (SMS message) directly to a phone number, or a message to a mobile platform endpoint (when you specify the TargetArn).
PublishBatch ( array $params = [] )
Publishes up to ten messages to the specified topic.
PutDataProtectionPolicy ( array $params = [] )
Adds or updates an inline policy document that is stored in the specified Amazon SNS topic.
RemovePermission ( array $params = [] )
Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.
SetEndpointAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Sets the attributes for an endpoint for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS.
SetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Sets the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).
SetSMSAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Use this request to set the default settings for sending SMS messages and receiving daily SMS usage reports.
SetSubscriptionAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the subscription to a new value.
SetTopicAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
Subscribe ( array $params = [] )
Subscribes an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic.
TagResource ( array $params = [] )
Add tags to the specified Amazon SNS topic.
Unsubscribe ( array $params = [] )
Deletes a subscription.
UntagResource ( array $params = [] )
Remove tags from the specified Amazon SNS topic.
VerifySMSSandboxPhoneNumber ( array $params = [] )
Verifies a destination phone number with a one-time password (OTP) for the calling Amazon Web Services account.


Paginators handle automatically iterating over paginated API results. Paginators are associated with specific API operations, and they accept the parameters that the corresponding API operation accepts. You can get a paginator from a client class using getPaginator($paginatorName, $operationParameters). This client supports the following paginators:




$result = $client->addPermission([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->addPermissionAsync([/* ... */]);

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified Amazon Web Services accounts to the specified actions.

To remove the ability to change topic permissions, you must deny permissions to the AddPermission, RemovePermission, and SetTopicAttributes actions in your IAM policy.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->addPermission([
    'AWSAccountId' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED
    'ActionName' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED
    'Label' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Array of strings

The Amazon Web Services account IDs of the users (principals) who will be given access to the specified actions. The users must have Amazon Web Services account, but do not need to be signed up for this service.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of strings

The action you want to allow for the specified principal(s).

Valid values: Any Amazon SNS action name, for example Publish.

Required: Yes
Type: string

A unique identifier for the new policy statement.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->checkIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->checkIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutAsync([/* ... */]);

Accepts a phone number and indicates whether the phone holder has opted out of receiving SMS messages from your Amazon Web Services account. You cannot send SMS messages to a number that is opted out.

To resume sending messages, you can opt in the number by using the OptInPhoneNumber action.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->checkIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut([
    'phoneNumber' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The phone number for which you want to check the opt out status.

Result Syntax

    'isOptedOut' => true || false,

Result Details

Type: boolean

Indicates whether the phone number is opted out:

  • true – The phone number is opted out, meaning you cannot publish SMS messages to it.

  • false – The phone number is opted in, meaning you can publish SMS messages to it.



Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


$result = $client->confirmSubscription([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->confirmSubscriptionAsync([/* ... */]);

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->confirmSubscription([
    'AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe' => '<string>',
    'Token' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

Disallows unauthenticated unsubscribes of the subscription. If the value of this parameter is true and the request has an Amazon Web Services signature, then only the topic owner and the subscription owner can unsubscribe the endpoint. The unsubscribe action requires Amazon Web Services authentication.

Required: Yes
Type: string

Short-lived token sent to an endpoint during the Subscribe action.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription.

Result Syntax

    'SubscriptionArn' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

The ARN of the created subscription.



Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the number of filter polices in your Amazon Web Services account exceeds the limit. To add more filter polices, submit an Amazon SNS Limit Increase case in the Amazon Web Services Support Center.


Indicates that the request parameter has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent message replays.


$result = $client->createPlatformApplication([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createPlatformApplicationAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging), to which devices and mobile apps may register. You must specify PlatformPrincipal and PlatformCredential attributes when using the CreatePlatformApplication action.

PlatformPrincipal and PlatformCredential are received from the notification service.

  • For ADM, PlatformPrincipal is client id and PlatformCredential is client secret.

  • For APNS and APNS_SANDBOX using certificate credentials, PlatformPrincipal is SSL certificate and PlatformCredential is private key.

  • For APNS and APNS_SANDBOX using token credentials, PlatformPrincipal is signing key ID and PlatformCredential is signing key.

  • For Baidu, PlatformPrincipal is API key and PlatformCredential is secret key.

  • For GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) using key credentials, there is no PlatformPrincipal. The PlatformCredential is API key.

  • For GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) using token credentials, there is no PlatformPrincipal. The PlatformCredential is a JSON formatted private key file. When using the Amazon Web Services CLI, the file must be in string format and special characters must be ignored. To format the file correctly, Amazon SNS recommends using the following command: SERVICE_JSON=`jq @json <<< cat service.json`.

  • For MPNS, PlatformPrincipal is TLS certificate and PlatformCredential is private key.

  • For WNS, PlatformPrincipal is Package Security Identifier and PlatformCredential is secret key.

You can use the returned PlatformApplicationArn as an attribute for the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createPlatformApplication([
    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED
    'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Platform' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

For a list of attributes, see SetPlatformApplicationAttributes .

Required: Yes
Type: string

Application names must be made up of only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and periods, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The following platforms are supported: ADM (Amazon Device Messaging), APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), APNS_SANDBOX, and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).

Result Syntax

    'PlatformApplicationArn' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn is returned.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->createPlatformEndpoint([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createPlatformEndpointAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates an endpoint for a device and mobile app on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS. CreatePlatformEndpoint requires the PlatformApplicationArn that is returned from CreatePlatformApplication. You can use the returned EndpointArn to send a message to a mobile app or by the Subscribe action for subscription to a topic. The CreatePlatformEndpoint action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns an endpoint with the same device token and attributes, that endpoint's ARN is returned without creating a new endpoint. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

When using CreatePlatformEndpoint with Baidu, two attributes must be provided: ChannelId and UserId. The token field must also contain the ChannelId. For more information, see Creating an Amazon SNS Endpoint for Baidu.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createPlatformEndpoint([
    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'CustomUserData' => '<string>',
    'PlatformApplicationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Token' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

For a list of attributes, see SetEndpointAttributes .

Type: string

Arbitrary user data to associate with the endpoint. Amazon SNS does not use this data. The data must be in UTF-8 format and less than 2KB.

Required: Yes
Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn returned from CreatePlatformApplication is used to create a an endpoint.

Required: Yes
Type: string

Unique identifier created by the notification service for an app on a device. The specific name for Token will vary, depending on which notification service is being used. For example, when using APNS as the notification service, you need the device token. Alternatively, when using GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) or ADM, the device token equivalent is called the registration ID.

Result Syntax

    'EndpointArn' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

EndpointArn returned from CreateEndpoint action.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->createSMSSandboxPhoneNumber([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createSMSSandboxPhoneNumberAsync([/* ... */]);

Adds a destination phone number to an Amazon Web Services account in the SMS sandbox and sends a one-time password (OTP) to that phone number.

When you start using Amazon SNS to send SMS messages, your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox. The SMS sandbox provides a safe environment for you to try Amazon SNS features without risking your reputation as an SMS sender. While your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SNS. However, you can send SMS messages only to verified destination phone numbers. For more information, including how to move out of the sandbox to send messages without restrictions, see SMS sandbox in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createSMSSandboxPhoneNumber([
    'LanguageCode' => 'en-US|en-GB|es-419|es-ES|de-DE|fr-CA|fr-FR|it-IT|ja-JP|pt-BR|kr-KR|zh-CN|zh-TW',
    'PhoneNumber' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

The language to use for sending the OTP. The default value is en-US.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The destination phone number to verify. On verification, Amazon SNS adds this phone number to the list of verified phone numbers that you can send SMS messages to.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the specified phone number opted out of receiving SMS messages from your Amazon Web Services account. You can't send SMS messages to phone numbers that opt out.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


$result = $client->createTopic([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createTopicAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 standard topics (at most 1,000 FIFO topics). For more information, see Creating an Amazon SNS topic in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createTopic([
    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'DataProtectionPolicy' => '<string>',
    'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Tags' => [
            'Key' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        // ...

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (attributeName) to strings

A map of attributes with their corresponding values.

The following lists names, descriptions, and values of the special request parameters that the CreateTopic action uses:

  • DeliveryPolicy – The policy that defines how Amazon SNS retries failed deliveries to HTTP/S endpoints.

  • DisplayName – The display name to use for a topic with SMS subscriptions.

  • FifoTopic – Set to true to create a FIFO topic.

  • Policy – The policy that defines who can access your topic. By default, only the topic owner can publish or subscribe to the topic.

  • SignatureVersion – The signature version corresponds to the hashing algorithm used while creating the signature of the notifications, subscription confirmations, or unsubscribe confirmation messages sent by Amazon SNS. By default, SignatureVersion is set to 1.

  • TracingConfig – Tracing mode of an Amazon SNS topic. By default TracingConfig is set to PassThrough, and the topic passes through the tracing header it receives from an Amazon SNS publisher to its subscriptions. If set to Active, Amazon SNS will vend X-Ray segment data to topic owner account if the sampled flag in the tracing header is true. This is only supported on standard topics.

The following attribute applies only to server-side encryption:

  • KmsMasterKeyId – The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. For more information, see Key Terms. For more examples, see KeyId in the Key Management Service API Reference.

The following attributes apply only to FIFO topics:

  • ArchivePolicy – The policy that sets the retention period for messages stored in the message archive of an Amazon SNS FIFO topic.

  • ContentBasedDeduplication – Enables content-based deduplication for FIFO topics.

    • By default, ContentBasedDeduplication is set to false. If you create a FIFO topic and this attribute is false, you must specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

    • When you set ContentBasedDeduplication to true, Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the MessageDeduplicationId using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message).

      (Optional) To override the generated value, you can specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

  • FifoThroughputScope – Enables higher throughput for your FIFO topic by adjusting the scope of deduplication. This attribute has two possible values:

    • Topic – The scope of message deduplication is across the entire topic. This is the default value and maintains existing behavior, with a maximum throughput of 3000 messages per second or 20MB per second, whichever comes first.

    • MessageGroup – The scope of deduplication is within each individual message group, which enables higher throughput per topic subject to regional quotas. For more information on quotas or to request an increase, see Amazon SNS service quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Type: string

The body of the policy document you want to use for this topic.

You can only add one policy per topic.

The policy must be in JSON string format.

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 30,720.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the topic you want to create.

Constraints: Topic names must be made up of only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long.

For a FIFO (first-in-first-out) topic, the name must end with the .fifo suffix.

Type: Array of Tag structures

The list of tags to add to a new topic.

To be able to tag a topic on creation, you must have the sns:CreateTopic and sns:TagResource permissions.

Result Syntax

    'TopicArn' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the created topic.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of topics.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


Can't add more than 50 tags to a topic.


A tag has been added to a resource with the same ARN as a deleted resource. Wait a short while and then retry the operation.


The request doesn't comply with the IAM tag policy. Correct your request and then retry it.


Can't perform multiple operations on a tag simultaneously. Perform the operations sequentially.


$result = $client->deleteEndpoint([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteEndpointAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes the endpoint for a device and mobile app from Amazon SNS. This action is idempotent. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

When you delete an endpoint that is also subscribed to a topic, then you must also unsubscribe the endpoint from the topic.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteEndpoint([
    'EndpointArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

EndpointArn of endpoint to delete.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->deletePlatformApplication([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deletePlatformApplicationAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging). For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deletePlatformApplication([
    'PlatformApplicationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn of platform application object to delete.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->deleteSMSSandboxPhoneNumber([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteSMSSandboxPhoneNumberAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes an Amazon Web Services account's verified or pending phone number from the SMS sandbox.

When you start using Amazon SNS to send SMS messages, your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox. The SMS sandbox provides a safe environment for you to try Amazon SNS features without risking your reputation as an SMS sender. While your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SNS. However, you can send SMS messages only to verified destination phone numbers. For more information, including how to move out of the sandbox to send messages without restrictions, see SMS sandbox in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteSMSSandboxPhoneNumber([
    'PhoneNumber' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The destination phone number to delete.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Can’t perform the action on the specified resource. Make sure that the resource exists.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


$result = $client->deleteTopic([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteTopicAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteTopic([
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic you want to delete.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the specified state is not a valid state for an event source.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


A tag has been added to a resource with the same ARN as a deleted resource. Wait a short while and then retry the operation.


The request doesn't comply with the IAM tag policy. Correct your request and then retry it.


Can't perform multiple operations on a tag simultaneously. Perform the operations sequentially.


$result = $client->getDataProtectionPolicy([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getDataProtectionPolicyAsync([/* ... */]);

Retrieves the specified inline DataProtectionPolicy document that is stored in the specified Amazon SNS topic.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getDataProtectionPolicy([
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic whose DataProtectionPolicy you want to get.

For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Result Syntax

    'DataProtectionPolicy' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

Retrieves the DataProtectionPolicy in JSON string format.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


$result = $client->getEndpointAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getEndpointAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Retrieves the endpoint attributes for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getEndpointAttributes([
    'EndpointArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

EndpointArn for GetEndpointAttributes input.

Result Syntax

    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

Attributes include the following:

  • CustomUserData – arbitrary user data to associate with the endpoint. Amazon SNS does not use this data. The data must be in UTF-8 format and less than 2KB.

  • Enabled – flag that enables/disables delivery to the endpoint. Amazon SNS will set this to false when a notification service indicates to Amazon SNS that the endpoint is invalid. Users can set it back to true, typically after updating Token.

  • Token – device token, also referred to as a registration id, for an app and mobile device. This is returned from the notification service when an app and mobile device are registered with the notification service.

    The device token for the iOS platform is returned in lowercase.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->getPlatformApplicationAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Retrieves the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging). For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getPlatformApplicationAttributes([
    'PlatformApplicationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn for GetPlatformApplicationAttributesInput.

Result Syntax

    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

Attributes include the following:

  • AppleCertificateExpiryDate – The expiry date of the SSL certificate used to configure certificate-based authentication.

  • ApplePlatformTeamID – The Apple developer account ID used to configure token-based authentication.

  • ApplePlatformBundleID – The app identifier used to configure token-based authentication.

  • AuthenticationMethod – Returns the credential type used when sending push notifications from application to APNS/APNS_Sandbox, or application to GCM.

    • APNS – Returns the token or certificate.

    • GCM – Returns the token or key.

  • EventEndpointCreated – Topic ARN to which EndpointCreated event notifications should be sent.

  • EventEndpointDeleted – Topic ARN to which EndpointDeleted event notifications should be sent.

  • EventEndpointUpdated – Topic ARN to which EndpointUpdate event notifications should be sent.

  • EventDeliveryFailure – Topic ARN to which DeliveryFailure event notifications should be sent upon Direct Publish delivery failure (permanent) to one of the application's endpoints.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->getSMSAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getSMSAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns the settings for sending SMS messages from your Amazon Web Services account.

These settings are set with the SetSMSAttributes action.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getSMSAttributes([
    'attributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Parameter Details

Type: Array of strings

A list of the individual attribute names, such as MonthlySpendLimit, for which you want values.

For all attribute names, see SetSMSAttributes.

If you don't use this parameter, Amazon SNS returns all SMS attributes.

Result Syntax

    'attributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

The SMS attribute names and their values.



Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


$result = $client->getSMSSandboxAccountStatus([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getSMSSandboxAccountStatusAsync([/* ... */]);

Retrieves the SMS sandbox status for the calling Amazon Web Services account in the target Amazon Web Services Region.

When you start using Amazon SNS to send SMS messages, your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox. The SMS sandbox provides a safe environment for you to try Amazon SNS features without risking your reputation as an SMS sender. While your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SNS. However, you can send SMS messages only to verified destination phone numbers. For more information, including how to move out of the sandbox to send messages without restrictions, see SMS sandbox in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getSMSSandboxAccountStatus([

Parameter Details


Result Syntax

    'IsInSandbox' => true || false,

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: boolean

Indicates whether the calling Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox.



Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


$result = $client->getSubscriptionAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getSubscriptionAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getSubscriptionAttributes([
    'SubscriptionArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the subscription whose properties you want to get.

Result Syntax

    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (attributeName) to strings

A map of the subscription's attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

  • ConfirmationWasAuthenticatedtrue if the subscription confirmation request was authenticated.

  • DeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the subscription's delivery policy.

  • EffectiveDeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the effective delivery policy that takes into account the topic delivery policy and account system defaults.

  • FilterPolicy – The filter policy JSON that is assigned to the subscription. For more information, see Amazon SNS Message Filtering in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

  • FilterPolicyScope – This attribute lets you choose the filtering scope by using one of the following string value types:

    • MessageAttributes (default) – The filter is applied on the message attributes.

    • MessageBody – The filter is applied on the message body.

  • Owner – The Amazon Web Services account ID of the subscription's owner.

  • PendingConfirmationtrue if the subscription hasn't been confirmed. To confirm a pending subscription, call the ConfirmSubscription action with a confirmation token.

  • RawMessageDeliverytrue if raw message delivery is enabled for the subscription. Raw messages are free of JSON formatting and can be sent to HTTP/S and Amazon SQS endpoints.

  • RedrivePolicy – When specified, sends undeliverable messages to the specified Amazon SQS dead-letter queue. Messages that can't be delivered due to client errors (for example, when the subscribed endpoint is unreachable) or server errors (for example, when the service that powers the subscribed endpoint becomes unavailable) are held in the dead-letter queue for further analysis or reprocessing.

  • SubscriptionArn – The subscription's ARN.

  • TopicArn – The topic ARN that the subscription is associated with.

The following attribute applies only to Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions:

  • SubscriptionRoleArn – The ARN of the IAM role that has the following:

    • Permission to write to the Firehose delivery stream

    • Amazon SNS listed as a trusted entity

    Specifying a valid ARN for this attribute is required for Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. For more information, see Fanout to Firehose delivery streams in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->getTopicAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getTopicAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getTopicAttributes([
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic whose properties you want to get.

Result Syntax

    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (attributeName) to strings

A map of the topic's attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

  • DeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the topic's delivery policy.

  • DisplayName – The human-readable name used in the From field for notifications to email and email-json endpoints.

  • EffectiveDeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the effective delivery policy, taking system defaults into account.

  • Owner – The Amazon Web Services account ID of the topic's owner.

  • Policy – The JSON serialization of the topic's access control policy.

  • SignatureVersion – The signature version corresponds to the hashing algorithm used while creating the signature of the notifications, subscription confirmations, or unsubscribe confirmation messages sent by Amazon SNS.

    • By default, SignatureVersion is set to 1. The signature is a Base64-encoded SHA1withRSA signature.

    • When you set SignatureVersion to 2. Amazon SNS uses a Base64-encoded SHA256withRSA signature.

      If the API response does not include the SignatureVersion attribute, it means that the SignatureVersion for the topic has value 1.

  • SubscriptionsConfirmed – The number of confirmed subscriptions for the topic.

  • SubscriptionsDeleted – The number of deleted subscriptions for the topic.

  • SubscriptionsPending – The number of subscriptions pending confirmation for the topic.

  • TopicArn – The topic's ARN.

  • TracingConfig – Tracing mode of an Amazon SNS topic. By default TracingConfig is set to PassThrough, and the topic passes through the tracing header it receives from an Amazon SNS publisher to its subscriptions. If set to Active, Amazon SNS will vend X-Ray segment data to topic owner account if the sampled flag in the tracing header is true. This is only supported on standard topics.

The following attribute applies only to server-side-encryption:

  • KmsMasterKeyId - The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. For more information, see Key Terms. For more examples, see KeyId in the Key Management Service API Reference.

The following attributes apply only to FIFO topics:

  • ArchivePolicy – The policy that sets the retention period for messages stored in the message archive of an Amazon SNS FIFO topic.

  • BeginningArchiveTime – The earliest starting point at which a message in the topic’s archive can be replayed from. This point in time is based on the configured message retention period set by the topic’s message archiving policy.

  • ContentBasedDeduplication – Enables content-based deduplication for FIFO topics.

    • By default, ContentBasedDeduplication is set to false. If you create a FIFO topic and this attribute is false, you must specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

    • When you set ContentBasedDeduplication to true, Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the MessageDeduplicationId using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message).

      (Optional) To override the generated value, you can specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

  • FifoTopic – When this is set to true, a FIFO topic is created.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


$result = $client->listEndpointsByPlatformApplication([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listEndpointsByPlatformApplicationAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the endpoints and endpoint attributes for devices in a supported push notification service, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS. The results for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication are paginated and return a limited list of endpoints, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication again using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

This action is throttled at 30 transactions per second (TPS).

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listEndpointsByPlatformApplication([
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'PlatformApplicationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

NextToken string is used when calling ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action to retrieve additional records that are available after the first page results.

Required: Yes
Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationInput action.

Result Syntax

    'Endpoints' => [
            'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],
            'EndpointArn' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of Endpoint structures

Endpoints returned for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action.

Type: string

NextToken string is returned when calling ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action if additional records are available after the first page results.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->listOriginationNumbers([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listOriginationNumbersAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the calling Amazon Web Services account's dedicated origination numbers and their metadata. For more information about origination numbers, see Origination numbers in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listOriginationNumbers([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: int

The maximum number of origination numbers to return.

Type: string

Token that the previous ListOriginationNumbers request returns.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'PhoneNumbers' => [
            'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>,
            'Iso2CountryCode' => '<string>',
            'NumberCapabilities' => ['<string>', ...],
            'PhoneNumber' => '<string>',
            'RouteType' => 'Transactional|Promotional|Premium',
            'Status' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

A NextToken string is returned when you call the ListOriginationNumbers operation if additional pages of records are available.

Type: Array of PhoneNumberInformation structures

A list of the calling account's verified and pending origination numbers.



Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that a parameter in the request is invalid.


$result = $client->listPhoneNumbersOptedOut([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listPhoneNumbersOptedOutAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns a list of phone numbers that are opted out, meaning you cannot send SMS messages to them.

The results for ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut are paginated, and each page returns up to 100 phone numbers. If additional phone numbers are available after the first page of results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut again using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listPhoneNumbersOptedOut([
    'nextToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: string

A NextToken string is used when you call the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut action to retrieve additional records that are available after the first page of results.

Result Syntax

    'nextToken' => '<string>',
    'phoneNumbers' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: string

A NextToken string is returned when you call the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut action if additional records are available after the first page of results.

Type: Array of strings

A list of phone numbers that are opted out of receiving SMS messages. The list is paginated, and each page can contain up to 100 phone numbers.



Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


$result = $client->listPlatformApplications([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listPlatformApplicationsAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging). The results for ListPlatformApplications are paginated and return a limited list of applications, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPlatformApplications using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

This action is throttled at 15 transactions per second (TPS).

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listPlatformApplications([
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: string

NextToken string is used when calling ListPlatformApplications action to retrieve additional records that are available after the first page results.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'PlatformApplications' => [
            'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],
            'PlatformApplicationArn' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

NextToken string is returned when calling ListPlatformApplications action if additional records are available after the first page results.

Type: Array of PlatformApplication structures

Platform applications returned when calling ListPlatformApplications action.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->listSMSSandboxPhoneNumbers([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listSMSSandboxPhoneNumbersAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the calling Amazon Web Services account's current verified and pending destination phone numbers in the SMS sandbox.

When you start using Amazon SNS to send SMS messages, your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox. The SMS sandbox provides a safe environment for you to try Amazon SNS features without risking your reputation as an SMS sender. While your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SNS. However, you can send SMS messages only to verified destination phone numbers. For more information, including how to move out of the sandbox to send messages without restrictions, see SMS sandbox in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listSMSSandboxPhoneNumbers([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: int

The maximum number of phone numbers to return.

Type: string

Token that the previous ListSMSSandboxPhoneNumbersInput request returns.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'PhoneNumbers' => [
            'PhoneNumber' => '<string>',
            'Status' => 'Pending|Verified',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

A NextToken string is returned when you call the ListSMSSandboxPhoneNumbersInput operation if additional pages of records are available.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of SMSSandboxPhoneNumber structures

A list of the calling account's pending and verified phone numbers.



Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Can’t perform the action on the specified resource. Make sure that the resource exists.


Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


$result = $client->listSubscriptions([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listSubscriptionsAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.

This action is throttled at 30 transactions per second (TPS).

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listSubscriptions([
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: string

Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptions request.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'Subscriptions' => [
            'Endpoint' => '<string>',
            'Owner' => '<string>',
            'Protocol' => '<string>',
            'SubscriptionArn' => '<string>',
            'TopicArn' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

Token to pass along to the next ListSubscriptions request. This element is returned if there are more subscriptions to retrieve.

Type: Array of Subscription structures

A list of subscriptions.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->listSubscriptionsByTopic([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listSubscriptionsByTopicAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

This action is throttled at 30 transactions per second (TPS).

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listSubscriptionsByTopic([
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptionsByTopic request.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic for which you wish to find subscriptions.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'Subscriptions' => [
            'Endpoint' => '<string>',
            'Owner' => '<string>',
            'Protocol' => '<string>',
            'SubscriptionArn' => '<string>',
            'TopicArn' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

Token to pass along to the next ListSubscriptionsByTopic request. This element is returned if there are more subscriptions to retrieve.

Type: Array of Subscription structures

A list of subscriptions.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->listTagsForResource([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listTagsForResourceAsync([/* ... */]);

List all tags added to the specified Amazon SNS topic. For an overview, see Amazon SNS Tags in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listTagsForResource([
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic for which to list tags.

Result Syntax

    'Tags' => [
            'Key' => '<string>',
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: Array of Tag structures

The tags associated with the specified topic.



Can’t perform the action on the specified resource. Make sure that the resource exists.


The request doesn't comply with the IAM tag policy. Correct your request and then retry it.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Can't perform multiple operations on a tag simultaneously. Perform the operations sequentially.


$result = $client->listTopics([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listTopicsAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.

This action is throttled at 30 transactions per second (TPS).

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listTopics([
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: string

Token returned by the previous ListTopics request.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'Topics' => [
            'TopicArn' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

Token to pass along to the next ListTopics request. This element is returned if there are additional topics to retrieve.

Type: Array of Topic structures

A list of topic ARNs.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->optInPhoneNumber([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->optInPhoneNumberAsync([/* ... */]);

Use this request to opt in a phone number that is opted out, which enables you to resume sending SMS messages to the number.

You can opt in a phone number only once every 30 days.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->optInPhoneNumber([
    'phoneNumber' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The phone number to opt in. Use E.164 format.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


$result = $client->publish([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->publishAsync([/* ... */]);

Sends a message to an Amazon SNS topic, a text message (SMS message) directly to a phone number, or a message to a mobile platform endpoint (when you specify the TargetArn).

If you send a message to a topic, Amazon SNS delivers the message to each endpoint that is subscribed to the topic. The format of the message depends on the notification protocol for each subscribed endpoint.

When a messageId is returned, the message is saved and Amazon SNS immediately delivers it to subscribers.

To use the Publish action for publishing a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

You can publish messages only to topics and endpoints in the same Amazon Web Services Region.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->publish([
    'Message' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'MessageAttributes' => [
        '<String>' => [
            'BinaryValue' => <string || resource || Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface>,
            'DataType' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'StringValue' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'MessageDeduplicationId' => '<string>',
    'MessageGroupId' => '<string>',
    'MessageStructure' => '<string>',
    'PhoneNumber' => '<string>',
    'Subject' => '<string>',
    'TargetArn' => '<string>',
    'TopicArn' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The message you want to send.

If you are publishing to a topic and you want to send the same message to all transport protocols, include the text of the message as a String value. If you want to send different messages for each transport protocol, set the value of the MessageStructure parameter to json and use a JSON object for the Message parameter.


  • With the exception of SMS, messages must be UTF-8 encoded strings and at most 256 KB in size (262,144 bytes, not 262,144 characters).

  • For SMS, each message can contain up to 140 characters. This character limit depends on the encoding schema. For example, an SMS message can contain 160 GSM characters, 140 ASCII characters, or 70 UCS-2 characters.

    If you publish a message that exceeds this size limit, Amazon SNS sends the message as multiple messages, each fitting within the size limit. Messages aren't truncated mid-word but are cut off at whole-word boundaries.

    The total size limit for a single SMS Publish action is 1,600 characters.

JSON-specific constraints:

  • Keys in the JSON object that correspond to supported transport protocols must have simple JSON string values.

  • The values will be parsed (unescaped) before they are used in outgoing messages.

  • Outbound notifications are JSON encoded (meaning that the characters will be reescaped for sending).

  • Values have a minimum length of 0 (the empty string, "", is allowed).

  • Values have a maximum length bounded by the overall message size (so, including multiple protocols may limit message sizes).

  • Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored.

  • Keys that do not correspond to supported transport protocols are ignored.

  • Duplicate keys are not allowed.

  • Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the Publish call to return an error (no partial delivery).

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to MessageAttributeValue structures

Message attributes for Publish action.

Type: string
  • This parameter applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics. The MessageDeduplicationId can contain up to 128 alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and punctuation (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~).

  • Every message must have a unique MessageDeduplicationId, which is a token used for deduplication of sent messages within the 5 minute minimum deduplication interval.

  • The scope of deduplication depends on the FifoThroughputScope attribute, when set to Topic the message deduplication scope is across the entire topic, when set to MessageGroup the message deduplication scope is within each individual message group.

  • If a message with a particular MessageDeduplicationId is sent successfully, subsequent messages within the deduplication scope and interval, with the same MessageDeduplicationId, are accepted successfully but aren't delivered.

  • Every message must have a unique MessageDeduplicationId:

    • You may provide a MessageDeduplicationId explicitly.

    • If you aren't able to provide a MessageDeduplicationId and you enable ContentBasedDeduplication for your topic, Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the MessageDeduplicationId using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message).

    • If you don't provide a MessageDeduplicationId and the topic doesn't have ContentBasedDeduplication set, the action fails with an error.

    • If the topic has a ContentBasedDeduplication set, your MessageDeduplicationId overrides the generated one.

  • When ContentBasedDeduplication is in effect, messages with identical content sent within the deduplication scope and interval are treated as duplicates and only one copy of the message is delivered.

  • If you send one message with ContentBasedDeduplication enabled, and then another message with a MessageDeduplicationId that is the same as the one generated for the first MessageDeduplicationId, the two messages are treated as duplicates, within the deduplication scope and interval, and only one copy of the message is delivered.

Type: string

This parameter applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics. The MessageGroupId can contain up to 128 alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and punctuation (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~).

The MessageGroupId is a tag that specifies that a message belongs to a specific message group. Messages that belong to the same message group are processed in a FIFO manner (however, messages in different message groups might be processed out of order). Every message must include a MessageGroupId.

Type: string

Set MessageStructure to json if you want to send a different message for each protocol. For example, using one publish action, you can send a short message to your SMS subscribers and a longer message to your email subscribers. If you set MessageStructure to json, the value of the Message parameter must:

  • be a syntactically valid JSON object; and

  • contain at least a top-level JSON key of "default" with a value that is a string.

You can define other top-level keys that define the message you want to send to a specific transport protocol (e.g., "http").

Valid value: json

Type: string

The phone number to which you want to deliver an SMS message. Use E.164 format.

If you don't specify a value for the PhoneNumber parameter, you must specify a value for the TargetArn or TopicArn parameters.

Type: string

Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line when the message is delivered to email endpoints. This field will also be included, if present, in the standard JSON messages delivered to other endpoints.

Constraints: Subjects must be UTF-8 text with no line breaks or control characters, and less than 100 characters long.

Type: string

If you don't specify a value for the TargetArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TopicArn parameters.

Type: string

The topic you want to publish to.

If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.

Result Syntax

    'MessageId' => '<string>',
    'SequenceNumber' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

Unique identifier assigned to the published message.

Length Constraint: Maximum 100 characters

Type: string

This response element applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics.

The sequence number is a large, non-consecutive number that Amazon SNS assigns to each message. The length of SequenceNumber is 128 bits. SequenceNumber continues to increase for each MessageGroupId.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Exception error indicating endpoint disabled.


Exception error indicating platform application disabled.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


The request was rejected because the specified Amazon Web Services KMS key isn't enabled.


The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource isn't valid for this request. For more information, see Key states of Amazon Web Services KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.


The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource can't be found.


The Amazon Web Services access key ID needs a subscription for the service.


The request was denied due to request throttling. For more information about throttling, see Limits in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.


The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that you don't have access to.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


Indicates that a parameter in the request is invalid.


$result = $client->publishBatch([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->publishBatchAsync([/* ... */]);

Publishes up to ten messages to the specified topic. This is a batch version of Publish. For FIFO topics, multiple messages within a single batch are published in the order they are sent, and messages are deduplicated within the batch and across batches for 5 minutes.

The result of publishing each message is reported individually in the response. Because the batch request can result in a combination of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200.

The maximum allowed individual message size and the maximum total payload size (the sum of the individual lengths of all of the batched messages) are both 256 KB (262,144 bytes).

Some actions take lists of parameters. These lists are specified using the param.n notation. Values of n are integers starting from 1. For example, a parameter list with two elements looks like this:



If you send a batch message to a topic, Amazon SNS publishes the batch message to each endpoint that is subscribed to the topic. The format of the batch message depends on the notification protocol for each subscribed endpoint.

When a messageId is returned, the batch message is saved and Amazon SNS immediately delivers the message to subscribers.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->publishBatch([
    'PublishBatchRequestEntries' => [ // REQUIRED
            'Id' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Message' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'MessageAttributes' => [
                '<String>' => [
                    'BinaryValue' => <string || resource || Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface>,
                    'DataType' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
                    'StringValue' => '<string>',
                // ...
            'MessageDeduplicationId' => '<string>',
            'MessageGroupId' => '<string>',
            'MessageStructure' => '<string>',
            'Subject' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Array of PublishBatchRequestEntry structures

A list of PublishBatch request entries to be sent to the SNS topic.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon resource name (ARN) of the topic you want to batch publish to.

Result Syntax

    'Failed' => [
            'Code' => '<string>',
            'Id' => '<string>',
            'Message' => '<string>',
            'SenderFault' => true || false,
        // ...
    'Successful' => [
            'Id' => '<string>',
            'MessageId' => '<string>',
            'SequenceNumber' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: Array of BatchResultErrorEntry structures

A list of failed PublishBatch responses.

Type: Array of PublishBatchResultEntry structures

A list of successful PublishBatch responses.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Exception error indicating endpoint disabled.


Exception error indicating platform application disabled.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Two or more batch entries in the request have the same Id.


The length of all the batch messages put together is more than the limit.


The batch request doesn't contain any entries.


The Id of a batch entry in a batch request doesn't abide by the specification.


The batch request contains more entries than permissible.


The request was rejected because the specified Amazon Web Services KMS key isn't enabled.


The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource isn't valid for this request. For more information, see Key states of Amazon Web Services KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.


The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource can't be found.


The Amazon Web Services access key ID needs a subscription for the service.


The request was denied due to request throttling. For more information about throttling, see Limits in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.


The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that you don't have access to.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


Indicates that a parameter in the request is invalid.


$result = $client->putDataProtectionPolicy([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->putDataProtectionPolicyAsync([/* ... */]);

Adds or updates an inline policy document that is stored in the specified Amazon SNS topic.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->putDataProtectionPolicy([
    'DataProtectionPolicy' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The JSON serialization of the topic's DataProtectionPolicy.

The DataProtectionPolicy must be in JSON string format.

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 30,720.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic whose DataProtectionPolicy you want to add or update.

For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


$result = $client->removePermission([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->removePermissionAsync([/* ... */]);

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.

To remove the ability to change topic permissions, you must deny permissions to the AddPermission, RemovePermission, and SetTopicAttributes actions in your IAM policy.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->removePermission([
    'Label' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The unique label of the statement you want to remove.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->setEndpointAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setEndpointAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Sets the attributes for an endpoint for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setEndpointAttributes([
    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED
    'EndpointArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

A map of the endpoint attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

  • CustomUserData – arbitrary user data to associate with the endpoint. Amazon SNS does not use this data. The data must be in UTF-8 format and less than 2KB.

  • Enabled – flag that enables/disables delivery to the endpoint. Amazon SNS will set this to false when a notification service indicates to Amazon SNS that the endpoint is invalid. Users can set it back to true, typically after updating Token.

  • Token – device token, also referred to as a registration id, for an app and mobile device. This is returned from the notification service when an app and mobile device are registered with the notification service.

Required: Yes
Type: string

EndpointArn used for SetEndpointAttributes action.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->setPlatformApplicationAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Sets the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging). For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications. For information on configuring attributes for message delivery status, see Using Amazon SNS Application Attributes for Message Delivery Status.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setPlatformApplicationAttributes([
    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED
    'PlatformApplicationArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

A map of the platform application attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

  • PlatformCredential – The credential received from the notification service.

    • For ADM, PlatformCredentialis client secret.

    • For Apple Services using certificate credentials, PlatformCredential is private key.

    • For Apple Services using token credentials, PlatformCredential is signing key.

    • For GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) using key credentials, there is no PlatformPrincipal. The PlatformCredential is API key.

    • For GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) using token credentials, there is no PlatformPrincipal. The PlatformCredential is a JSON formatted private key file. When using the Amazon Web Services CLI, the file must be in string format and special characters must be ignored. To format the file correctly, Amazon SNS recommends using the following command: SERVICE_JSON=`jq @json <<< cat service.json`.

  • PlatformPrincipal – The principal received from the notification service.

    • For ADM, PlatformPrincipalis client id.

    • For Apple Services using certificate credentials, PlatformPrincipal is SSL certificate.

    • For Apple Services using token credentials, PlatformPrincipal is signing key ID.

    • For GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging), there is no PlatformPrincipal.

  • EventEndpointCreated – Topic ARN to which EndpointCreated event notifications are sent.

  • EventEndpointDeleted – Topic ARN to which EndpointDeleted event notifications are sent.

  • EventEndpointUpdated – Topic ARN to which EndpointUpdate event notifications are sent.

  • EventDeliveryFailure – Topic ARN to which DeliveryFailure event notifications are sent upon Direct Publish delivery failure (permanent) to one of the application's endpoints.

  • SuccessFeedbackRoleArn – IAM role ARN used to give Amazon SNS write access to use CloudWatch Logs on your behalf.

  • FailureFeedbackRoleArn – IAM role ARN used to give Amazon SNS write access to use CloudWatch Logs on your behalf.

  • SuccessFeedbackSampleRate – Sample rate percentage (0-100) of successfully delivered messages.

The following attributes only apply to APNs token-based authentication:

  • ApplePlatformTeamID – The identifier that's assigned to your Apple developer account team.

  • ApplePlatformBundleID – The bundle identifier that's assigned to your iOS app.

Required: Yes
Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn for SetPlatformApplicationAttributes action.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


$result = $client->setSMSAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setSMSAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Use this request to set the default settings for sending SMS messages and receiving daily SMS usage reports.

You can override some of these settings for a single message when you use the Publish action with the MessageAttributes.entry.N parameter. For more information, see Publishing to a mobile phone in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

To use this operation, you must grant the Amazon SNS service principal ( permission to perform the s3:ListBucket action.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setSMSAttributes([
    'attributes' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

The default settings for sending SMS messages from your Amazon Web Services account. You can set values for the following attribute names:

MonthlySpendLimit – The maximum amount in USD that you are willing to spend each month to send SMS messages. When Amazon SNS determines that sending an SMS message would incur a cost that exceeds this limit, it stops sending SMS messages within minutes.

Amazon SNS stops sending SMS messages within minutes of the limit being crossed. During that interval, if you continue to send SMS messages, you will incur costs that exceed your limit.

By default, the spend limit is set to the maximum allowed by Amazon SNS. If you want to raise the limit, submit an SNS Limit Increase case. For New limit value, enter your desired monthly spend limit. In the Use Case Description field, explain that you are requesting an SMS monthly spend limit increase.

DeliveryStatusIAMRole – The ARN of the IAM role that allows Amazon SNS to write logs about SMS deliveries in CloudWatch Logs. For each SMS message that you send, Amazon SNS writes a log that includes the message price, the success or failure status, the reason for failure (if the message failed), the message dwell time, and other information.

DeliveryStatusSuccessSamplingRate – The percentage of successful SMS deliveries for which Amazon SNS will write logs in CloudWatch Logs. The value can be an integer from 0 - 100. For example, to write logs only for failed deliveries, set this value to 0. To write logs for 10% of your successful deliveries, set it to 10.

DefaultSenderID – A string, such as your business brand, that is displayed as the sender on the receiving device. Support for sender IDs varies by country. The sender ID can be 1 - 11 alphanumeric characters, and it must contain at least one letter.

DefaultSMSType – The type of SMS message that you will send by default. You can assign the following values:

  • Promotional – (Default) Noncritical messages, such as marketing messages. Amazon SNS optimizes the message delivery to incur the lowest cost.

  • Transactional – Critical messages that support customer transactions, such as one-time passcodes for multi-factor authentication. Amazon SNS optimizes the message delivery to achieve the highest reliability.

UsageReportS3Bucket – The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to receive daily SMS usage reports from Amazon SNS. Each day, Amazon SNS will deliver a usage report as a CSV file to the bucket. The report includes the following information for each SMS message that was successfully delivered by your Amazon Web Services account:

  • Time that the message was published (in UTC)

  • Message ID

  • Destination phone number

  • Message type

  • Delivery status

  • Message price (in USD)

  • Part number (a message is split into multiple parts if it is too long for a single message)

  • Total number of parts

To receive the report, the bucket must have a policy that allows the Amazon SNS service principal to perform the s3:PutObject and s3:GetBucketLocation actions.

For an example bucket policy and usage report, see Monitoring SMS Activity in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->setSubscriptionAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setSubscriptionAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the subscription to a new value.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setSubscriptionAttributes([
    'AttributeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'AttributeValue' => '<string>',
    'SubscriptionArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A map of attributes with their corresponding values.

The following lists the names, descriptions, and values of the special request parameters that this action uses:

  • DeliveryPolicy – The policy that defines how Amazon SNS retries failed deliveries to HTTP/S endpoints.

  • FilterPolicy – The simple JSON object that lets your subscriber receive only a subset of messages, rather than receiving every message published to the topic.

  • FilterPolicyScope – This attribute lets you choose the filtering scope by using one of the following string value types:

    • MessageAttributes (default) – The filter is applied on the message attributes.

    • MessageBody – The filter is applied on the message body.

  • RawMessageDelivery – When set to true, enables raw message delivery to Amazon SQS or HTTP/S endpoints. This eliminates the need for the endpoints to process JSON formatting, which is otherwise created for Amazon SNS metadata.

  • RedrivePolicy – When specified, sends undeliverable messages to the specified Amazon SQS dead-letter queue. Messages that can't be delivered due to client errors (for example, when the subscribed endpoint is unreachable) or server errors (for example, when the service that powers the subscribed endpoint becomes unavailable) are held in the dead-letter queue for further analysis or reprocessing.

The following attribute applies only to Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions:

  • SubscriptionRoleArn – The ARN of the IAM role that has the following:

    • Permission to write to the Firehose delivery stream

    • Amazon SNS listed as a trusted entity

    Specifying a valid ARN for this attribute is required for Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. For more information, see Fanout to Firehose delivery streams in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Type: string

The new value for the attribute in JSON format.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the subscription to modify.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the number of filter polices in your Amazon Web Services account exceeds the limit. To add more filter polices, submit an Amazon SNS Limit Increase case in the Amazon Web Services Support Center.


Indicates that the request parameter has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent message replays.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


$result = $client->setTopicAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setTopicAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

To remove the ability to change topic permissions, you must deny permissions to the AddPermission, RemovePermission, and SetTopicAttributes actions in your IAM policy.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setTopicAttributes([
    'AttributeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'AttributeValue' => '<string>',
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A map of attributes with their corresponding values.

The following lists the names, descriptions, and values of the special request parameters that the SetTopicAttributes action uses:

  • ApplicationSuccessFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to a platform application endpoint.

  • DeliveryPolicy – The policy that defines how Amazon SNS retries failed deliveries to HTTP/S endpoints.

  • DisplayName – The display name to use for a topic with SMS subscriptions.

  • Policy – The policy that defines who can access your topic. By default, only the topic owner can publish or subscribe to the topic.

  • TracingConfig – Tracing mode of an Amazon SNS topic. By default TracingConfig is set to PassThrough, and the topic passes through the tracing header it receives from an Amazon SNS publisher to its subscriptions. If set to Active, Amazon SNS will vend X-Ray segment data to topic owner account if the sampled flag in the tracing header is true. This is only supported on standard topics.

  • HTTP

    • HTTPSuccessFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an HTTP endpoint.

    • HTTPSuccessFeedbackSampleRate – Indicates percentage of successful messages to sample for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an HTTP endpoint.

    • HTTPFailureFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an HTTP endpoint.

  • Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

    • FirehoseSuccessFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose endpoint.

    • FirehoseSuccessFeedbackSampleRate – Indicates percentage of successful messages to sample for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose endpoint.

    • FirehoseFailureFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose endpoint.

  • Lambda

    • LambdaSuccessFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Lambda endpoint.

    • LambdaSuccessFeedbackSampleRate – Indicates percentage of successful messages to sample for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Lambda endpoint.

    • LambdaFailureFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Lambda endpoint.

  • Platform application endpoint

    • ApplicationSuccessFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon Web Services application endpoint.

    • ApplicationSuccessFeedbackSampleRate – Indicates percentage of successful messages to sample for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon Web Services application endpoint.

    • ApplicationFailureFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon Web Services application endpoint.

    In addition to being able to configure topic attributes for message delivery status of notification messages sent to Amazon SNS application endpoints, you can also configure application attributes for the delivery status of push notification messages sent to push notification services.

    For example, For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Application Attributes for Message Delivery Status.

  • Amazon SQS

    • SQSSuccessFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates successful message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon SQS endpoint.

    • SQSSuccessFeedbackSampleRate – Indicates percentage of successful messages to sample for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon SQS endpoint.

    • SQSFailureFeedbackRoleArn – Indicates failed message delivery status for an Amazon SNS topic that is subscribed to an Amazon SQS endpoint.

The <ENDPOINT>SuccessFeedbackRoleArn and <ENDPOINT>FailureFeedbackRoleArn attributes are used to give Amazon SNS write access to use CloudWatch Logs on your behalf. The <ENDPOINT>SuccessFeedbackSampleRate attribute is for specifying the sample rate percentage (0-100) of successfully delivered messages. After you configure the <ENDPOINT>FailureFeedbackRoleArn attribute, then all failed message deliveries generate CloudWatch Logs.

The following attribute applies only to server-side-encryption:

  • KmsMasterKeyId – The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. For more information, see Key Terms. For more examples, see KeyId in the Key Management Service API Reference.

  • SignatureVersion – The signature version corresponds to the hashing algorithm used while creating the signature of the notifications, subscription confirmations, or unsubscribe confirmation messages sent by Amazon SNS. By default, SignatureVersion is set to 1.

The following attribute applies only to FIFO topics:

  • ArchivePolicy – The policy that sets the retention period for messages stored in the message archive of an Amazon SNS FIFO topic.

  • ContentBasedDeduplication – Enables content-based deduplication for FIFO topics.

    • By default, ContentBasedDeduplication is set to false. If you create a FIFO topic and this attribute is false, you must specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

    • When you set ContentBasedDeduplication to true, Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the MessageDeduplicationId using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message).

      (Optional) To override the generated value, you can specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

  • FifoThroughputScope – Enables higher throughput for your FIFO topic by adjusting the scope of deduplication. This attribute has two possible values:

    • Topic – The scope of message deduplication is across the entire topic. This is the default value and maintains existing behavior, with a maximum throughput of 3000 messages per second or 20MB per second, whichever comes first.

    • MessageGroup – The scope of deduplication is within each individual message group, which enables higher throughput per topic subject to regional quotas. For more information on quotas or to request an increase, see Amazon SNS service quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Type: string

The new value for the attribute.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic to modify.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


$result = $client->subscribe([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->subscribeAsync([/* ... */]);

Subscribes an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic. If the endpoint type is HTTP/S or email, or if the endpoint and the topic are not in the same Amazon Web Services account, the endpoint owner must run the ConfirmSubscription action to confirm the subscription.

You call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the subscription response. Confirmation tokens are valid for two days.

This action is throttled at 100 transactions per second (TPS).

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->subscribe([
    'Attributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Endpoint' => '<string>',
    'Protocol' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ReturnSubscriptionArn' => true || false,
    'TopicArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (attributeName) to strings

A map of attributes with their corresponding values.

The following lists the names, descriptions, and values of the special request parameters that the Subscribe action uses:

  • DeliveryPolicy – The policy that defines how Amazon SNS retries failed deliveries to HTTP/S endpoints.

  • FilterPolicy – The simple JSON object that lets your subscriber receive only a subset of messages, rather than receiving every message published to the topic.

  • FilterPolicyScope – This attribute lets you choose the filtering scope by using one of the following string value types:

    • MessageAttributes (default) – The filter is applied on the message attributes.

    • MessageBody – The filter is applied on the message body.

  • RawMessageDelivery – When set to true, enables raw message delivery to Amazon SQS or HTTP/S endpoints. This eliminates the need for the endpoints to process JSON formatting, which is otherwise created for Amazon SNS metadata.

  • RedrivePolicy – When specified, sends undeliverable messages to the specified Amazon SQS dead-letter queue. Messages that can't be delivered due to client errors (for example, when the subscribed endpoint is unreachable) or server errors (for example, when the service that powers the subscribed endpoint becomes unavailable) are held in the dead-letter queue for further analysis or reprocessing.

The following attribute applies only to Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions:

  • SubscriptionRoleArn – The ARN of the IAM role that has the following:

    • Permission to write to the Firehose delivery stream

    • Amazon SNS listed as a trusted entity

    Specifying a valid ARN for this attribute is required for Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. For more information, see Fanout to Firehose delivery streams in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

The following attributes apply only to FIFO topics:

  • ReplayPolicy – Adds or updates an inline policy document for a subscription to replay messages stored in the specified Amazon SNS topic.

  • ReplayStatus – Retrieves the status of the subscription message replay, which can be one of the following:

    • Completed – The replay has successfully redelivered all messages, and is now delivering newly published messages. If an ending point was specified in the ReplayPolicy then the subscription will no longer receive newly published messages.

    • In progress – The replay is currently replaying the selected messages.

    • Failed – The replay was unable to complete.

    • Pending – The default state while the replay initiates.

Type: string

The endpoint that you want to receive notifications. Endpoints vary by protocol:

  • For the http protocol, the (public) endpoint is a URL beginning with http://.

  • For the https protocol, the (public) endpoint is a URL beginning with https://.

  • For the email protocol, the endpoint is an email address.

  • For the email-json protocol, the endpoint is an email address.

  • For the sms protocol, the endpoint is a phone number of an SMS-enabled device.

  • For the sqs protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an Amazon SQS queue.

  • For the application protocol, the endpoint is the EndpointArn of a mobile app and device.

  • For the lambda protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an Lambda function.

  • For the firehose protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The protocol that you want to use. Supported protocols include:

  • http – delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTP POST

  • https – delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTPS POST

  • email – delivery of message via SMTP

  • email-json – delivery of JSON-encoded message via SMTP

  • sms – delivery of message via SMS

  • sqs – delivery of JSON-encoded message to an Amazon SQS queue

  • application – delivery of JSON-encoded message to an EndpointArn for a mobile app and device

  • lambda – delivery of JSON-encoded message to an Lambda function

  • firehose – delivery of JSON-encoded message to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

Type: boolean

Sets whether the response from the Subscribe request includes the subscription ARN, even if the subscription is not yet confirmed.

If you set this parameter to true, the response includes the ARN in all cases, even if the subscription is not yet confirmed. In addition to the ARN for confirmed subscriptions, the response also includes the pending subscription ARN value for subscriptions that aren't yet confirmed. A subscription becomes confirmed when the subscriber calls the ConfirmSubscription action with a confirmation token.

The default value is false.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic you want to subscribe to.

Result Syntax

    'SubscriptionArn' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

The ARN of the subscription if it is confirmed, or the string "pending confirmation" if the subscription requires confirmation. However, if the API request parameter ReturnSubscriptionArn is true, then the value is always the subscription ARN, even if the subscription requires confirmation.



Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions.


Indicates that the number of filter polices in your Amazon Web Services account exceeds the limit. To add more filter polices, submit an Amazon SNS Limit Increase case in the Amazon Web Services Support Center.


Indicates that the request parameter has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent message replays.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


$result = $client->tagResource([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->tagResourceAsync([/* ... */]);

Add tags to the specified Amazon SNS topic. For an overview, see Amazon SNS Tags in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

When you use topic tags, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Adding more than 50 tags to a topic isn't recommended.

  • Tags don't have any semantic meaning. Amazon SNS interprets tags as character strings.

  • Tags are case-sensitive.

  • A new tag with a key identical to that of an existing tag overwrites the existing tag.

  • Tagging actions are limited to 10 TPS per Amazon Web Services account, per Amazon Web Services Region. If your application requires a higher throughput, file a technical support request.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->tagResource([
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Tags' => [ // REQUIRED
            'Key' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        // ...

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic to which to add tags.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of Tag structures

The tags to be added to the specified topic. A tag consists of a required key and an optional value.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Can’t perform the action on the specified resource. Make sure that the resource exists.


Can't add more than 50 tags to a topic.


A tag has been added to a resource with the same ARN as a deleted resource. Wait a short while and then retry the operation.


The request doesn't comply with the IAM tag policy. Correct your request and then retry it.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Can't perform multiple operations on a tag simultaneously. Perform the operations sequentially.


$result = $client->unsubscribe([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->unsubscribeAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an Amazon Web Services signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.

Amazon SQS queue subscriptions require authentication for deletion. Only the owner of the subscription, or the owner of the topic can unsubscribe using the required Amazon Web Services signature.

This action is throttled at 100 transactions per second (TPS).

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->unsubscribe([
    'SubscriptionArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the subscription to be deleted.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.


The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.


$result = $client->untagResource([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->untagResourceAsync([/* ... */]);

Remove tags from the specified Amazon SNS topic. For an overview, see Amazon SNS Tags in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->untagResource([
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'TagKeys' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ARN of the topic from which to remove tags.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of strings

The list of tag keys to remove from the specified topic.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Can’t perform the action on the specified resource. Make sure that the resource exists.


Can't add more than 50 tags to a topic.


A tag has been added to a resource with the same ARN as a deleted resource. Wait a short while and then retry the operation.


The request doesn't comply with the IAM tag policy. Correct your request and then retry it.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Can't perform multiple operations on a tag simultaneously. Perform the operations sequentially.


$result = $client->verifySMSSandboxPhoneNumber([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->verifySMSSandboxPhoneNumberAsync([/* ... */]);

Verifies a destination phone number with a one-time password (OTP) for the calling Amazon Web Services account.

When you start using Amazon SNS to send SMS messages, your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox. The SMS sandbox provides a safe environment for you to try Amazon SNS features without risking your reputation as an SMS sender. While your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SNS. However, you can send SMS messages only to verified destination phone numbers. For more information, including how to move out of the sandbox to send messages without restrictions, see SMS sandbox in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->verifySMSSandboxPhoneNumber([
    'OneTimePassword' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'PhoneNumber' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The OTP sent to the destination number from the CreateSMSSandBoxPhoneNumber call.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The destination phone number to verify.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.


Indicates an internal service error.


Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.


Can’t perform the action on the specified resource. Make sure that the resource exists.


Indicates that the one-time password (OTP) used for verification is invalid.


Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.




Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.

Type: string



Two or more batch entries in the request have the same Id.

Type: string



The length of all the batch messages put together is more than the limit.

Type: string



Gives a detailed description of failed messages in the batch.

Required: Yes
Type: string

An error code representing why the action failed on this entry.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Id of an entry in a batch request

Type: string

A message explaining why the action failed on this entry.

Required: Yes
Type: boolean

Specifies whether the error happened due to the caller of the batch API action.



The response from the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut action.

Type: boolean

Indicates whether the phone number is opted out:

  • true – The phone number is opted out, meaning you cannot publish SMS messages to it.

  • false – The phone number is opted in, meaning you can publish SMS messages to it.



Can't perform multiple operations on a tag simultaneously. Perform the operations sequentially.

Type: string



Response for ConfirmSubscriptions action.

Type: string

The ARN of the created subscription.



Response from CreateEndpoint action.

Type: string

EndpointArn returned from CreateEndpoint action.



Response from CreatePlatformApplication action.

Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn is returned.





Response from CreateTopic action.

Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the created topic.





The batch request doesn't contain any entries.

Type: string



The endpoint for mobile app and device.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

Attributes for endpoint.

Type: string

The EndpointArn for mobile app and device.



Exception error indicating endpoint disabled.

Type: string

Message for endpoint disabled.



Indicates that the number of filter polices in your Amazon Web Services account exceeds the limit. To add more filter polices, submit an Amazon SNS Limit Increase case in the Amazon Web Services Support Center.

Type: string


Type: string

Retrieves the DataProtectionPolicy in JSON string format.



Response from GetEndpointAttributes of the EndpointArn.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

Attributes include the following:

  • CustomUserData – arbitrary user data to associate with the endpoint. Amazon SNS does not use this data. The data must be in UTF-8 format and less than 2KB.

  • Enabled – flag that enables/disables delivery to the endpoint. Amazon SNS will set this to false when a notification service indicates to Amazon SNS that the endpoint is invalid. Users can set it back to true, typically after updating Token.

  • Token – device token, also referred to as a registration id, for an app and mobile device. This is returned from the notification service when an app and mobile device are registered with the notification service.

    The device token for the iOS platform is returned in lowercase.



Response for GetPlatformApplicationAttributes action.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

Attributes include the following:

  • AppleCertificateExpiryDate – The expiry date of the SSL certificate used to configure certificate-based authentication.

  • ApplePlatformTeamID – The Apple developer account ID used to configure token-based authentication.

  • ApplePlatformBundleID – The app identifier used to configure token-based authentication.

  • AuthenticationMethod – Returns the credential type used when sending push notifications from application to APNS/APNS_Sandbox, or application to GCM.

    • APNS – Returns the token or certificate.

    • GCM – Returns the token or key.

  • EventEndpointCreated – Topic ARN to which EndpointCreated event notifications should be sent.

  • EventEndpointDeleted – Topic ARN to which EndpointDeleted event notifications should be sent.

  • EventEndpointUpdated – Topic ARN to which EndpointUpdate event notifications should be sent.

  • EventDeliveryFailure – Topic ARN to which DeliveryFailure event notifications should be sent upon Direct Publish delivery failure (permanent) to one of the application's endpoints.



The response from the GetSMSAttributes request.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

The SMS attribute names and their values.


Required: Yes
Type: boolean

Indicates whether the calling Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox.



Response for GetSubscriptionAttributes action.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (attributeName) to strings

A map of the subscription's attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

  • ConfirmationWasAuthenticatedtrue if the subscription confirmation request was authenticated.

  • DeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the subscription's delivery policy.

  • EffectiveDeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the effective delivery policy that takes into account the topic delivery policy and account system defaults.

  • FilterPolicy – The filter policy JSON that is assigned to the subscription. For more information, see Amazon SNS Message Filtering in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

  • FilterPolicyScope – This attribute lets you choose the filtering scope by using one of the following string value types:

    • MessageAttributes (default) – The filter is applied on the message attributes.

    • MessageBody – The filter is applied on the message body.

  • Owner – The Amazon Web Services account ID of the subscription's owner.

  • PendingConfirmationtrue if the subscription hasn't been confirmed. To confirm a pending subscription, call the ConfirmSubscription action with a confirmation token.

  • RawMessageDeliverytrue if raw message delivery is enabled for the subscription. Raw messages are free of JSON formatting and can be sent to HTTP/S and Amazon SQS endpoints.

  • RedrivePolicy – When specified, sends undeliverable messages to the specified Amazon SQS dead-letter queue. Messages that can't be delivered due to client errors (for example, when the subscribed endpoint is unreachable) or server errors (for example, when the service that powers the subscribed endpoint becomes unavailable) are held in the dead-letter queue for further analysis or reprocessing.

  • SubscriptionArn – The subscription's ARN.

  • TopicArn – The topic ARN that the subscription is associated with.

The following attribute applies only to Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream subscriptions:

  • SubscriptionRoleArn – The ARN of the IAM role that has the following:

    • Permission to write to the Firehose delivery stream

    • Amazon SNS listed as a trusted entity

    Specifying a valid ARN for this attribute is required for Firehose delivery stream subscriptions. For more information, see Fanout to Firehose delivery streams in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.



Response for GetTopicAttributes action.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (attributeName) to strings

A map of the topic's attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

  • DeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the topic's delivery policy.

  • DisplayName – The human-readable name used in the From field for notifications to email and email-json endpoints.

  • EffectiveDeliveryPolicy – The JSON serialization of the effective delivery policy, taking system defaults into account.

  • Owner – The Amazon Web Services account ID of the topic's owner.

  • Policy – The JSON serialization of the topic's access control policy.

  • SignatureVersion – The signature version corresponds to the hashing algorithm used while creating the signature of the notifications, subscription confirmations, or unsubscribe confirmation messages sent by Amazon SNS.

    • By default, SignatureVersion is set to 1. The signature is a Base64-encoded SHA1withRSA signature.

    • When you set SignatureVersion to 2. Amazon SNS uses a Base64-encoded SHA256withRSA signature.

      If the API response does not include the SignatureVersion attribute, it means that the SignatureVersion for the topic has value 1.

  • SubscriptionsConfirmed – The number of confirmed subscriptions for the topic.

  • SubscriptionsDeleted – The number of deleted subscriptions for the topic.

  • SubscriptionsPending – The number of subscriptions pending confirmation for the topic.

  • TopicArn – The topic's ARN.

  • TracingConfig – Tracing mode of an Amazon SNS topic. By default TracingConfig is set to PassThrough, and the topic passes through the tracing header it receives from an Amazon SNS publisher to its subscriptions. If set to Active, Amazon SNS will vend X-Ray segment data to topic owner account if the sampled flag in the tracing header is true. This is only supported on standard topics.

The following attribute applies only to server-side-encryption:

  • KmsMasterKeyId - The ID of an Amazon Web Services managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a custom CMK. For more information, see Key Terms. For more examples, see KeyId in the Key Management Service API Reference.

The following attributes apply only to FIFO topics:

  • ArchivePolicy – The policy that sets the retention period for messages stored in the message archive of an Amazon SNS FIFO topic.

  • BeginningArchiveTime – The earliest starting point at which a message in the topic’s archive can be replayed from. This point in time is based on the configured message retention period set by the topic’s message archiving policy.

  • ContentBasedDeduplication – Enables content-based deduplication for FIFO topics.

    • By default, ContentBasedDeduplication is set to false. If you create a FIFO topic and this attribute is false, you must specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

    • When you set ContentBasedDeduplication to true, Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the MessageDeduplicationId using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message).

      (Optional) To override the generated value, you can specify a value for the MessageDeduplicationId parameter for the Publish action.

  • FifoTopic – When this is set to true, a FIFO topic is created.



Indicates an internal service error.

Type: string



The Id of a batch entry in a batch request doesn't abide by the specification.

Type: string



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.

Type: string



Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.

Type: string

The parameter of an entry in a request doesn't abide by the specification.



The credential signature isn't valid. You must use an HTTPS endpoint and sign your request using Signature Version 4.

Type: string



Indicates that the specified state is not a valid state for an event source.

Type: string



The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that you don't have access to.

Type: string



The request was rejected because the specified Amazon Web Services KMS key isn't enabled.

Type: string



The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource isn't valid for this request. For more information, see Key states of Amazon Web Services KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Type: string



The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource can't be found.

Type: string



The Amazon Web Services access key ID needs a subscription for the service.

Type: string



The request was denied due to request throttling. For more information about throttling, see Limits in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Type: string



Response for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action.

Type: Array of Endpoint structures

Endpoints returned for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action.

Type: string

NextToken string is returned when calling ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action if additional records are available after the first page results.


Type: string

A NextToken string is returned when you call the ListOriginationNumbers operation if additional pages of records are available.

Type: Array of PhoneNumberInformation structures

A list of the calling account's verified and pending origination numbers.



The response from the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut action.

Type: string

A NextToken string is returned when you call the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut action if additional records are available after the first page of results.

Type: Array of strings

A list of phone numbers that are opted out of receiving SMS messages. The list is paginated, and each page can contain up to 100 phone numbers.



Response for ListPlatformApplications action.

Type: string

NextToken string is returned when calling ListPlatformApplications action if additional records are available after the first page results.

Type: Array of PlatformApplication structures

Platform applications returned when calling ListPlatformApplications action.


Type: string

A NextToken string is returned when you call the ListSMSSandboxPhoneNumbersInput operation if additional pages of records are available.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of SMSSandboxPhoneNumber structures

A list of the calling account's pending and verified phone numbers.



Response for ListSubscriptionsByTopic action.

Type: string

Token to pass along to the next ListSubscriptionsByTopic request. This element is returned if there are more subscriptions to retrieve.

Type: Array of Subscription structures

A list of subscriptions.



Response for ListSubscriptions action

Type: string

Token to pass along to the next ListSubscriptions request. This element is returned if there are more subscriptions to retrieve.

Type: Array of Subscription structures

A list of subscriptions.


Type: Array of Tag structures

The tags associated with the specified topic.



Response for ListTopics action.

Type: string

Token to pass along to the next ListTopics request. This element is returned if there are additional topics to retrieve.

Type: Array of Topic structures

A list of topic ARNs.



The user-specified message attribute value. For string data types, the value attribute has the same restrictions on the content as the message body. For more information, see Publish.

Name, type, and value must not be empty or null. In addition, the message body should not be empty or null. All parts of the message attribute, including name, type, and value, are included in the message size restriction, which is currently 256 KB (262,144 bytes). For more information, see Amazon SNS message attributes and Publishing to a mobile phone in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Type: blob (string|resource|Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface)

Binary type attributes can store any binary data, for example, compressed data, encrypted data, or images.

Required: Yes
Type: string

Amazon SNS supports the following logical data types: String, String.Array, Number, and Binary. For more information, see Message Attribute Data Types.

Type: string

Strings are Unicode with UTF8 binary encoding. For a list of code values, see ASCII Printable Characters.



Indicates that the requested resource does not exist.

Type: string



The response for the OptInPhoneNumber action.




Indicates that the specified phone number opted out of receiving SMS messages from your Amazon Web Services account. You can't send SMS messages to phone numbers that opt out.

Type: string



A list of phone numbers and their metadata.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the phone number was created.

Type: string

The two-character code for the country or region, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.

Type: Array of strings

The capabilities of each phone number.

Type: string

The phone number.

Type: string

The list of supported routes.

Type: string

The status of the phone number.



Platform application object.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to strings

Attributes for platform application object.

Type: string

PlatformApplicationArn for platform application object.



Exception error indicating platform application disabled.

Type: string

Message for platform application disabled.



Contains the details of a single Amazon SNS message along with an Id that identifies a message within the batch.

Required: Yes
Type: string

An identifier for the message in this batch.

The Ids of a batch request must be unique within a request.

This identifier can have up to 80 characters. The following characters are accepted: alphanumeric characters, hyphens(-), and underscores (_).

Required: Yes
Type: string

The body of the message.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (String) to MessageAttributeValue structures

Each message attribute consists of a Name, Type, and Value. For more information, see Amazon SNS message attributes in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Type: string

This parameter applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics.

  • This parameter applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics. The MessageDeduplicationId can contain up to 128 alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and punctuation (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~).

  • Every message must have a unique MessageDeduplicationId, which is a token used for deduplication of sent messages within the 5 minute minimum deduplication interval.

  • The scope of deduplication depends on the FifoThroughputScope attribute, when set to Topic the message deduplication scope is across the entire topic, when set to MessageGroup the message deduplication scope is within each individual message group.

  • If a message with a particular MessageDeduplicationId is sent successfully, subsequent messages within the deduplication scope and interval, with the same MessageDeduplicationId, are accepted successfully but aren't delivered.

  • Every message must have a unique MessageDeduplicationId.

    • You may provide a MessageDeduplicationId explicitly.

    • If you aren't able to provide a MessageDeduplicationId and you enable ContentBasedDeduplication for your topic, Amazon SNS uses a SHA-256 hash to generate the MessageDeduplicationId using the body of the message (but not the attributes of the message).

    • If you don't provide a MessageDeduplicationId and the topic doesn't have ContentBasedDeduplication set, the action fails with an error.

    • If the topic has a ContentBasedDeduplication set, your MessageDeduplicationId overrides the generated one.

  • When ContentBasedDeduplication is in effect, messages with identical content sent within the deduplication scope and interval are treated as duplicates and only one copy of the message is delivered.

  • If you send one message with ContentBasedDeduplication enabled, and then another message with a MessageDeduplicationId that is the same as the one generated for the first MessageDeduplicationId, the two messages are treated as duplicates, within the deduplication scope and interval, and only one copy of the message is delivered.

The MessageDeduplicationId is available to the consumer of the message (this can be useful for troubleshooting delivery issues).

If a message is sent successfully but the acknowledgement is lost and the message is resent with the same MessageDeduplicationId after the deduplication interval, Amazon SNS can't detect duplicate messages.

Amazon SNS continues to keep track of the message deduplication ID even after the message is received and deleted.

Type: string

This parameter applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics.

The tag that specifies that a message belongs to a specific message group. Messages that belong to the same message group are processed in a FIFO manner (however, messages in different message groups might be processed out of order). To interleave multiple ordered streams within a single topic, use MessageGroupId values (for example, session data for multiple users). In this scenario, multiple consumers can process the topic, but the session data of each user is processed in a FIFO fashion.

You must associate a non-empty MessageGroupId with a message. If you don't provide a MessageGroupId, the action fails.

The length of MessageGroupId is 128 characters.

MessageGroupId can contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and punctuation (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~).

MessageGroupId is required for FIFO topics. You can't use it for standard topics.

Type: string

Set MessageStructure to json if you want to send a different message for each protocol. For example, using one publish action, you can send a short message to your SMS subscribers and a longer message to your email subscribers. If you set MessageStructure to json, the value of the Message parameter must:

  • be a syntactically valid JSON object; and

  • contain at least a top-level JSON key of "default" with a value that is a string.

You can define other top-level keys that define the message you want to send to a specific transport protocol (e.g. http).

Type: string

The subject of the batch message.


Type: Array of BatchResultErrorEntry structures

A list of failed PublishBatch responses.

Type: Array of PublishBatchResultEntry structures

A list of successful PublishBatch responses.



Encloses data related to a successful message in a batch request for topic.

Type: string

The Id of an entry in a batch request.

Type: string

An identifier for the message.

Type: string

This parameter applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics.

The large, non-consecutive number that Amazon SNS assigns to each message.

The length of SequenceNumber is 128 bits. SequenceNumber continues to increase for a particular MessageGroupId.



Response for Publish action.

Type: string

Unique identifier assigned to the published message.

Length Constraint: Maximum 100 characters

Type: string

This response element applies only to FIFO (first-in-first-out) topics.

The sequence number is a large, non-consecutive number that Amazon SNS assigns to each message. The length of SequenceNumber is 128 bits. SequenceNumber continues to increase for each MessageGroupId.



Indicates that the request parameter has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent message replays.

Type: string



Can’t perform the action on the specified resource. Make sure that the resource exists.

Type: string



A verified or pending destination phone number in the SMS sandbox.

When you start using Amazon SNS to send SMS messages, your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox. The SMS sandbox provides a safe environment for you to try Amazon SNS features without risking your reputation as an SMS sender. While your Amazon Web Services account is in the SMS sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SNS. However, you can send SMS messages only to verified destination phone numbers. For more information, including how to move out of the sandbox to send messages without restrictions, see SMS sandbox in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

Type: string

The destination phone number.

Type: string

The destination phone number's verification status.



The response for the SetSMSAttributes action.




A tag has been added to a resource with the same ARN as a deleted resource. Wait a short while and then retry the operation.

Type: string



Response for Subscribe action.

Type: string

The ARN of the subscription if it is confirmed, or the string "pending confirmation" if the subscription requires confirmation. However, if the API request parameter ReturnSubscriptionArn is true, then the value is always the subscription ARN, even if the subscription requires confirmation.



A wrapper type for the attributes of an Amazon SNS subscription.

Type: string

The subscription's endpoint (format depends on the protocol).

Type: string

The subscription's owner.

Type: string

The subscription's protocol.

Type: string

The subscription's ARN.

Type: string

The ARN of the subscription's topic.



Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions.

Type: string



The list of tags to be added to the specified topic.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The required key portion of the tag.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The optional value portion of the tag.



Can't add more than 50 tags to a topic.

Type: string



The request doesn't comply with the IAM tag policy. Correct your request and then retry it.

Type: string





Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds the limit for your Amazon Web Services account.

Type: string

Throttled request.



The batch request contains more entries than permissible.

Type: string



A wrapper type for the topic's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To retrieve a topic's attributes, use GetTopicAttributes.

Type: string

The topic's ARN.



Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of topics.

Type: string





Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.

Type: string



Indicates that a parameter in the request is invalid.

Required: Yes
Type: string



Indicates that the one-time password (OTP) used for verification is invalid.

Required: Yes
Type: string
Required: Yes
Type: string

The status of the verification error.



The destination phone number's verification status.
