Viewing your billing group details - AWS Billing Conductor

Viewing your billing group details

You can use your billing group details to monitor, analyze, and edit your billing group in AWS Billing Conductor. The billing group details provide a month-to-date margin analysis, a history of custom line items applied, and the ability to edit and delete the billing group as needed.

Viewing your billing details by custom pricing dimensions

After you create and assign your billing groups and pricing plans, you can view your custom billing dimensions with usage type granularity for each billing group under management.

Use the following steps to view your billing details in the pro forma domain.

To view your pro forma billing details
  1. Open the AWS Billing console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Bills.

  3. Choose Settings in the top-right corner of billing details.

  4. Enable the Pro forma data view.

  5. For Billing group, choose the billing to analyze.

You can analyze the billing group usage by service and AWS Region to see the cost of that usage, consistent with the rates defined in AWS Billing Conductor.

You can find the custom line items under the service AWS Billing Conductor on the Billing details page.