AWS Batch service quotas - AWS Batch

AWS Batch service quotas

The following table provides the service quotas for AWS Batch that can't be changed. Each quota is Region specific.

Resource Quota
Maximum number of job queues. For more information, see Job queues. 50
Maximum number of compute environments across Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS. For more information, see Compute environment. 50
Maximum number of compute environments per Amazon EKS cluster. 5
Maximum number of compute environments for each job queue 3
Maximum number of job dependencies for a job 20
Maximum job definition size (for RegisterJobDefinition API operations) 24 KiB
Maximum job payload size (for SubmitJob API operations) 30 KiB
Maximum array size for array jobs 10000
Maximum number of jobs in SUBMITTED state 1000000
Maximum number of transactions per second (TPS) for each account for SubmitJob operations 50

Depending on how you use AWS Batch, additional quotas might apply. To learn about Amazon EC2 quotas, see Amazon EC2 Service Quotas in the AWS General Reference. For more information about Amazon ECS quotas, see Amazon ECS Service Quotas in the AWS General Reference. For more information about Amazon EKS quotas, see Amazon EKS Service Quotas in the AWS General Reference.