Create, update, and manage CloudTrail Lake integrations with the AWS CLI - AWS CloudTrail

Create, update, and manage CloudTrail Lake integrations with the AWS CLI

You can use the AWS CLI to create, update, and manage your CloudTrail Lake integrations. When using the AWS CLI, remember that your commands run in the AWS Region configured for your profile. If you want to run the commands in a different Region, either change the default Region for your profile, or use the --region parameter with the command.

Available commands for CloudTrail Lake integrations

Commands for creating, updating, and managing integrations in CloudTrail Lake include:

  • create-event-data-store to create an event data store for events outside of AWS.

  • delete-channel to delete a channel used for an integration.

  • delete-resource-policy to delete the resource policy attached to a channel for a CloudTrail Lake integration.

  • get-channel to return information about a CloudTrail channel.

  • get-resource-policy to retrieve the JSON text of the resource-based policy document attached to the CloudTrail channel.

  • list-channels to list the channels in the current account, and their source names.

  • put-audit-events to ingest your application events into CloudTrail Lake. A required parameter, auditEvents, accepts the JSON records (also called payload) of events that you want CloudTrail to ingest. You can add up to 100 of these events (or up to 1 MB) per PutAuditEvents request.

  • put-resource-policy to attach a resource-based permission policy to a CloudTrail channel that is used for an integration with an event source outside of AWS. For more information about resource-based policies, see AWS CloudTrail resource-based policy examples.

  • update-channel to update a channel specified by a required channel ARN or UUID.

For a list of available commands for CloudTrail Lake event data stores, see Available commands for event data stores.

For a list of available commands for CloudTrail Lake queries, see Available commands for CloudTrail Lake queries.

Create an integration to log events from outside AWS with the AWS CLI

In the AWS CLI, you create an integration that logs events from outside AWS in four commands (three if you already have an event data store that meets the criteria). Event data stores that you use as the destinations for an integration must be for a single Region and single account; they cannot be multi-region, they cannot log events for organizations in AWS Organizations, and they can only include activity events. The event type in the console must be Events from integrations. In the API, the eventCategory value must be ActivityAuditLog. For more information about integrations, see Create an integration with an event source outside of AWS.

  1. Run create-event-data-store to create an event data store, if you do not already have one or more event data stores that you can use for the integration.

    The following example AWS CLI command creates an event data store that logs events from outside AWS. For activity events, the eventCategory field selector value is ActivityAuditLog. The event data store has a retention period of 90 days set. By default, the event data store collects events from all Regions, but because this is collecting non-AWS events, set it to a single Region by adding the --no-multi-region-enabled option. Termination protection is enabled by default, and the event data store does not collect events for accounts in an organization.

    aws cloudtrail create-event-data-store \ --name my-event-data-store \ --no-multi-region-enabled \ --retention-period 90 \ --advanced-event-selectors '[ { "Name": "Select all external events", "FieldSelectors": [ { "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": ["ActivityAuditLog"] } ] } ]'

    The following is an example response.

    { "EventDataStoreArn": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLEf852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE", "Name": "my-event-data-store", "AdvancedEventSelectors": [ { "Name": "Select all external events", "FieldSelectors": [ { "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": [ "ActivityAuditLog" ] } ] } ], "MultiRegionEnabled": true, "OrganizationEnabled": false, "BillingMode": "EXTENDABLE_RETENTION_PRICING", "RetentionPeriod": 90, "TerminationProtectionEnabled": true, "CreatedTimestamp": "2023-10-27T10:55:55.384000-04:00", "UpdatedTimestamp": "2023-10-27T10:57:05.549000-04:00" }

    You'll need the event data store ID (the suffix of the ARN, or EXAMPLEf852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE in the preceding response example) to go on to the next step and create your channel.

  2. Run the create-channel command to create a channel that allows a partner or source application to send events to an event data store in CloudTrail.

    A channel has the following components:


    CloudTrail uses this information to determine the partners that are sending event data to CloudTrail on your behalf. A source is required, and can be either Custom for all valid non-AWS events, or the name of a partner event source. A maximum of one channel is allowed per source.

    For information about the Source values for available partners, see Additional information about integration partners.

    Ingestion status

    The channel status shows when the last events were received from a channel source.


    The destinations are the CloudTrail Lake event data stores that are receiving events from the channel. You can change destination event data stores for a channel.

    To stop receiving events from a source, delete the channel.

    You need the ID of at least one destination event data store to run this command. The valid type of destination is EVENT_DATA_STORE. You can send ingested events to more than one event data store. The following example command creates a channel that sends events to two event data stores, represented by their IDs in the Location attribute of the --destinations parameter. The --destinations, --name, and --source parameters are required. To ingest events from a CloudTrail partner, specify the name of the partner as the value of --source. To ingest events from your own applications outside AWS, specify Custom as the value of --source.

    aws cloudtrail create-channel \ --region us-east-1 \ --destinations '[{"Type": "EVENT_DATA_STORE", "Location": "EXAMPLEf852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE"}, {"Type": "EVENT_DATA_STORE", "Location": "EXAMPLEg922-5n2l-3vz1- apqw8EXAMPLE"}]' --name my-partner-channel \ --source $partnerSourceName \

    In the response to your create-channel command, copy the ARN of the new channel. You need the ARN to run the put-resource-policy and put-audit-events commands in the next steps.

  3. Run the put-resource-policy command to attach a resource policy to the channel. Resource policies are JSON policy documents that specify what actions a specified principal can perform on the resource and under what conditions. The accounts defined as principals in the channel's resource policy can call the PutAuditEvents API to deliver events.


    If you do not create a resource policy for the channel, only the channel owner can call the PutAuditEvents API on the channel.

    The information required for the policy is determined by the integration type.

    • For a direction integration, CloudTrail requires the policy to contain the partner's AWS account IDs, and requires you to enter the unique external ID provided by the partner. CloudTrail automatically adds the partner's AWS account IDs to the resource policy when you create an integration using the CloudTrail console. Refer to the partner's documentation to learn how to get the AWS account numbers required for the policy.

    • For a solution integration, you must specify at least one AWS account ID as principal, and can optionally enter an external ID to prevent against confused deputy.

    The following are requirements for the resource policy:

    • The resource ARN defined in the policy must match the channel ARN the policy is attached to.

    • The policy contains only one action: cloudtrail-data:PutAuditEvents

    • The policy contains at least one statement. The policy can have a maximum of 20 statements.

    • Each statement contains at least one principal. A statement can have a maximum of 50 principals.

    aws cloudtrail put-resource-policy \ --resource-arn "channelARN" \ --policy "{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ChannelPolicy", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root", "arn:aws:iam::444455556666:root", "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root" ] }, "Action": "cloudtrail-data:PutAuditEvents", "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:777788889999:channel/EXAMPLE-80b5-40a7-ae65-6e099392355b", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "cloudtrail:ExternalId": "UniqueExternalIDFromPartner" } } } ] }"

    For more information about resource policies, see AWS CloudTrail resource-based policy examples.

  4. Run the PutAuditEvents API to ingest your activity events into CloudTrail. You'll need the payload of events that you want CloudTrail to add. Be sure that there is no sensitive or personally-identifying information in event payload before ingesting it into CloudTrail. Note that the PutAuditEvents API uses the cloudtrail-data CLI endpoint, not the cloudtrail endpoint.

    The following examples show how to use the put-audit-events CLI command. The --audit-events and --channel-arn parameters are required. The --external-id parameter is required if an external ID is defined in the resource policy. You need the ARN of the channel that you created in the preceding step. The value of --audit-events is a JSON array of event objects. --audit-events includes a required ID from the event, the required payload of the event as the value of EventData, and an optional checksum to help validate the integrity of the event after ingestion into CloudTrail.

    aws cloudtrail-data put-audit-events \ --channel-arn $ChannelArn \ --external-id $UniqueExternalIDFromPartner \ --audit-events \ id="event_ID",eventData='"{event_payload}"' \ id="event_ID",eventData='"{event_payload}"',eventDataChecksum="optional_checksum"

    The following is an example command with two event examples.

    aws cloudtrail-data put-audit-events \ --channel-arn arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:channel/EXAMPLE8-0558-4f7e-a06a-43969EXAMPLE \ --external-id UniqueExternalIDFromPartner \ --audit-events \ id="EXAMPLE3-0f1f-4a85-9664-d50a3EXAMPLE",eventData='"{\"eventVersion\":\0.01\",\"eventSource\":\"\", ... \}"' \ id="EXAMPLE7-a999-486d-b241-b33a1EXAMPLE",eventData='"{\"eventVersion\":\0.02\",\"eventSource\":\"\", ... \}"',eventDataChecksum="EXAMPLE6e7dd61f3ead...93a691d8EXAMPLE"

    The following example command adds the --cli-input-json parameter to specify a JSON file (custom-events.json) of event payload.

    aws cloudtrail-data put-audit-events --channel-arn $channelArn --external-id $UniqueExternalIDFromPartner --cli-input-json file://custom-events.json --region us-east-1

    The following are the sample contents of the example JSON file, custom-events.json.

    { "auditEvents": [ { "eventData": "{\"version\":\"eventData.version\",\"UID\":\"UID\", \"userIdentity\":{\"type\":\"CustomUserIdentity\",\"principalId\":\"principalId\", \"details\":{\"key\":\"value\"}},\"eventTime\":\"2021-10-27T12:13:14Z\",\"eventName\":\"eventName\", \"userAgent\":\"userAgent\",\"eventSource\":\"eventSource\", \"requestParameters\":{\"key\":\"value\"},\"responseElements\":{\"key\":\"value\"}, \"additionalEventData\":{\"key\":\"value\"}, \"sourceIPAddress\":\"\",\"recipientAccountId\":\"152089810396\"}", "id": "1" } ] }

You can verify that the integration is working, and CloudTrail is ingesting events from the source correctly, by running the get-channel command. The output of get-channel shows the most recent time stamp that CloudTrail received events.

aws cloudtrail get-channel --channel arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:01234567890:channel/EXAMPLE8-0558-4f7e-a06a-43969EXAMPLE

(Optional) Calculate a checksum value

The checksum that you specify as the value of EventDataChecksum in a PutAuditEvents request helps you verify that CloudTrail receives the event that matches with the checksum; it helps verify the integrity of events. The checksum value is a base64-SHA256 algorithm that you calculate by running the following command.

printf %s "{"eventData": "{\"version\":\"eventData.version\",\"UID\":\"UID\", \"userIdentity\":{\"type\":\"CustomUserIdentity\",\"principalId\":\"principalId\", \"details\":{\"key\":\"value\"}},\"eventTime\":\"2021-10-27T12:13:14Z\",\"eventName\":\"eventName\", \"userAgent\":\"userAgent\",\"eventSource\":\"eventSource\", \"requestParameters\":{\"key\":\"value\"},\"responseElements\":{\"key\":\"value\"}, \"additionalEventData\":{\"key\":\"value\"}, \"sourceIPAddress\":\"source_IP_address\", \"recipientAccountId\":\"recipient_account_ID\"}", "id": "1"}" \ | openssl dgst -binary -sha256 | base64

The command returns the checksum. The following is an example.


The checksum value becomes the value of EventDataChecksum in your PutAuditEvents request. If the checksum doesn't match with the one for the provided event, CloudTrail rejects the event with an InvalidChecksum error.

Update a channel with the AWS CLI

To update a channel's name or destination event data stores, run the update-channel command. The --channel parameter is required. You cannot update the source of a channel. The following is an example.

aws cloudtrail update-channel \ --channel aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:channel/EXAMPLE8-0558-4f7e-a06a-43969EXAMPLE \ --name "new-channel-name" \ --destinations '[{"Type": "EVENT_DATA_STORE", "Location": "EXAMPLEf852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE"}, {"Type": "EVENT_DATA_STORE", "Location": "EXAMPLEg922-5n2l-3vz1- apqw8EXAMPLE"}]'

Delete a channel to delete an integration with the AWS CLI

To stop ingesting partner or other activity events outside AWS, delete the channel by running the delete-channel command. The ARN or channel ID (the ARN suffix) of the channel that you want to delete is required. The following is an example.

aws cloudtrail delete-channel \ --channel EXAMPLE8-0558-4f7e-a06a-43969EXAMPLE