Local AHS simulator (braket_ahs) - Amazon Braket

Local AHS simulator (braket_ahs)

The local AHS (Analog Hamiltonian Simulation) simulator (braket_ahs) is part of the Amazon Braket SDK that runs locally in your environment. It can be used to simulate results from an AHS program. It is well-suited for prototyping on small registers (up to 10-12 atoms) depending on the hardware specifications of your Braket notebook instance or your local environment.

The local simulator supports AHS programs with one uniform driving field, one (non-uniform) shifting field, and arbitrary atom arrangements. For details, please refer to the Braket AHS class and the Braket AHS program schema.

To learn more about the local AHS simulator, see the Hello AHS: Run your first Analog Hamiltonian Simulation page and the Analog Hamiltonian Simulation example notebooks.