Class RotationMultiUserOptions.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
CommonRotationUserOptions, RotationMultiUserOptions,
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) @Internal public static final class RotationMultiUserOptions.Jsii$Proxy extends implements RotationMultiUserOptions
An implementation for RotationMultiUserOptions
  • Constructor Details

    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
      objRef - Reference to the JSII managed object.
    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy(RotationMultiUserOptions.Builder builder)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the RotationMultiUserOptions.Builder.
  • Method Details

    • getSecret

      public final ISecret getSecret()
      Description copied from interface: RotationMultiUserOptions
      The secret to rotate.

      It must be a JSON string with the following format:

         "engine": <required: database engine>,
         "host": <required: instance host name>,
         "username": <required: username>,
         "password": <required: password>,
         "dbname": <optional: database name>,
         "port": <optional: if not specified, default port will be used>,
         "masterarn": <required: the arn of the master secret which will be used to create users/change passwords>
      Specified by:
      getSecret in interface RotationMultiUserOptions
    • getAutomaticallyAfter

      public final Duration getAutomaticallyAfter()
      Description copied from interface: CommonRotationUserOptions
      Specifies the number of days after the previous rotation before Secrets Manager triggers the next automatic rotation.

      Default: - 30 days

      Specified by:
      getAutomaticallyAfter in interface CommonRotationUserOptions
    • getEndpoint

      public final IInterfaceVpcEndpoint getEndpoint()
      Description copied from interface: CommonRotationUserOptions
      The VPC interface endpoint to use for the Secrets Manager API.

      If you enable private DNS hostnames for your VPC private endpoint (the default), you don't need to specify an endpoint. The standard Secrets Manager DNS hostname the Secrets Manager CLI and SDKs use by default ( automatically resolves to your VPC endpoint.


      Specified by:
      getEndpoint in interface CommonRotationUserOptions
    • getExcludeCharacters

      public final String getExcludeCharacters()
      Description copied from interface: CommonRotationUserOptions
      Specifies characters to not include in generated passwords.

      Default: " %+~`#$invalid input: '&'*()|[]{}:;invalid input: '<'>?!'/@\"\\"

      Specified by:
      getExcludeCharacters in interface CommonRotationUserOptions
    • getRotateImmediatelyOnUpdate

      public final Boolean getRotateImmediatelyOnUpdate()
      Description copied from interface: CommonRotationUserOptions
      Specifies whether to rotate the secret immediately or wait until the next scheduled rotation window.

      Default: true

      Specified by:
      getRotateImmediatelyOnUpdate in interface CommonRotationUserOptions
    • getSecurityGroup

      public final ISecurityGroup getSecurityGroup()
      Description copied from interface: CommonRotationUserOptions
      The security group for the Lambda rotation function.

      Default: - a new security group is created

      Specified by:
      getSecurityGroup in interface CommonRotationUserOptions
    • getVpcSubnets

      public final SubnetSelection getVpcSubnets()
      Description copied from interface: CommonRotationUserOptions
      Where to place the rotation Lambda function.

      Default: - same placement as instance or cluster

      Specified by:
      getVpcSubnets in interface CommonRotationUserOptions
    • $jsii$toJson

      @Internal public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson()
      Specified by:
      $jsii$toJson in interface
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object