Quotas and restrictions - AWS Billing Conductor

Quotas and restrictions

The following table describes quotas and restrictions within AWS Billing Conductor.


Number of billing groups per payer account 5,000
Number of accounts per billing group 1,000
Number of pricing plans


Number of pricing rules 50,000

Number of pricing rules that can associate to a pricing plan


Number of pricing plans that can associate with a pricing rule 1,000

Number of custom line items


Number of source values that can associate to a percentage custom line item


Number of percentage custom that can associate to a flat custom line item



Other restrictions in the following table cannot be increased.

Number of billing group Cost and Usage Reports per billing group 10
Billing group name
  • Must be within 128 characters

  • Cannot contain a space

  • Cannot contain special characters

Billing group description Must be within 1,024 characters
Pricing plan name
  • Must be within 128 characters

  • Cannot contain a space

  • Cannot contain special characters

Pricing plan description Must be within 1,024 characters
Custom line item name
  • Must be within 128 characters

  • Cannot contain a space

  • Cannot contain special characters