Local density matrix simulator (braket_dm) - Amazon Braket

Local density matrix simulator (braket_dm)

The local density matrix simulator (braket_dm) is part of the Amazon Braket SDK that runs locally in your environment. It is well-suited for rapid prototyping on small circuits with noise (up to 12 qubits) depending on the hardware specifications of your Braket notebook instance or your local environment.

You can build common noisy circuits from the ground up using gate noise operations such as bit-flip and depolarizing error. You can also apply noise operations to specific qubits and gates of existing circuits that are intended to run both with and without noise.

The braket_dm local simulator can provide the following results, given the specified number of shots:

  • Reduced density matrix: Shots = 0


The local simulator supports advanced OpenQASM features, which may not be supported on QPU devices or other simulators. For more information about supported features, see the examples provided in the OpenQASM Local Simulator notebook.

To learn more about the local density matrix simulator, see the Braket introductory noise simulator example.