Some services in the AWS Management Console, such as Amazon CloudWatch, support the use of Markdown
Paragraphs, Line Spacing, and Horizontal
Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. To make sure that the blank line between the
paragraphs renders when it is converted to HTML, add a new line with a non-break space
) and then a blank line. Repeat this pair of lines to insert
multiple blank lines one after the other, as in the following example:
To create a horizontal rule that separates the paragraphs, add a new line with three
hyphens in a row: ---
Previous paragraph.
Next paragraph.
To create a text block with monospace type, add a line with three backticks (`). Enter the text to show in monospace type. Then, add another new line with three backticks. The following example shows text that will be formatted to monospace type when displayed:
This appears in a text box with a background shading.
The text is in monospace.
To create headings, use the pound sign (#). A single pound sign and a space indicate a top-level heading. Two pound signs create a second-level heading, and three pound signs create a third-level heading. The following examples show a top-level, second-level, and third-level heading:
# Top-level heading
## Second-level heading
### Third-level heading
Text Formatting
To format text as italic, surround it with a single underscore ( _ ) or asterisk (*) on each side.
*This text appears in italics.*
To format text as bold, surround it with double underscores or double asterisks on each side.
**This text appears in bold.**
To format text as strikethrough, surround it with two tildes (~) on each side.
~~This text appears in strikethrough.~~
To add a text hyperlink, enter the link text surrounded by square brackets ([ ]), followed by the full URL in parentheses (( )), as in the following example:
Choose [
To format lines as part of a bulleted list, add them on separate lines that start with with a single asterisk (*) and then a space, as in the following example:
Here is a bulleted list:
* Ant
* Bug
* Caterpillar
To format lines as part of a numbered list, add them on separate lines that start with with a number, a period (.), and a space, as in the following example:
Here is a numbered list:
1. Do the first step
2. Do the next step
3. Do the final step
Tables and Buttons (CloudWatch Dashboards)
CloudWatch dashboards text widgets support Markdown tables and buttons.
To create a table, separate columns using vertical bars (|) and rows using new lines. To make the first row a header row, insert a line between the header row and the first row of values. Then, add at least three hyphens (-) for each column in the table. Separate columns using vertical bars. The following example shows Markdown for a table with two columns, a header row, and two rows of data:
Table | Header
Amazon Web Services | AWS
1 | 2
The Markdown text in the previous example creates the following table:
Table | Header |
Amazon Web Services |
1 |
2 |
In a CloudWatch dashboard text widget, you can also format a hyperlink to appear as a
button. To create a button, use [button:
, followed by the full URL in
)), as in the following example:Button
[button:Go to AWS](
[button:primary:This button stands out even more](