Tracking quantum tasks from the Amazon Braket SDK - Amazon Braket

Tracking quantum tasks from the Amazon Braket SDK

The command…​) defines a quantum task with a unique quantum task ID. You can query and track the status with task.state() as shown in the following example.

Note: task = is an asynchronous operation, which means that you can keep working while the system processes your quantum task in the background.

Retrieve a result

When you call task.result(), the SDK begins polling Amazon Braket to see whether the quantum task is complete. The SDK uses the polling parameters you defined in .run(). After the quantum task is complete, the SDK retrieves the result from the S3 bucket and returns it as a QuantumTaskResult object.

# create a circuit, specify the device and run the circuit circ = Circuit().rx(0, 0.15).ry(1, 0.2).cnot(0,2) device = AwsDevice("arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1") task =, s3_location, shots=1000) # get ID and status of submitted task task_id = status = task.state() print('ID of task:', task_id) print('Status of task:', status) # wait for job to complete while status != 'COMPLETED': status = task.state() print('Status:', status)
ID of task: arn:aws:braket:us-west-2:123412341234:quantum-task/b68ae94b-1547-4d1d-aa92-1500b82c300d Status of task: QUEUED Status: QUEUED Status: QUEUED Status: QUEUED Status: QUEUED Status: QUEUED Status: QUEUED Status: QUEUED Status: RUNNING Status: RUNNING Status: COMPLETED

Cancel a quantum task

To cancel a quantum task, call the cancel() method, as shown in the following example.

# cancel quantum task task.cancel() status = task.state() print('Status of task:', status)
Status of task: CANCELLING

Check the metadata

You can check the metadata of the finished quantum task, as shown in the following example.

# get the metadata of the quantum task metadata = task.metadata() # example of metadata shots = metadata['shots'] date = metadata['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPHeaders']['date'] # print example metadata print("{} shots taken on {}.".format(shots, date)) # print name of the s3 bucket where the result is saved results_bucket = metadata['outputS3Bucket'] print('Bucket where results are stored:', results_bucket) # print the s3 object key (folder name) results_object_key = metadata['outputS3Directory'] print('S3 object key:', results_object_key) # the entire look-up string of the saved result data look_up = 's3://'+results_bucket+'/'+results_object_key print('S3 URI:', look_up)
1000 shots taken on Wed, 05 Aug 2020 14:44:22 GMT. Bucket where results are stored: amazon-braket-123412341234 S3 object key: simulation-output/b68ae94b-1547-4d1d-aa92-1500b82c300d S3 URI: s3://amazon-braket-123412341234/simulation-output/b68ae94b-1547-4d1d-aa92-1500b82c300d

Retrieve a quantum task or result

If your kernel dies after you submit the quantum task or if you close your notebook or computer, you can reconstruct the task object with its unique ARN (quantum task ID). Then you can call task.result() to get the result from the S3 bucket where it is stored.

from import AwsSession, AwsQuantumTask # restore task with unique arn task_load = AwsQuantumTask(arn=task_id) # retrieve the result of the task result = task_load.result()