Tutorial: Create a GPU-based Kubernetes cluster on Amazon EKS
Before you create a GPU-based Kubernetes cluster on Amazon EKS, you must have completed the steps in Tutorial: Getting started with AWS Batch on Amazon EKS. In addition, also consider the following:
AWS Batch supports instance types with NVIDIA GPUs.
By default, AWS Batch selects the Amazon EKS accelerated AMI with the Kubernetes version that matches your Amazon EKS cluster control plane version.
cat <<EOF > ./batch-eks-gpu-ce.json { "computeEnvironmentName": "My-Eks-GPU-CE1", "type": "MANAGED", "state": "ENABLED", "eksConfiguration": { "eksClusterArn": "arn:aws:eks:
", "kubernetesNamespace": "my-aws-batch-namespace" }, "computeResources": { "type": "EC2", "allocationStrategy": "BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE", "minvCpus": 0, "maxvCpus": 1024, "instanceTypes": [ "p3dn.24xlarge", "p4d.24xlarge" ], "subnets": [ "<eks-cluster-subnets-with-access-to-internet-for-image-pull>
" ], "securityGroupIds": [ "<eks-cluster-sg>
" ], "instanceRole": "<eks-instance-profile>
" } } EOF$
aws batch create-compute-environment --cli-input-json file://./batch-eks-gpu-ce.json
AWS Batch doesn’t manage the NVIDIA GPU device plugin on your behalf. You must install this plugin
into your Amazon EKS cluster and allow it to target the AWS Batch nodes. For more information, see Enabling GPU Support in
To configure the NVIDIA device plugin (DaemonSet
) to target the AWS Batch nodes, run
the following commands.
# pull nvidia daemonset spec
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin/v0.12.2/nvidia-device-plugin.yml
# using your favorite editor, add Batch node toleration # this will allow the DaemonSet to run on Batch nodes - key: "batch.amazonaws.com/batch-node" operator: "Exists"
kubectl apply -f nvidia-device-plugin.yml
We do not recommend that you mix compute-based (CPU and memory) workloads with GPU-based workloads in the same pairings of compute environment and job queue. This is because compute jobs can use up GPU capacity.
To attach job queues, run the following commands.
cat <<EOF > ./batch-eks-gpu-jq.json { "jobQueueName": "My-Eks-GPU-JQ1", "priority": 10, "computeEnvironmentOrder": [ { "order": 1, "computeEnvironment": "My-Eks-GPU-CE1" } ] } EOF
aws batch create-job-queue --cli-input-json file://./batch-eks-gpu-jq.json