AWS services that support pro forma costs - AWS Billing Conductor

AWS services that support pro forma costs

The following Cloud Financial Management services and their features support pro forma costs.

Service and features Support level by AWS account type
Payer (management account) Primary account Linked (member account)
AWS Cost and Usage Report Yes Yes Yes
Split cost allocation No No No
AWS Billing No Yes Yes
Dashboard No Yes Yes
Billing details Yes Yes Yes
Download CSV No No No
AWS Cost Explorer No Yes Yes
Forecasting No Yes Yes
Save reports No Yes Yes
Rightsizing recommendations No No No
Cost anomaly monitors No No No
Savings Plans recommendations No No No
Savings Plans utilization reports No Yes Yes
Savings Plans coverage reports No Yes Yes
Reservation recommendations No No No
Reservation utilization reports No Yes Yes
Reservation coverage reports No Yes Yes
AWS Budgets No Yes Yes
Budget reports No Yes Yes

For services and features that don't support pro forma costs, AWS accounts will see costs at billable rates, which match the AWS invoice.

To manage linked account access to billable refunds, credits, and discounts, see the AWS Cost Explorer section on the Preferences page in the Cost Management Console.

If you don't want your IAM entities to see specific billable rates for these services and features, you can use IAM policies to deny access. For an example IAM policy, see Denying Billing and Cost Explorer access to services and features that don't support pro forma costs.

You can also customize your IAM policies to allow or deny specific permissions. For a granular list of IAM actions for Billing and Cost Management, see the following topics: