Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings G1 customization hyperparameters - Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings G1 customization hyperparameters

The Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings G1 model supports the following hyperparameters for model customization.


epochCount has no default value and must be specified. epochCount supports the value Auto. Auto prioritizes model performance over training cost by automatically determining a number based on the size of your dataset. Training job costs depend on the number that Auto determines. To understand how job cost is calculated and to see examples, see Amazon Bedrock Pricing.

Hyperparameter (console) Hyperparameter (API) Definition Type Minimum Maximum Default
Epochs epochCount The number of iterations through the entire training dataset integer 1 100 N/A
Batch size batchSize The number of samples processed before updating model parameters integer 256 9,216 576
Learning rate learningRate The rate at which model parameters are updated after each batch float 5.00E-8 1 5.00E-5