When to use Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs - Amazon Braket

When to use Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs

Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs enables you to run hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), that combine classical compute resources with quantum computing devices to optimize the performance of today’s quantum systems. Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs provides three main benefits:

  1. Performance: Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs provides better performance than running hybrid algorithms from your own environment. While your job is running, it has priority access to the selected target QPU. Tasks from your job run ahead of other tasks queued on the device. This results in shorter and more predictable runtimes for hybrid algorithms. Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs also supports parametric compilation. You can submit a circuit using free parameters and Braket compiles the circuit once, without the need to recompile for subsequent parameter updates to the same circuit, resulting in even faster runtimes.

  2. Convenience: Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs simplifies setting up and managing your compute environment and keeping it running while your hybrid algorithm runs. You just provide your algorithm script and select a quantum device (either a quantum processing unit or a simulator) on which to run. Amazon Braket waits for the target device to become available, spins up the classical resources, runs the workload in pre-built container environments, returns the results to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and releases the compute resources.

  3. Metrics: Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs provides on-the-fly insights into running algorithms and delivers customizable algorithm metrics in near real-time to Amazon CloudWatch and the Amazon Braket console so you can track the progress of your algorithms.