Inputs, outputs, environmental variables, and helper functions - Amazon Braket

Inputs, outputs, environmental variables, and helper functions

In addition to the file or files that makes up your complete algorithm script, your hybrid job can have additional inputs and outputs. When your hybrid job starts, Amazon Braket copies inputs provided as part of the hybrid job creation into the container that runs the algorithm script. When the hybrid job completes, all outputs defined during the algorithm are copied to the Amazon S3 location specified.


Algorithm metrics are reported in real time and do not follow this output procedure.

Amazon Braket also provides several environment variables and helper functions to simplify the interactions with container inputs and outputs.

This section explains the key concepts of the AwsQuantumJob.create function provided by the Amazon Braket Python SDK and their mapping to the container file structure.


Input data: Input data can be provided to the hybrid algorithm by specifying the input data file, which is set up as a dictionary, with the input_data argument. The user defines the input_data argument within the AwsQuantumJob.create function in the SDK. This copies the input data to to the container file system at the location given by the environment variable "AMZN_BRAKET_INPUT_DIR". For a couple examples of how input data is used in a hybrid algorithm, see the QAOA with Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs and PennyLane and Quantum machine learning in Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs Jupyter notebooks.


When the input data is large (>1GB), there will be a long wait time before the hybrid job is submitted. This is due to the fact that the local input data will first be uploaded to an S3 bucket, then the S3 path will be added to the hybrid job request, and, finally, the hybrid job request is submitted to Braket service.

Hyperparameters: If you pass in hyperparameters, they are available under the environment variable "AMZN_BRAKET_HP_FILE".


For more information about how to create hyperparameters and input data and then pass this information to the hybrid job script, see the Use hyperparameters section and this github page.

Checkpoints: To specify a job-arn whose checkpoint you want to use in a new hybrid job, use the copy_checkpoints_from_job command. This command copies over the checkpoint data to the checkpoint_configs3Uri of the new hybrid job, making it available at the path given by the environment variable AMZN_BRAKET_CHECKPOINT_DIR while the job runs. The default is None, meaning checkpoint data from another hybrid job will not be used in the new hybrid job.


Quantum Tasks: Quantum task results are stored in the S3 location s3://amazon-braket-<region>-<accountID>/jobs/<job-name>/tasks.

Job results: Everything that your algorithm script saves to the directory given by the environment variable "AMZN_BRAKET_JOB_RESULTS_DIR" is copied to the S3 location specified in output_data_config. If you don’t specify this value, it defaults to s3://amazon-braket-<region>-<accountID>/jobs/<job-name>/<timestamp>/data. We provide the SDK helper function save_job_result , which you can use to store results conveniently in the form of a dictionary when called from your algorithm script.

Checkpoints: If you want to use checkpoints, you can save them in the directory given by the environment variable "AMZN_BRAKET_CHECKPOINT_DIR". You can also use the SDK helper function save_job_checkpoint instead.

Algorithm metrics: You can define algorithm metrics as part of your algorithm script that are emitted to Amazon CloudWatch and displayed in real time in the Amazon Braket console while your hybrid job is running. For an example of how to use algorithm metrics, see Use Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs to run a QAOA algorithm.

Environmental variables

Amazon Braket provides several environment variables to simplify the interactions with container inputs and outputs. The folllowing code lists the environmental variables that Braket uses.

# the input data directory opt/braket/input/data os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_INPUT_DIR"] # the output directory opt/braket/model to write job results to os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_JOB_RESULTS_DIR"] # the name of the job os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_JOB_NAME"] # the checkpoint directory os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_CHECKPOINT_DIR"] # the file containing the hyperparameters os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_HP_FILE"] # the device ARN (AWS Resource Name) os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_DEVICE_ARN"] # the output S3 bucket, as specified in the CreateJob request’s OutputDataConfig os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_OUT_S3_BUCKET"] # the entry point as specified in the CreateJob request’s ScriptModeConfig os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_SCRIPT_ENTRY_POINT"] # the compression type as specified in the CreateJob request’s ScriptModeConfig os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_SCRIPT_COMPRESSION_TYPE"] # the S3 location of the user’s script as specified in the CreateJob request’s ScriptModeConfig os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_SCRIPT_S3_URI"] # the S3 location where the SDK would store the quantum task results by default for the job os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_TASK_RESULTS_S3_URI"] # the S3 location where the job results would be stored, as specified in CreateJob request’s OutputDataConfig os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_JOB_RESULTS_S3_PATH"] # the string that should be passed to CreateQuantumTask’s jobToken parameter for quantum tasks created in the job container os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_JOB_TOKEN"]

Helper functions

Amazon Braket provides several helper functions to simplify the interactions with container inputs and outputs. These helper functions would be called from within the algorithm script that is used to run your Hybrid Job. The following example demonstrates how to use them.

get_checkpoint_dir() # get the checkpoint directory get_hyperparameters() # get the hyperparameters as strings get_input_data_dir() # get the input data directory get_job_device_arn() # get the device specified by the hybrid job get_job_name() # get the name of the hybrid job. get_results_dir() # get the path to a results directory save_job_result() # save hybrid job results save_job_checkpoint() # save a checkpoint load_job_checkpoint() # load a previously saved checkpoint