Modify an action group - Amazon Bedrock

Modify an action group

To learn how to modify an action group, choose the tab for your preferred method, and then follow the steps:

To modify an action group
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. Select Agents from the left navigation pane. Then, choose an agent in the Agents section.

  3. Choose Edit in Agent builder

  4. In the Action groups section, select an action group to edit. Then choose Edit.

  5. Edit the existing fields as necessary. For more information, see Use action groups to define actions for your agent to perform.

  6. To define the schema for the action group with the in-line OpenAPI schema editor, for Select API schema, choose Define with in-line OpenAPI schema editor. A sample schema appears that you can edit. You can configure the following options:

    • To import an existing schema from Amazon S3 to edit, choose Import schema, provide the Amazon S3 URI, and select Import.

    • To restore the schema to the original sample schema, choose Reset and then confirm the message that appears by choosing Confirm.

    • To select a different format for the schema, use the dropdown menu labeled JSON.

    • To change the visual appearance of the schema, choose the gear icon below the schema.

  7. To control whether the agent can use the action group, select Enable or Disable. Use this function to help troubleshoot your agent's behavior.

  8. To remain in the same window so that you can test your change, choose Save. To return to the action group details page, choose Save and exit.

  9. A success banner appears if there are no issues. If there are issues validating the schema, an error banner appears. To see a list of errors, choose Show details in the banner.

  10. To apply the changes that you made to the agent before testing it, choose Prepare in the Test window or at the top of the Working draft page.


To modify an action group, send an UpdateAgentActionGroup request with an Agents for Amazon Bedrock build-time endpoint. Because all fields will be overwritten, include both fields that you want to update as well as fields that you want to keep the same. You must specify the agentVersion as DRAFT. For more information about required and optional fields, see Use action groups to define actions for your agent to perform.

To apply the changes to the working draft, send a PrepareAgent request with an Agents for Amazon Bedrock build-time endpoint. Include the agentId in the request. The changes apply to the DRAFT version, which the TSTALIASID alias points to.